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Time Management

1. How do you set priority of work for managing the time?

Answer: Assess how important and how urgent the tasks are, then make sure high
priority tasks get done first and are not put off on a regular basis. Divide your
tasks into ABC, as follows:

A= Tasks that are perceived as being urgent and important

B= Tasks that are important but not urgent

C= Tasks that are unimportant (whether urgent or not)

2. What particulars should be included in the TO DO list?


• Plan your day taking into account your master schedule and the goals for
the week

• When you have finished a study task, cross it off your time table or list

• Avoid too much detail – a schedule has to remain flexible

3. Differentiate between behavior and attitude.

Answer: Attitude and behavior are closely related in some sense though they are
two different concepts. One of the most important differences between behavior
and attitude is that attitude is internal whereas behavior is external in sense.
Attitude is thought-oriented whereas behavior is action-oriented. Hence attitude
has all the power to shape the behavior of a person. It is indeed true that a
person with the right attitude would be endowed with the right behavior too.
4. Differentiate between positive and negative attitude.


Individuals who have a positive attitude will pay attention to the good, rather
than bad in people, situations, events. People with a negative attitude ignore the
good and pay attention to the bad in people, situations, events, etc.

If we think positive thoughts we will surely experience such emotions as joy, love,
gratitude, peace, and hope. If we think negative thoughts we will definitely have
negative feelings such as anger, disappointment, irritation, envy, etc.

5. Scheduling tips and tools of time management.

• Answer: Divide your tasks into ABC:

A – Tasks that are perceived as being urgent and important

B – Tasks that are important but not urgent

C – Tasks that are unimportant (whether urgent or not)

• Create a master schedule that indicates on a term/year basis when exams,

essays, holidays, reports are due

• Create a weekly schedule

• Mark out commitments such as classes, lab work, sport, meals etc – make a
list of study tasks, be specific and prioritize

• Consider the purpose of the study task

• Schedule tasks that require maximum concentration during your “peak” or

periods of maximum alertness.

• Allot time for relaxation/ exercise

• Monitor and Evaluate: review what has been accomplished at the end of a
day and decide if the schedule needs to be changed the next day.

6. Time management Strategies


• Priorities – Assess how important and how urgent the tasks are, then make
sure high priority tasks get done first and are not put off on a regular basis.

• Be Specific – make the task as specific as possible

• Subtasking – it is easy to do small tasks. Try breaking tasks down into

smaller sub tasks.

• Use all the time available – this is an especially good strategy if you are
pressed for time.

• Structure the environment – find a place, preferably one you can use
regularly and with limited distractions.

• Establish a routine – we are creatures of habit. Use time management and

scheduling tools to establish a routine.

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