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Danica S.


Grade 12 St. Zachary September 16, 2019

The movie entitled “Inside Out” it is all about the different emotions just like joy or
happiness, sadness, fear, disgust and anger. These five emotions are very important most
especially to the development of each human person. The movie depicts how each emotion
controlled the life of Riley.

The movie is connected to our next topic entitled “Emotional Intelligence” it entails
about managing our own emotions that makes us to become a good person. The topic is all about
knowing one’s emotions in dealing with the self and the others. According to Daniel Goleman,
Emotional intelligence is “the ability to motivate oneself and persist in the face of frustrations, to
control impulse and delay gratification, to regulate one’s moods and keep distress from
swamping the ability to think, to emphasize, and to hope.” The emotional’ intelligence has five
domains namely: Knowing one’s emotions or self-awareness, managing emotions, motivating
oneself, recognizing emotions in others and handling relationships. Our emotions are one way to
attain these domains. The movie is merely connected to the topic because it deals on how we
perceive and manage ourselves with the different emotions we encountered day by day or every
minute in every hour. It is how our emotions adopt or goes within with the challenges we
encounter in our environment. Our emotions will help us to interact specific happening in our

Sometimes I don’t really understand myself, sometimes I got confused and etc.
Sometimes I don’t know what to do and what to become. The movie reminded me to become an
optimistic person in dealing my own emotions because there are some cases that most of the
people who are not aware of their emotions, they encountered difficulties in life, The movie also
remind me that joy will always be the center of my emotions because as I observed having joy in
life will give you happiness and satisfaction, it will give you contentment and enjoying oneself.
Being happy is one of our ultimate goals in life because we wanted to have a perfect life which
we are able to come up with our own identity and dreams to achieve. Sometimes there are
circumstances I faced just like becoming sad and confused but all of those are just like flavors in
knowing my very own self and to adopt in every challenge that I may encounter. The
environment has a great influence that triggers every emotion showing up to every person. Also,
the movie reminds me to keep my emotion balance that suit well to every challenge. I realized
that knowing my own emotion will guide me well in interacting the environment and so with my

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