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Movie Analysis: “Inside Out”

‘Inside Out is a film that I really enjoy watching. It has unique ideas or concepts that
will make you wanna think “maybe that really happens inside our minds.” ’The film will
revolve around its main character, Riley, who is an 11-year-old girl, who moved with her
family from Minnesota to San Francisco. This film is famous for being able to show or display
through the eyes of Riley's emotions, which are personified as five separate characters: Joy,
Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust. Each emotion has different colors, Joy being yellow,
Blue color for sadness, Green for Disgust, Red for Anger, and Purple for Fear.

One of the main concepts of "Inside Out" is the importance of emotions in our daily
lives. The film emphasizes that all emotions, including sadness, anger, and fear, have
significance and play a role in forming who we are as individuals. In the film, Joy usually
blocks Sadness from taking over Riley’s emotions since she wanted everything to be perfect
and delightful. However, we know that life is not always about butterflies and happiness. Life
is also there to teach us to be sad, scared, and mad towards someone or something. We
cannot avoid sadness every time. We have to eventually face it and deal with it. We cannot
run from it because it is about our decisions, personalities, and lives. We would be unable to
experience the richness of life and connect with others on a deep level if we did not have
these feelings.

The film also shows that our memories might be physical items stored in our mind's
huge library. This part is very unique since the emotions also have the ability to help us
reminisce about our past whether these memories are good or bad. The memories created
by the emotions color them, in a way that we can categorize every core memory. The
emotions themselves can affect how these memories are remembered over time. The film
implies that memories are very critical to our understanding of ourselves, our ability to
recognize our surroundings, and also in understanding other people.

It also taught me that change and growth are scary but there’s beauty in it. I
remember that watching this film for the first and second time, I was always crying whenever
Bingbong’s ‘take her to the moon for me’ scene always shows up. The detailed nature of
growing up is one of these issues. Riley's emotions are shown to be at clash with each other
as she navigates the trials of puberty in the film. Growing up, according to the film, is not an
easy process that may be confusing and tough for both children and adults. It is a process
that scares every individual because you never know what will happen next. However, no
one really knows what’s gonna happen next, and I think that is where the beauty of change
and growth comes in; because this is the part where we will experience so many things we
haven’t encountered before. But no matter what happens, I am sure that every difficulty and
change that happens in our life has a meaning and will contribute to making ourselves better.
Lastly, the film implies that empathy and understanding are essential for developing
meaningful connections and communicating with others. If things get hard, we can talk to our
parents, families, and friends. Communication is always the key but in order for us to
understand, we also have to take care and think about each other to comprehend their
situation, emotions, difficulties, etc, and to act or do things properly without messing up.

In conclusion, "Inside Out" is a wonderful film that is both enjoyable as well as

thought-provoking because you will be intrigued on what Riley will do next in each situation.
The film focuses on complex issues such as emotions, memory, and provides important
perspectives into what it means to be human. The film urges us to embrace the full range of
our emotions and connect with others in meaningful ways by demonstrating the value of
empathy and the importance of all emotions. Because sometimes we have to be reminded
that every emotion is important. It is okay to feel disgusted when something is not pleasantly
good. It is fine to be mad when someone hurts you. It is normal to be afraid when you’re
terrified to jump over a cliff. And it is alright when there are times that sadness would just
want to take over your mind. It is okay to cry, and to be alone. It is normal. But most
importantly, everything should be balanced and controlled; that is why Joy will always be
there to save us and to remind us that we all deserve to be happy.

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