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The movie ‘Inside Out’ is all about a teenager facing a big change in her life and it portrays

the role of human emotions (Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust) in a very touching sensible
story. This movie says that emotions are important and need to be validated and understood as part
of a human’s development. It shows the inner self of a person. This movie affected me by being
an eye opener to every situations because through this movie, I’ve learned that emotions matters.
Since depression is trend now a days, one of the hardest thing to do these days is to communicate
and be open about your feeling or emotions, some were scared because they might be judged, but
what matter is that, you’re true to yourself, you know what you’re doing. That’s why after watching
this movie, I asked some of my friends if he/she is okay because sometimes they seem like they’re
okay but deep inside, they’re not. Also, this movie helped me to be aware of my emotions too
because these emotions can control my actions and decisions in life. I need to adapt that change,
because nothing is permanent, everything changes. We need to learn on how to communicate and
to accept new environment, new friends, and new role. Lastly, through this movie, it shows the
importance of communication and honesty towards your feelings.

Five valuable lessons

1. Openness towards our emotions. Even though it’s hard to communicate and to open our
feelings to others, we need to learn on how to do it because it’s one of the best way to avoid
being depressed. We need to know that we have our parents and friends that will support
for us.
2. Always look on the brighter side of life. It's easy to fall victim to feelings of sadness
when the negatives find a way into our lives. We need to enjoy every minute of our life to
keep our mind out of the negative things.
3. Family first. No matter what we do, we’ve got to come home; Family provides the love,
support, and comfort that we needed. Even if we hated our parents so much, at the end of
the day, they still got our back.
4. Change is constant. Just like seasons, life and people changes too. We get things the way
we like it and then something beyond our interest falls of. But what matters is that we grow
up and learn things we never thought we would know throughout our journey.
5. Stop forcing happiness. There’s always a time that we will experience disappointments,
sadness, overthinking, but it’s normal. Every person can experience because it’s part of our
growth. But the important thing is that, we rise and learn from it. Because sometimes these
failures, can make us stronger.

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