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Teenagers today feel they are too pressured

and therefore need some means of

entertainment to take away their anxiety or
stress.In your opinon, a good activity for
teenagers is going to the movies.Explain.

By : Mok Su Nim
- Also called film, motion picture or moving picture shown in a cinema
or on television.

- A type of visual communication which uses moving pictures

and sound to tell stories or teach people something.

- The Basic Film Genres :

Action,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Horror, Thriller, Mystery, Romance.
take mind away from the pressure
Watching a film won’t completely erase the troubles we have in reality;
nonetheless, it will permit us to stop thinking about those worries
for at least a while giving us and our brain to relax and rewire itself.

From the moment we become involved in watching a movie, we are transformed

into a new world where our mind is at ease, it forgets everything and is
concentrated at watching. Teenagers are transferred to a world away from
reality and enjoy every moment of it.

This will help to take their mind away from the pressure of schoolwork,exams and
tuition classes. Take the mind off all the problems they are facing.
Provides encouragement and change negative thinking

Watching movies can actually spark drive into our life.It drives
motivation. Often when you watch a movie, you can find characters
who help you seek energy in real life and inspire a positive attitude.

Through movies, teenagers can find new perspectives that will

help them reflect on and change their behavior or attitude.
Watching normal people change into heroes during the story
can inspire or encourage them to do the same in their daily life.
They can realize that regular people like you and I are also capable
of great things in life. Movies that are inspiring and encouraging,
making them feel that they’re able to do anything at all if they set
their mind to it. That will make the teenagers think 'Why not?' and
go on to do something extraordinary.
Provides Laughs
Movie can create laughter and happiness. “Laughter is the best
medicine.” Watching comedy movies gets rid of stress since they’ll
definitely make you laugh and enjoy yourself. If you're worried about
something and can't come to a good resolution, it's time to see a comedy
movie. Laughter, at all times, essentially leaves you that great feeling
thus releases tension and anxiety as well as better your mood.

And there’s no doubt that it has immense influence over both mental
and physical health. Laughter helps in reducing the level of stress
hormones in one’s body. Thus, it will ultimately reduce the anxiety and
stress that can negatively impact our body. Also, reduction in stress will
lead to higher immune performance.
encourages emotional release
Studies show that the more you hold something back or try to force it
away, the stronger it becomes. The more emotions and conflicts a
person experiences, the more anxiety they feel.

The truth is, we all hide our emotions occasionally. Many people don’t
have a healthy relationship with their emotions.We’re unable to
process what is happening, accept emotions, and express them
through our body and mind, we hide them deep inside us where others
can’t see them. Yet, they’re still there , hiding and repressing
emotions only makes it worse.
Even those who often have trouble expressing their emotions or fear
showing emotion might find themselves laughing or crying during a movie.

This release of emotions can have a cathartic effect and also make it easier
for a person to become more comfortable in expressing their emotions.This
can be invaluable during counseling as well as in “real life.”
● Take mind away from the pressure

● Provides encouragement and change negative thinking


● Provides Laughs

● Encourages emotional release

Thank you

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