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IX-XI ılnlf burıxılıJ lmtıhınını hazırtapnt.

r D~n

SINAQ.M 1 ıı. Cbooıe tbe correct fona of tlıe verb.

Dld Pete ... you to drlw ıo ca.refıılly?
ı. Wbıt it the pıuıge mılnly ıbout?
A) notice 8) ıec C) malte D) Jet E) expccı
A) Cbarles Daıwin
13. Cboose tbe correct modal verb.
C) Study of plant
lfwe choose tlıe riglıt maımalftom /lbrary. M ... maa a good
D) Dinosauıs
E) Study ofanimal life
1. can 2. will be ıble to 3. couJd
4. won't bıvc 5. docııı't bıve
2. Whlch sentence lsn 't true ıccordlng to tbe llttencd pıı­
A) 2.3 B) 1,4 C) 4,5 D) 1.2 E) 1.S
A) Scicntists wbô work in this ficld arc cıllcd zoologists.
14. Cbooıe tbe correct teme form.
B) Zoology,is divided into many dilfercnı areas
1 ... /or my earring sinu early in iM mornlng, but 1 ... it yet.
C) Somoı'zoologists e~~ine animals' bodics and how thcy
A) bıve bcaı looking, lııdo't fowıd
sleep d'uring winter. , 8) had bcen looking, don't fiııd
DJ t.oologists oftcn sıudy anim~s in the wild. C) am Jooking. bıdn 't fowıd
/ E) Zoologists may also ıake animııls back ıo a lab ıo study D) bıve bcaı looking, bıvcn't fowıd
"'3cm morc closcly. ,
E) ım looking, didn 't fiııd
' '
· 3. Clı,.oose the rigbt ınswer ıccordlnı tô-tbe Uıtencd pıı-
15. Cbooıe tlİe correct a~tory ıaıteııce.
ıage. , ' A) How easy is tbe exam!
W/ıal are ı~ entomogy aııd mammalogy? '
8) How is tbe easy exam!
A) A stııdy ofdinosaurs and monkeys '
C) How tbe exam QSY isi
B) A stııdy of insects aııd mammals '
D) How easy tbe exam isi
C) A study of pandas and wbales '
D) A study of fisb aııd'sııakes ' E) How tbe QS'/ exım is!
E) A study of plans and tıtc
f6.,Cbooıe tbe correct depee of tlıe adjecdve.
4. Complete ıentence ıccordlıl& tbe Ustencd pıısıge. The vllJage 'ı weııılıer Is not aı ... aı MOtlıer lıt ıJıe dıy.
One of ıhe greatesı zoolog/sis Ç,_harles Daıwln developed A) tbe ~bat 8) freslıest C) fresbcr
ıhe theory of ... D) more freı)ıer E) fresb

5. Wrtte tbe correct ıaswer ıccordlng

' to t__be Ustened pıı- '
17. Cboose tbe compoud noau.
ııge. 1.tootbpaste 2. fneııdslıip 3.caısıtioa
W/ıaı he/p zoofogists undentand how extinct'a114.mals lived 4.milkman 5. ıiıship-
longago? , A)3,4,5 8)1,2 C)l,4,5' 0)2,3,4 E)2.S
6. Write one ıdjecdve from tbe pıuıge tbıt describeı tbe
' 18. Cboose tb
ınd variaıı'
word "whale " , 1. very little be co 2. many oews
uner t. , , 3. ı few jam
'4. too mucb salt 5. few wılts ,
7. Choose tbe correct vıriant. A)'l~ 8) 234 C) 23S D) 124 E)-123
Jane worb in ... Spain presently. but she was born in ... United
A) the,tbe 8) a,tbe C) ·,· . D) -.~e E) -,a
19. Cboo~ the correct vıriut. '-
See you ... not montlı! '
8. Cboose tbe correct vırlınt.
A) from 8) - '- C) in D)to B)ıt '
' '
... Is she llving in the house wfth?
A) Who 8 ) How C) Whcre O~ Wby E) Wheo
20. Mıke up ı ıente~ ''
1. tbe police
9. Wblcb word Is a type or blrd? 2. by
A) git\ B) stooe C) lioo
D) sparrow E) daffodil
3. ~ing
4. tbe ~itanıs /
/ '
5. are /
10, Chooıe the comct pronoun.
1>,ı not to ıouch ... decoraılons.
A) 164235 8) 453621
'' /
C) 156423
A) hm '8) their C) mine O) ours E) yours 0)456213 B) 154236 ' /
' /

11. Wblcb ıentenceı can't be chınged lnto Passlve? 21. Cboose the correct variı.ııt.
1. Sally came home very early from work. A ~llectioo of little toy cars.... my childlvıod treasure.
2· Wc picked litters in tbe bcach last Sunday. A. ıs
3 • Thc tcacbcıs made sıımmatives. B. an:
4. John ıeemed 10 tireci. C. wero
A) 2,4 B) 1,4 C) 2,3 D) 3,4 B) 1,2 D. bavebeen
E. will
- lacııu,,uu
28. Aıuwer qutsdon ■tr.rdlng to the pıssıgc,
21. Clıoese the cer;,ed rora ~ ille n rb ~ı did book a"'/ movi~ smrs g~nerate?
Tbc watL...the rorıress of ciıy was verı stroııg.
A) sunouııdeıl' . B) sunoundı
C) swroundiıg D) hu ıwıoundcd ' tbe word from lhe pusage whlclı bcst lhs Ilı
29. Wrtw
E) is suır6undiııg lowlng dellnldens "glve or onler lhe gMng of (sorn,,: ~
' aı an effldal pıyment, C01D1Knsıtlon, or prize to ( ~
Hırry PcttetİSs,.lseriesoffaııtısynovdswriueıa by J.K. Rowling. ont)" , ·-,
1bc firsl Hıny PQtter ~k11Hany_Pottcr ınd tbe Phil~llcr's
sıoae"1 was published m 1997, which wu follo-wd by sıır. beıit­ '
30. Writt twı ıdjedfiı~ from tbe passı~ whlrh c..rı
sıelliııg 1,ooks ıııd eiglıtsucccssful fihm. Thcsc books havc bccn
la "'sen.satioır" , cteı,.
trındıtcd into 80 lıııauıaes, woıı multiple ıwırds and sold
~ dıaıı 500 million cq,ies world
wide, becoıning dıc besı«Uiıfg~ ıcrics iı histoıy.
This dıildrcn's fıntısy no"Rl beQpıe 1D iıtcnıatiooıl bit ınd
Rowliııg became ı global litmry SCQSation in dıe year 1999. SINAQ M 2
Tbe first dwe pd ofHany Pottcr rınkcd in the top tlırec plıc-
es of dıe New Yort Times best-seller list afler ıchieviııg similar
S\lccess in her bome oouıı1ıy. the Uııaed Kin~m. · ı . Wbat Is tbe pusaıe mainly aboııt?
Tiıe Hıny Poltcr ıc:rics WIS cmendy ~ witb boch A) Viıarnin C
childruı ıııd ıdulıs worktNide. Tbe pbenomenoo ,.ntroduced B) Thoms of Roscs
new tenııs iııtıo commoa usıge. For eumple, musgles.became C)Florists
popı1ır IS a word for l pcnon wbo posscSKS DO mıgical D) Tbc flower witb rich scent
poweıs. 1be scries of eigbt films mıde stırs of sucb ıcton u
E) Mcdical cft'ccı ofRoscs
Daniel Rıdcliffe. R.upeıt Grint, aııd Emmı Watson. Together,
lhe book ıııd movie scrics gaıcrııcd a buge amowıt of rclaıcd , ,
ınatbı 8cgiııııiııg iıı 2010 Hany Pottcrıttractioosopc:ncd 2. ~lılelı ıeııteııce bn t tnıe accordiııg to t he listened p..
ıt Uni-vmal Studios ıbeme parb in tbe Unired Sıaıeı aıd lapan. sage'{
A) Most roses grown in gardcııs ınd sold by ftorists.
23. 11ıe pasıııe lı mıinly abcıııt... B) Roses'' grow almost ali over the world.
A) A life stoıy ofJ.K.Rowing C) 1be R~ ~ in color and size.
B) Tlıe most famous IUlbor of ıdulls D) Wıld roses ~ Y bavc cigbt pctals
C) New York Tımeı nnkiııg ıysteııa E) Roses have odıcr uses besides being pretty.
D) Friendslıips of fımous ıctors
E) Tbe most famoııs childım' s fıntasy novel ''
3. Complffll ıeateııee ~rdlng te tbe liıtened puıage.
•• • 4 Tbe sıam offtowcn usually bavc ıbarp....
24. Wblcb ıtattmeııb an ıne ıcaN'dlııı to tlıe passaıe? A) Sccııı B) 11ıroos '- , C) Blossom
. 1. Ncvcl wıs cxtranely pc:ıpular ooly among cbildrc:o. D)Oil E)Peıalı ,
2. 1be writer inlroduced ııew tams inlo commoıı ısıgc.
3. 1be series of eigbt films made starı of ıeveraJ actors. '
4. Complete ıaıteııce •cconUııı ıo tlıe lls(ened pınaıe.
4. 1bese books are ıvailıble oıly bı_ F;ngliS\ı P«,pl• ıa• iMfrag,anı oilfroı,ı l'Dff b/ouo,,,,._ in..... • '
'\,. ıh ~

A) 1,3 8)4.S C) •••

S. Writa tlıe cemet auwer acftrdlııg to tbe llst~cd pu-
D)2,3 E)3,4
ıaga. ~ '
25. C1ıoose dıe wnaı Yariaııt ac:conllııı IO dıe pıısıge. Hııw do p«>p/ıHat! rose lıips? · '
HarryPoau... ·. ·
A) iı a childıaı'ı fantasy ıt0vel.
, · •
6. Wrlte oııe ıdjedive fro• lbe pasıage that dacrfbet tıe
B) becamc intemılioııal bit. wo.,."d«oraıioıu "
C) introduced new tenııs.
D) won multiple awaıds. .. . •n , • : , ı, · · 7. C1ıoııe tlıe correct varlııtL · ·1 • '

E) is the second lar.selling book series in ıbe lıisıoıy. .... coıısınaions will bring ı ncw styİ~ to tbe city.
1. Toomıny
26. Oteoıe tile true lblemeat ıcconlııg to tııe paısııe. 2. Mııdı ~ · , ;,ı l,1 ~rı · :; ~
A) Beginnins in 2010 Haıry Poaer aıııactiom opcned at Uni- 3. Pleııty of
vmal Stııdios dıcnıe pııks in ıbe UDiıed SWcs IDd Uııiıed .f. Alotof
K.iıısdom. . S. Toomucb
B) MuaJc bcçamc popıılar u a wud fora pc:rıoo wbo ,, .ı

poıscııes mıgical powcn A.2.3,S B. 1, 2, 4 C. 1, 3, S

C) Hany Potter book scrics bccamc popılır in USA ınd iı tbe D. 2.4,5 E. 1, 3.~ ._. ;
D) Rowling became • sJo1ıa1 litınıy ...,._ in the ycai, L Quıe dıe a■tuee iııto 1H Puılve Volce. .I!
My-......rmıı"" .
6·--,- ~g
. noYd. . ,..ı. .
E) Hany Poner bas 6 boob and g filmı ıeries. A) A■ iııacsıing novel waı ıad by my grandpa. -
8) My grındııa iı rcad aa iıııaatiog novel _ .
27. Complde . .laft accenllq ıo •e , . . . wldt yeıır q AII iııtaatiııg novd is n:ıd by my ırındpı.
o.,.w....._ · D)Aaiııtaaıiogaovdn:ıdb_ymygrwJpa. - , '.
lılug/• ıs .._ • E) My pıııdpa wıı n:ıd ıu iaıeıtina novel. • . .
ıx-xı ılnlf buraıılıf lmtahınını hızırlıpnlır U~Un -
9, Chooıe tbe correct deıree of tbe ııdjtttive. ı 9. Cbeoıe tlıe cornd ftrlaat.
11ıese beauıifu/jlo~n loolc ıu ... as otlıus. ... didyou d«ıde ıo go Spaln?
A) thc nicesi B) more niccr C) nicer 1. Wben 2. Why 3. Whıt 4. Wbo
D) nicesi E) nice A)3,4 8)1,2 C)2,4 0)1,3 E)2,3

ıo. Cboose the comd vırlıat. lt. Clıooıe tlııe cemet ••rtut. .'
some pcoplc ıhink that ... English is not ... difficult languagc - Teaclıw ınade stııdaıt ınake an apology.
ıt eli.
A) A,thc 8) -,· C) -,a D) Thc, ı E) The,- A) So didn't us. 8) Neidıer did dıey.
C) So did other tacherı. D) But we didn't ıoo.
11. Cboose the cornct v■rlaat. E) Neiıher does our dircctor.
... of ılıem wus not cıble ıo swim in ılıe ılıe lake.
A) Neither B) Boıh C) Eveıy 11. Clıooıe tbe cornct •arlı■t.
D) Ali E) Somc Tire !ltııdia ofılıu plıycologist ... well hıown in tire abroad.
1. wcre 2. was 3. is 4. are
12. Cboose tbe wrong vırlınt. A) 1,4 8) 1,3 C) 2,3 D)3,4 E) 2,4
Finally, school group ... ıo a camp.
ı. reıched 2. camc 3. retumed 11. Clıooıe tbe cornct co■J■■ctloL
4. moved 5. lcft Pleıue dıJd, buy soıne/ood, ... me ... mııın on stıuving.
A) 1,3,5 B) 2,4 C) 2,3,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,5 A) botb ... or 8) nciıher ... or C) ıı ... u ''
D) botb ... ıııd E) cither ... nor
" 13. Cboose tbe correct tense rorm.
Stdp( Don ·ı make me huny. J ... my ınind yet. Mosquitoes ıre insccts !hat ıre found aJmost evcrywbere in
A) ~ı made up B) doo't make up the wor1d. Fernıle mosqujtocs bite ınimıls ınd pcople, leaving
itcby bumps. Mosquitoes can spread ma1ıria, yellow fever, aııd
C) bave madc up D) haven 't made up
oCber serious diseases thıough dıcir bites. Mosquitoes ıre put
E) will make--~ ofa laııe group of inscctı callcd fties.
14. Cboose tbe co~ modal nrb. A mosquito bu ı soft body with • bani covering caUcd an
Javid ... sıay at home, b«ause ılıere i.ı a /ot oflıoı,ı~ ıo do exoskeletoo. it bu two ııarrow wiııp, two an•cnnu, aııd ıix
/or ıomorrow. '- ' long lep. A feınale mosquito usuılly bas a mouthput callecl •
A) has to B) can to C) ~ ıble proboscis, wbich looks tike ı long tube. Sbe uses her proboscis
D) must to E) bas , to pierce skin ınd suck blood from ınimab. She need.1 the
blood for her eggs to develoı,. Male mosquitoes do not biıc.
15. Cbooıe tbe correct form of tbe verb. " Thcir mouthpaıts ıre designcd for fccding OD plınt juİceS.
Femıle mosquitoes lıy tbcir eggs on the surface of ııanding
Our mum /et ıı.f ... thi!l comedyjilı,ı. '- ,
A) watching 8 ) watch C) watchcs ,
D) to watch E) walcbed Mosquitoes ıre c:oosidcreıd pests bccıııse dıey c:arry 10 maııy
'- diseases But gcttiııg rid of mosquitoeı is diffiaılt One way
16. Cbooıe tbe correct vırlınt. ..'- is to draiıı the waıa- out ofditcbes an4 poadı wberc dıey lay
ı. womeo's discussion 2. geeses' fcatber 3. oxens~ tbcir eggs. To dcsıroy fııll-,rowıı moıquitoes, inıecticides aıe
4. childmı's bus S. mens' sport ccntrc . '- ıometimes mcd. lnsecticides ıre powders or liquidı for killing
A) 2,5 B) 1,4 C) 4,S O) 3,4 E) 1,3 '- banııful imıecıs. But they can be dıııgerouı for animals ıııd
" t'· Mm up uenteace ,. • • • ıı{ 't r

ı . worlt 23. Wut Is ae passaıe maiıaly aboıt?

2. 1.anardo A) Coıııagious diseaes
3. on '- B) lıısectici~
4. should '- < C) Tbe baımful iıısect for pcople
S. the ftna1 version D) Pesticides '- ,
6. cırefWly '- 1 1 E) Cure for moıqwıo·ı ~ite
7. of '-
8. design • J ••• 1 24. Wlıkll ıtatnıeıııı an falıe •ccordlııı to tlıe puıaıe.
A)24163578 B) 243165'7-8 C) 37822146 l. Mosquitos ıre found ~ in the world. -·
D)54637281 E) 53276148'- 2. Mosquitos bite only people. , , •
'- 3. Mosquitos ıre a ı:ııcmber of 8ies. '-
18. Qooıe tbe correct exclamatory__ıeateaceı. . '
4. Mosquitos don' t spread saious dişease ,
1. Wbat • tiring weekend it was! '- ·.
2. What • tiring wcekend wıs it! " A) 1,2
'- B)3,4
3. How tiring weekend it wul
., •• 1 C)2,3
4. How tiring the weekcnd wıs! · · a
S. How tiring weekend wu iti ' D) 1,4
A) 2,5 B) 1,2 C) 3,S D) 3,4 E) 1,4 · E)2,4 /


/ "
- lııcı~ıUII "
'-4:<omplete ıentence ıccordia~ to the llstenecı P•ııaa-=-1ı
2S. Qeeıe *~vı ıccordla& to tlıe pıııııe. ~ country is also ılıe world s largesı producer of....
l,losq,ıJJo.r......, • le
A) bıs two,GIIIOW winp, ıme ınımnıs aod ııx long P. " •~ correct ıaswer ıceordl•& to the llstened .._,
s. wrtte
B) can ~ minor diıeıseı.
ıageı. "
C) lıy ~eııs on ıhe surfıce of ground Wlıat Lf the major service indııstry in Mexico?
D) ııe found-(,nly in tbe bot plıceı ofıhe world.
E) leıve iıcby bumps ıfter bile.
6. Wrlte one adjec:~ e$n,m tbe passage thıt de~rlbeı tlıı
26. Oooıe tlte cıomd~INlt■tı ıccordlD& to tlıe paııap. word "country " ,
A) A mosquito ha a bant ~ wiıh ı ıoft covtring cılled ın
7. Choose tlıe correct vıria•t. ,
exoskeleton. " J • many traflic light
B) it bıs ıwo wide wiııp, two ınteanıs, ınd six long lcgs.
2. few ncws ıgencies
C) A femı)c mosquito ıısııally bd \ moudıpaıt cılled • pro- 3. cnough watcr
boıciı. wbidı loob like a loııg ovıl. , 4. a lot ofsbeep
D) Sbe uses 1ıcr loog lep ıo picn:ıe skin ad suck blood from S. • numbcr ofıilk suit
ıaimıJs. " . 6. • little sugar
E) MaJe moıquitoı' moudıpırlı ıre designed I~ fcedıng oo A.l, l,5
plaııtjwca. " B. 1, 2,4,6
C.1, 3, 5
27. Wrtte ıaıwer to tlte qlltStlon witb yoar own words ~ D. ı. 3,6 '
cerdlD& ı. tııe puıaıe. , E. 2, l, 4. 6
W1ıy ıııoıqııiloı ınc:oıısidaed pats?
8. Cbooıe the cornet aodıl ~ert,. .
28. Aaıırer qııeıdoll ıcconliag to t1ıe ,ımıe­ Asmar ... puslı lıer way tlırot,glı tlıe bııs sıaıton ıo ,-,.ıçlıooı
Huw aıır gd riıl ofınosquiıos? . time,
ın . '
1. bıd to , 2. wuıı 't able 3. will bave ıo
· 29. Wrtte ..e word fn,a tlıe puıııe wlakla lı Ge doıet la 4. didıı't bavc s. hıda't co
--•tıc ID tlıe wonl ..adıılt.. - A) l.S 8)2.' C) 1,4 0)2.4 E) 1.3

30. Wrtte o■e ıdJedlve hm tlıe puıaıe wbklı cbıncteıı­

9. Clıoose tlıe corrertform oftJıe verb.
lı.eı •iıu«:ts"' Did sJıe ap«t ı«ıcJıer .:-.. ali students al ıhe same time ?
A) helps B) helping'- C) belp
D) is helping E) co help ' ,

. "
10. Clııoose tlıe cornct preposldon. ,
People /eave ... their motherland becauff ofwar.
A) - B) of C) on D) for E) at " ,
l. Wut iı tlıe puıııe ıııaialy ıboat!
A) Rdigioa ofMcxicaos U . Clıoose tlıe correct variaııt. ,
B) A couotıy betwcal USA IDd Caml.Amaica
TM cliınate ofQatar ... /ıot and dry • "
C) Americaıı ladiııı aılıure
A) were B) aren•t C) waaı't D) is E) are " ,
D) Tourism induıtry
E) Healdıcare ıyıtcm iD Maico
12. Clıııııge tJıe ıeatuc:e lııto tile Pıssive Voke.
Our colleges will collect usefııl iııfomullion in 6 dııys.
2. Wlıklı ıtateaeat lı tne ıcconUııı to ..e llıteııed pu-
A) Our colleges wilJ be collcctcd tbe usefW informarioıı in 6
A) Meak:o bu a ricb mixture of Aıiı ınd AmcricaD lncliıD days.
B) Tbe useful information wilJ be collccted in 6 days.
B) Tbe capital. Mamkecb iı eme of ıbe lırgcıt citieı iD dıe C) Tbe uıeful information • coUcctcd in 6 days.
world. D) Our coUcges will be coUectcd tbe usefiıl information iD 6
C) More dwı bılf of ıbe people iD Mcıjco ıre Amcricını. days.
D) Touriııı do DOt viıit MCl.KlO'ı reıcını aııd IDCİcat nıim eacJı E) The useful information will collect in 6 days.
yeır. .
E)Agricultwe iı • ımallerpart ofdıe ecooomy, but mıny Mex- 13. c•ooıe tlıe correc:t eıclamıtory ıeateace.
ic:anı stili woıt u fiımaı. · ı A) How huge tbe ıomado is!
B) How huge tornado is!
3. Cemplete ıeııteace accorcUnı to tile Uıteııed pauaıe. · C) How a huge tomıdo is!
Mtn ıAan SO Native AIMricıuı laııguagu 1ft aJso ~ D) How is hugc the tornado!
lıtıı ıııain laırgııage il..... E) How lıugc is dıc tomıdof
A) Eııgliılı
l.f. CIMıoıe ile tornct YUiaııt.
Haw loı,g ... '! .
D) Portugueıe
) Spıııiıla A)ı ~ dıiJd ~ hem plıyiııa widı roys
B) did dıe dıild plıyed widı royı
ırtapntar Dflin -
ıx-xı •lnlf tıuraıılıf imtatıanıu hupical . . . ofehe wortd. S ~
ıhe ıro
moisıure, it iı po wn iDim beaı the f_oırmoıl_ oalfeoaıowıııı
the mid- JS OO ı. Bıa zil tıc:uı.ly Coloın-
wu ıhe child bc:ı erı plıyed wiıb roy
naı ioo. Ot he r La tin Amcricaıı cowıtnes.c.pıı11ı e treeı are alıo
ld bcı en plı yin ı wiıh roys : ıls o rna jor pro ducerS of coff'c of C6 te d 'JYOire
D) hu ıbc dıi b· an
ıhe Am ca n couatric s
E) does ıhe child plı
y wiıh toy s in Ind on•a..,,
aia ao d
~ Ethiopiı.s of ıhe cotfee tr ee -A n~ ıod Robue.staArab~i-
d vırfaat.
15. cııooıe the co rre willı ... Az~rlıaijaıı. ...lraıı aııd ....~ıa- c:ount for ılmost aJI of ıhe workf'ı produ
1w o varietie ctioa ofcoff'e
nı flıvor ao d ~
...Cıuplaıı & a !Jo bcıcıuse it hıı mo
rtk n
ca is ıhe most po pu lar pvwıı in Ce atr al ıod So utb ~
C) -,- ' ·,· ıhın Robusıa. An bic
a iı oth er hınd, il
iı. Robustı. oa the
8) ıhe,ıhe, · ,· hıdona
A) ı,-, ıhe,ıhe tbe Cıribbeın. ıınd im ~r tan ce bec:ıuıe
it İl
D) ı, ıhe, ıfıe, ı
E) ıhe,·, ·• •
mı in ly in Am ca. il lıas -~ aan t co lfc c.
g .mı
ıınd usefiıl m mıkm
gro wn
rcsisfıot ıo dis eu e ligramı of
U■ in tllıe Posıesslv
e Cu e. f'cc coo &ıi ııı ab ou t I SO mil
J6. CJıooıe tııe DO An ordinııy cu p of cof
mı ur al ly in co lfc c be au .
m wa s can ccl lcd . l subsraııce fowıd
A) Tiıe results ofeu s mondı. catreine, ı cb cm iça ıct ivi ty, tbc he art
, ıo anocJıer ffıı du rin g dıi Cıff'eine stimuJıte
s, or ırouses to
pa ta '
ıome peo-
B) My brodıer's movin tral ne rvo us sy stc m. Fo r
C) Jıvad 's got ı Jot of
ıdvcnture bo ob. ccn
muscles u well ıs the colfce in ıhe eveniııg mı.kes
it diffic:ıık
ditrerenı rnctbods.
ining tlıe lcsson wiıh ı p of
an : sid e df'cctı ası
D) New ıeacher's eııpla in ıbc festival wi th gıaı pleısure. . dri nk iag cu
. AJdıough tlıeR
E) Tahmioı 'ı pııtic ipıt
iııı for ebem to fai l ıslccp no t co nsi dc :red barmfiıl to
ıted wiıh drinking
coffce. colfcc is d no t driDk it.
aa ,e ıdu lt. Ho we ver, ,ouoı childraı ıhoııJ
d proııo■■. the ıv
17. C~ooıe dıe co rre Is fai l ofmisuıus aııd it is too lııt~ ıo
I ofıJıi ı moı ıtl ı ıulaly ahıdf
A pr oj« ıp
23. Wlıat lı tlıe paıı
jiııd ... ıo lwlp ıa. ca beCweea coff'ee ınd rea
A) somebody 8) DO
ooe C) ıny A) Di ff'e reo
B) Healtb problemı
'-0 ) nobody E) ,or
ne ourite driıılt
C) Mıny pe op le.• fav ildmı
ııJ ciag c:off'ee f« ch
" vıriut.
ıa. CiıoNe dıe co rre ct ... fN Mk ıww iııwııtioıu.
D) Side eff'ecu ofdri

a coı,ı pa, ıy E) J.nsomııia

/ wo rk Nf or
, B) wh y C) which e ., .. .. t
A) wtıo
24. Wlldı ıcateanııs
are ıne aceonUııı te ille iD lbe world.
D) wb ose 'E) wbom
ies or cypeı ofc:off'e
e ıre
" 1. There ıre nwıy sp ec a• •ııiııa ...-up of
20 ııepı to procb:e
Jf . Oooıe dıe ~
va riu t.
nıl>j«t. 2. There ıre at least
4!mıu "/ıım/ lo ılw coff'ee. y of moiııure.
• Sara lııuıı t gol a,ıy "' cokl climate aııd pl mt ·
" 3. Coff'ce trc e req uir es ıcı .
Eirhcr hıd 1 ıro wıı ecu ıto ria .l ıreu orıhe wor for aıı aat
A) 1hıvaı 't it too 8) 4. it is
X caıtuıy, BraziJ 1ıı
ı becıı 1be
D) Neitber~ 1
C) Neiıber I bıd S. Since the mi d- XI
E)Sohıvel coff'ee-ırowiaı oıt

' B) 1,2.S C) 3,4 ,J
lt. Mıke ■p ı ıe■ tnce A) 1,2.3
E) 1,2
ı . ıbout dae cımp 0) 3,4
2. hıve bceıı collectiı f'e n te
nl "il " la tlıe pısııp
3. siace 25. Tlıe ucl«ıiııed wo ''
4. we A) An bi ca
5. informatioa '- " B) Coff'ee
6. Tuesday C) Flıvor ofcoff'ce
A) 4.2.5, 1.3,6 B) 6,4,2,3.S, 1 C) 3,S, 1,6,4.2 O)Robusta
' D) 4,.2.3,5,1,6 E)5,4,2, 1,J,6
E) 'fr a,r ao ce ofcoff'ee .
' t teııse renıı.
" ' ateaeıııs auonu.ı,
. ıııe
ll. Qıeeıe dıecernc
' en ılı- ...: 26. ~ tııe raı.ıc mı jo r pn, duı ı:e n c o f f ' ~. -
ltaliıııı tw o J'Nl'1 ago wlı aziJ ıre
,_ of
My sis ttr aıı ıJ coı ısi ıı ... -, - .. A) Colombia ıııd Br be art m ~l es a1,o
stııdeıııs. , fei ne ıro use s to pu te r act ivi ty, tbe
B) Cıf ,
B) leanıed C) leanı system · .
A) will Jeanı'- ceııtrıl oervous _ .
D) ba ve leınıed E)
leınıs Ar abica .
C) Robusra is le u ~
tba n

ca, lbe C an ~
Cea _tr ıl ıııd No rth Am eri
. ' nr iu t
· O) Arab ica is gro wn
. f

1D, ıııd lndoııesiı.

1l . Clıooıe dıe ce m et lıa d s/ı owe d.
11 was .../ ~ apress;;;. oflıa; slw ida ed ~ to tbe
evn- fta 'ag e
B) ınu ch- ıno re ıtr ict E) Coff'ee is no t co as
A) v~ ıtrict wftlı words-fnıa tlıe
C) str ict D) ınore stric:'t . 27. Complete ıeııteace ıı; 1,ıa Robııstıı gaiıı«/~
Anıbica i.r ılıt! ıııosı popıdı ~
· -.
E) dae mo st "
ıııd b«aıae._
rld's popu)ıtion dr
O n ~ of the wothıo ıoy other b e --
io b coffi
ee, more ' yev..,.
pcople drinJc cof wiııg the roasted cxcqıı tea.. Coff'ee
i·-e- r ıo tlıe qa es tlo a w ltl·
28. W rft e tb e aııswe ıe- ' • WWdı
u prqıvecı by bre ea at 1 20an grouod
-beaııı of a cof- ac co nU q to tlıe ı,assa e~
fee tree in waı er. it tık
p ofcoffıeast ~ to ge t ~ ı coffee cı nue fo r &o"'e pe op le\ Jt. ılı
tree to • Steaming cu • : , :1"11 do a O cu p 0/ co .fl n ,.
,, • t

:e- · ee. · ıng7

11ıere ıre ıtleut 60 ~ typeı ofcoff'ee tree in the ,wortd.
Becıusc the coff'ee ınd ple ıııy of
reqwres • wınıı climıtc


/ ' '
ıo. Wbkb word ı, ıa aaımaıı

29. Wrffe ,., ..,... from llıe puıaıe w~ bat ltı ~e
A) puppy B) ıable C) sofa
ı.ııewıaı ,ılcftııltiom "aD tbe lııJııbltaatı of • pardrıllar
D) grey E) rose
pıace• /
/ '
ıı. dııq,lde tbe sentence.
30 'Wrftt oae ıdjectm from tbe pıısııe w•ldı chırıcte~
Jad wanıed ıo bıow ....
~~alt" l ı. who hıd thrown Jitter to ıhe ftoor.
2. that had he m'ct,rou before .
' '\ 3. whıt you wcre responsiblc for ıccidenı ın thc road.
SINAQJ&4 ' , 4. why wıs his brothef'feel ınxious.
A)2,3 8)2,4 C)l,'3 D)l,4 E)J,4
t. Wlıat
b tlıe paııaıe mııtlAIY ılıout?
il. Mıke up a stnteıace.
A) lbe most famous Mexicın ıingcr l. in 2020
8) 'Ibc moıt fımous Aıneric:ın pai~ter 2. signed
C)DiseacPolio ' 3.madc
D) Buı crasb in Meıicıo , 4. the documeııt
E) 'Ibc moıt famous Mwcın paiııeer ' , 5. llbam Aliyev
1 •
2. Wlıldı ı..·t ene acconUaı,.
* 6. ali Karabakh free
~eoecl pıı- 7. that
~? ' A) 2, 5, 4, 1, 7, 3, 6 B) 4, 7, 2, 5, 1, 3, 6
A) She ıuff'cn:ıd &om dıe diıeııe polio at 9 yeırı old ' ~ C) J,4,3,6, 7,2.5 D) 1, 5,2.4, 7, 3,6
B) She walbd wiıb ı liq> ehe rest oflıcr life E) 4, 7, 3, 6, 2, 5, 1
C) Al 18 ılıc waı ııcııly killecl iıı ı bus crıslı. ·
D) Ka1ı1o bcpıı paiııbııg sclf-poıuaitJ while iıı dıe bospital. '
13. c•oose tlıe correct vırlant.
E) Duriııı her life Kablo wıs lll(ft f'amoııs in dıe Unitcd States ı wıs-bired... as ı souod producer... as an joumalist in thc ııeı,
ıad Euıopc dıın in her bomelıııcl '
agency. '

ı. not ooly ·-< but ılso 2. both ... or

3. CeıııpleCe ıeateııcıe aceordlııı to tlıe llsCeaed puıage. · 3. not ... ıııd , 4. botb ... aııd
.s1ıe wıu bıowıı ap«iııllyfor lıtr distıır6iııg style and w A) 1,2 B) 2,4 ' ~ 1,4 D) 3,4 E) 2,3
_ , ııııı,ııiliııg.....
A)lovcıtorieı '
14. Qooıe tbe correct(orm of tbe verb.
B)IO!ı&S '. Sofiya ... ıM to pass aıııırs'sııccessfally.
C) compoıiıioııs A) cxpected B) heard C)~w
D) ıelf,poı1rlitı D) Jet E) mıde ,
E) decorıtions
ıs. Clloose tlıe cornct prepoıitioa , · , : ·
4. C.aıplde seııtace accordlq to tlıe Usteııed Puıaıe- 77ıe Brrnıo sııpm,,aıvl u ... tlıe ınaiıı enırance ... shopJJİlf4
11wpain KaJıJo apıaııetl iıı /,erpııiııdngs caıııefroı,ı her..... ' centre.
A) at, oıı B) in, of C) on, of

5. Wrlte dıe comct ıuwer aceordlaı •

WAıat did SM/«J tlııoııgltoııı MI" life?

..e Uıteaed Pat:' D) oıı, on E) to, OD

16. ClaooN tlıe corftd ncluıatory ıeııtences.

1. Wlııl ı bot day it is!
'- Wrtte eae ıclJecdve m• a.e puıap tJıat deıcrlbes dıe 2. Wbat uııcomfortable botel room tbey havel
wonl "paiııler .. - 3. Wbat ı beautiful girls in your ııew class!
4. Wbıt fearful ıtories be told at nigbt! '
7. CıONe dıe c.rnct vırtut. , A) 1, 2 B) 2, 4 C) 3, 4 D) 2, 3 E) 1, 4
·- did tJıeirpamıı. ITWal'd . .,
1. Wby 2. Wlııl 3. Whea 4. Wbo 1
ı 7. Clıooee dıe corftd varfant.· ·
• j
A) 1,4 B) 2,4 C) 1,3 D) 3,4 E) 2,3 &wJıı waı ••• tlııın oılı~ stwkıw.
A) more intelligmt B) ın intelligeııt C) the ıııost iıı-
·. u .
8. Cllooıe dıe correct te■ıe fenıı. telligaıt
MyfrloıJs ·- dckm for iM aJıJbJliı,ıı by ıJıı dJM l ıold old D) intelligenter !?) most iııtdligtest

A) will boolı: B)bıdboobd 18. C.oeıe ... côrnd ıııodal ffl'b. 1 ' '
C) boolı:ı D) will have boobd I didıı 't caıdı ıJıı ımin iıı iM momlıtg so J..• wt!lfl ıo ı,nrıenil1
E) bu boolı:cd l,y tıai.
A) cııı to B) had to C) wasıı't able ,
t. Claooıe ..e correct vartıııt. D) wu able E) bıdn't to
Doıı tfo,ııeı ıo waıA JıPMC t«ıb hefore golııg to beri eııay dııy.
A) dıeir B) İII C) tbey D) İl E) dıcm : it. Quıe dıe ıeateace l■to dıe Puıive v.ıce.
71w wo,h,s war ~ ,,_ JJffll«lloıı wlıile ~
witlıdılıMlllıriııJ. ...
IX-XI ıinif buraxılıf lmtahanına haıırlapnlar üçün

A) While working wiıh this maıerial appropriaıe eye proıecıion 25. Cboose tbe corrcct variınt acconUaı to ille puıqe. -
was wom by ıhe workers. Nicola Tuta.... , .
8) 11ıe workers were wom eye protection wbile working with ı . conducted many expcriments from a laborılory in Colondo.
this maıerial. 2. Showed that elcctricity could be ıaıt without wireı.
C) Appropriaıe eye procccıion has becn wom while working 3. He worked for thc mıowncd inventor Thomas E(iison wbo
with this material. preferred AC. . -
D) Appropriate eye protcction is wom by the workcn wbile 4. His ıltemating cumnt idea and many of othm were ral-
woıting with this material. izcd in during his lifetime.
E) Appropriate eye proıection is becn wom by ıhe woıtm A) 1,2 8) 3,4 C) 2,3
while woıting wiıh this material. D) 1,4 E) 2,4
20. Choose the c:orrttt artldes. 26. ChOOH tbe c:orred aaswer accordl■g to tbe puıaıe­
... Caspian is ... /argesl lake oıı ... Earıh. Why did Nikola tesla lcave E(fison'ı lıboratory?
A) thc, the, the B) The, the, a. C) -, -. an A) Bccause they have tbe same idea.
D) -, -, - E) llıe, thc, - B) Becausc they prcfcmd diffmnt typc ofcoergy.
C) Because George Weıtinghouse openc:d ııew lıboratory for
21. Clıooıe tbe nouas in tlıe slngular. bim.
l .plaıcs 2. violins 3.sall 4.goose 5.chicken D) Because he foıınd finıncial suppoıt to ralized his AC dis-
A)l25 8)134 C)l24 0)235 E)345 covery.
E) Because he rcfused his AC idea.
22. Clııoose tbe c:orrect variaat.
, 1. a fcw honey 2. • fcw pieces of luggage 27. Complete ıenteııce wfüı wordı froa dıe paııaıe.
'3. ı littJe onnge juice 4. a little slice ofbread
A)'l,3 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,2 By /89/ lıe had in\lfflted tlıe Te.sla coil. wlıiclı wa.r wiılely ıısed
for many yean in..... , ·
Nikola T~la was bom on July 9 1856, in Smiljan, Austria-Hun-
gaıy (now Croatia). His parenıs were Serbian. Nikola was ın 21. Wrlte aaıwer accordl■ı to tbe puuce witlı yNr owa
excellcnt stu'd~nt who easily memorized books and solvcd words.
math problems.'l{e studied eleciricity in college. W1ıy was a wireless ~"'!ıni~ation tower ""' constnıcted?
in l880Tesla grad'IL\ıedfrom the Universityof Pra~. in 1882
Tes. la discovered a ~ of cuırent, or ftow of elecb'lcıty. it was 29. Wrlte tlıe W9rd mm tbe puıap wlıklı beıt ltı ..e ftl-
different from ıhe type bcing uscd in the world'ı first ~o elec- lowiııc deflnltlou HtJıe necessary itnu for a particular,.,,..
tric power stations, which opcned ıhat yeır. Bo1!1 sıa_ııons used pose" .
dircct current (DC), which could not cbange dırcctı~n. _How-
ever, Teslı's altemating cumnt (-AC) could. Teslı built hıs first
AC mocor in 1883. , 3G. Wrlte one adjedlve from tlıe puıap w~ dıancter-
in 1884 Tesla moved to the Uniıed States. He workcd for the lzes "cunTnt" ' -
renowned inventor Tbomıs Edison. Unlike Tcsla, E(iison pre-
ferred DC to AC. After two years Tesla left E(iison's laborato-
ry. ln 1887 Tesla opcncd a labonıory in New Xork City. The
next ycar be sold his AC idea to George Wcstuıgbou_se, heııcl SINAQM5
of Westinghouse Electric Company. By 1891 be bad_ınv~ıed
the Tesla coil, which was widely used for many YC8l"S'ID radios.
television seıs, and other electronic cquipmenL " 1. Wlıat lı tbe puıaıe ıııahıly aboat?
in 1899 Tcsla conductcd many experimenıs from ı laborıto: A) Ancient laııguaıe of lıııdia
ry in Colorıdo. He dcmonstrated thıt electricity could be seni B) Tbe city of Leiccster
without wires. in 1905 Teslı lost support to constıuct a wire-
less commımication towcr. Tbıı idea ınd many of his otherı -c) An importaut religious festival
" were never reaJizcd in his lifetime. Teslı dicd in New York D}Celebrations in tbe United Kingdom
Cit1,_ on January 7, 1943. The Nikola Tesla Musewn in Bel- E) liaditions ofHiadu.s
~ Serbia, was foundcd in his honor.
. "" .
2. ~eh ıtDte■ce lıa t tnıe ııcıeordlııc t. .., Uıteaed pu-
23. Wlaat lı tbe paısaıe mainly about? ıqe? " . .. -
. .
A) A great inventor of XIX centwy A) The word Diwıli meııı., "row ofligbıs" in 1D Anclcııt llD-
B) Cooperıtioıı--with Tbomas Edison -. • guage of lndia. " ·- · ·
C) Expcriments iiı· laboratory . ·, B) During this festin( ~le deccnıc their bomes witb lighıs
D) Nikolı Tesla M ~ in Belgrıde ınd oil 1amps. ,
E) A wirelcss communica_µon tow~ , , C) Diwali is a time to bave fün with friends ınd faınily.
" ı D) People excbange gifts ınd swects, cnjoy delicious feuts.
24. WMc:b ıtıtement lı tnıe accordln& to .., pısuıe.· E) Diwali takeı place ınnually ıııd lııııı for ıeven dayı.
A) Nikola Teala studied madıematics in college. , .
" tH llıteaed , - .
8) in latc 1800s, Tesla discovered a-ızye ofcurrcnt, orflow of 3. Cboose tlıe ript aıııwer accordlıal'fe
electıicity. , .. , ' ·
C) His discovery was not tbc ııme ~ being used in the ıaıe-Wlıat İ.f Raııgoli? ''
' "" .
world'ı 6nt two electric power ıtationı. ı- · A) beautiful panems made using colod\ıl powdcis~
D) Teıla'ı diıcovcry altematiııg cunent could not chınge di- B) beautiful clotbcs mıdo using cottoo . , -:-.
rection. , , . . ," C) pırc gold jewdlery. . '>
E) He ıold his AC idea cıo Tbomas Edissoıı. bcıd ot Westing- D) iııteresting dccorıtionı . ı ,

bouıe Elcctric Company. " /

E) colorful ıud lıistorical figuıa /
" /
- 4. Complete sentence ıccording to the listened passıge.
T1ıe city ofLeicester holds rhe largesr Diwali celebrarions
ıs. Choose the correct tense forms
Mrs. Brown ... her first medal in 1990s. Shc ... rrıany
.. . th
tıtıons sınce en.
A. achieved, has won
5. Write the corlfft ınswtr ıccording to the listened pas- B. has achieved, had won
C. had achievcd, won
ııges. '
W1ıen does Diwali usually fail? D achicved. wo'n
E.. had achicvcd, had,_won
6. Write one adjffllve (rom tbe pıssage tbıt describes the
word ..slıows " '
16. Cboose tbe correct Dıterrogative word.
... arc Agatha Christie's deıective stories valucd for?
7. Oooıe tbe cemet eıdainıtory ıntnceı A. What B. Whosc C. When
ı . How oomforııble tbc seat isi ,
D. Wbich E. Who
2. What comfonablc tbc scat isi
3. How ı comfonablc seıt it is!
4. Whaı ı comfortıblc scaı it is! 17, Cboose tbe correct modal verbs. '- ,'
A) 1,3 8) 1,4 C)3,4 ' Evcry person ... be respectful towards the c~stoms and tı:
D)l,2 E)2,3 tions of other nations. '
ı. should 2. hasn'tto 3. ought to
ı. Clıooıe tbe comct varlanL 4. must not S. docsn't have to
Pcoplc ıbould ilke care of ınimıls that arc ... danger ... cx- A. 2,3 8 . 3,5 C. 1,3 D. 2,4 E. 1,5
A. at, for 18. Cboose tlıe correct sentence.
D. at, olf l :--llıe poor bave sevcre financial problems.
C. o~&om
2. The Spanish cclebrates Festival La Tomatino.
D. iıı. with
E. in. of 3. llıe'post offices closcs at 6 anı o 'clock.
4. llıc sources ofthe information are disputablc.
9. Clıeoıe tbe c:oınct form of tbe verb. A. 1,2 8 . 1,3, C. 1,4 D. 3,4 E. 2,3
Advcrtiscmc:ııt ·-· pcoplc to usc somc products and serviccs.
1. cncouragcd '
19. Cboose the correct varianL
2. ımdc Some humans get som~ characteristic features from their 1
3. ıdvised ents. but. .. are detennined by social factors.
4. let
A. the otbers B. Olher C. Anolher
A)2.4 8)3,4 C) 1,2
D)2,3,4 E) 1,3 D. thc otber E. the other one , '
J8. Ooose tbe pair of plarıl aowıL 20. Cboose tbe correct sentence in tbt '-•sslve Volce.
A) pooL tablcs 8) study, gccsc A great artist Salvador Dali created many paintings
C) oations, bottlcs D) suburbs, maths A. Many paintings will be created by a grcat artist Salva
E) skins. mens Dali.
B. Many paintings bave been created by a grcat artistSalva
il. Claooıe tbe comct ardcles. Dali. ,
... Engliıh Chınncl is an ırm of .... Atlantic Ocean that sepa- C. Many paintings created by a grcat artist Salvador Dali.
rııes ..... Southcm Eng)ınd from ..... northenı Francc D. Many paintings wcre created by a great artist Salvador C
A. -. the, - ,- D. -, tbe, the, thc C. The, tbe, - ,- E. A greaı artist was created many paintings.
D. llıc, -, - ..- E. lbe, -, thc, the
21. Cboose tbe corred variınL
12. Choose the correct vıriant.
Global wanning is ... element that changcs dramaticaUy tem- - So has evcrybody here.
pcmure of the weather. 1. Wc havc packed our suitcase.
A. mucb important 8 . most important
2. Lily has to apologizc to mc.
C. thc most important D. important 3. llıc Geens bave left for France.
E. more important 4. Jack will have another try.
A. 1,2 8 . 2,4 C. 2,3 D. 1,3 E. 1,4
13. Cbooıe tbe correct vırlant
Our teıcber expresscd his ... at ooe of our classmate serious
22. Complete the ıentence.
health disordcr.
1. SOITOW 2. Graıitude 3. Grief 4. delight The professor askcd students ..... .
A. 1,3,4 8 . 2,3 C. 2,3,4 D. 1,2,.3 E. 1,3 1. how and where volcanos erupt.
2. if volcanos erupt in this region.
14. Chooıe tbe correct coajuacdoa. 3. how ınd where do volcanos crupt
... .. .. the ıun wu shining, it wısn't vay wımı. 4. if do volcanos erupt in this region.
A. Altbough 8. lf C. Becıuse A. 2,4 8 . 2,3 C. 1,4 D. 1,2 E. 3,4
O. As E.After
•+ :: C

ıx-xı ılnif burııılıf lmtahanına haıırlıpnlar Uçun - -
ı . Birds an: found almost eveıywherc on thc Earth. Tbere arc 29. Wrlıe ıtıe word frem tJıe panırapb l whlclı us dNeıt
1 morc thın 10,000 spccies. or typcs, alive today. Diff'erent types in menine "sıırroıındlng.r"
havc adaptcd to dilferent habitats, from dcscrts to rain forests
ıo ciıics. Birds are wann-bloodcd. This mcans that thcir body 30. Wrltc onc acljectlve frem tlıe puuıe wlılclı elı­
tempcrature stays about thc same, regardless of the ıcmpera- izeı "mal~ H

turc of their cnvironment. Mammals, including humans, arc

also wann-bloodcd. However, birds arc more closely rclated to
the group of ınimals called rcptiles than thcy an: ıo mammals.
in fıct. many scientists think that birds dcvcloped from dino-
saurs. whidı were reptiles. millions of years ago. SINAQ .Ni 6

2. Birds vary greatly in size. Tbe bee hummingbird is the ı. Wlıat is tbe paıııce malnly aboat?
smallcst living bird. it is only about 6.3 centimeters long and
weighs less than 3 grams. Thc largest living bini is thc ostrich. A) Tbe Flying birdı
Somc malc ostrichcs can stand 2.S mcters tali and weigh 13.S B) Tbe Swimming animals
kilogram,. C) Tbe Swimming bird
D) Short fcathcrs of ıca animals
ili- 3. Fcather colours range from dull-coloured to very bright in E) Tbe Coasts of Antarctica
many species the male is more brightly-coloured than thc fc-
malc. Tbe female's dull coloring may hclp it remain bidden 2. Wliclı ıcııteace lıa'I bılC ıcardlaı to tlıc liıtcned paı­
in thc ncst. in some cases, thc brigbtly colored malc perchcs
a short disıancc· away from the ncst in this way, the malc bini ıap? .
A) These black and whiıc ıeabirds movc abouı very cuily iıı
, draws thc attention of encmies to himsclf ınd away from thc
, eggs and young. The male's showy coloring may also belp it thcwater.
'-attract a maıc. Fcathers belp birds fty and protcct them ftom 8) Pcnguins also livc along tbc c:ool coaıts ofAmca, Ncw Za-
water, beat, and cold. Birds reamnge and clcan thcir fcatheıs land, Australia, and South Americ:a.
rcgularty. Most kinds also apply oil to ıhc fcathcrs from a gland C) Tbey arc found mainly in tbc nor1hem balf of tbc world.
near th'e tail. Water slides off' thc oiled fcathcrs instcad of soak- D) Theıe arc 18 species ofpcnguins.
ing throu~ At lcast oncc a ycar birds shcd thcir old featberı E) A penguin typically bas a black back and • white belly.
ınd grow ~oncs. This proccss is callcd molting.
3. Compltte ıe■tence accordlaı to tbc listeııed puıap.
23. Wlıat Is tbe pasıaıc malaly aboat? Ta ~ , owr ice and ~ a ~,ıguin ,nay slide oıı lu ....
A) Mammals living hı the ıca A)Back .
B) Reptilcs living in tbedesert
C) Dinosaun ' B)Belly
D) Thc smallest living bini ' C)Hcad
E) Onc ofthc most interesting~ ıpccics D)Wıngs
24. Wlılcb ıtatement lı tnıe aeeordioc to tlıe puıaıe.
A) 8irds arc foıınd ccrtain panı ofıhc world. 4. Compltte ıentcace accenUııc to tJıe liıteacd paııap.
8) 8irds arc cold-blooded. ,
A poıguin l.s covered narly ali OYer witJı ,__
C) Birds arc wann-blooded as mammaJs ioc1udiog bumans
D) Birds an: more closcly linked with ınammals rathcr tban
they arc reptilcs. , S. Write tJıe correct aıııwer acconHaı te tlıe Uıteaed pu
ıdor ~) Thc ostricb is smallcst living bini wbilc bcıe b~gbiıd ıage?
ıı largcst onc. W1ıat protects pnguiıujro,,, ıhe col4'l

ıali. 15. Cbooıe the fıbe varlant accordiııg to tile passaıe.
'" , 6. Wrltc ene adjeetlve fro• tlıe puıace tut deıcrlbeı tıı•
, 1. Fcathcr colors rangc from palc to very colouıful. wenl "regioıu "
'2. in many spccies thc fcmalc is more brigbtly colond thao
3. Featbcrs bc:lp birds fty and protcct tbem. ,.' c..-,1e1e
ıtıe ıeıaıeace.
l want tQ lmıow .•. in tbc United Kingdom
4. Tbe'fcmale'ı showy coloring may also bclp it attract a mate.
A) 1,2 ' , B) 3,4 C) 2,3 A) wbether bas be lived
D) 1,4 , E) 2,4 B) ifbe will'livc
- C) why will bc'live
26. Cboose tbe COR'Kt answer accordlng te tlıe pauage. D) ıhat be lived '
E) wben be bas liv~ ,
Whaı u mofı;.ng process?
A) Thc mate•s showy coloring
B) Rcamnging and clcanıng__fcaıhcrs. 8. Clıoose tJıe correct udamatory ıenteıaces.
C) Attracting female mates. '- 1. How important this ~~nal ,event is!
0) Losing ofold feathers, 8l'OWIIl8 new oncs. 2. How an important intenıatiooal c.venı it is!
E) Migrating othcr countries. , 3. Wbat thc important intanational-evcot is it!
27. Complete ıentence wltb wordı from tJıe passace.
4. Wbat an important intenıational cvtııı it is!
A. 1, 2 '
Millions years ago, birds developcd from dinosaın wlıich 8 . 2,4
were..... " C. l,3
'- /

28. Wrlte aıııwer accordlng to ıtıe passaıe wldı ~ owa D. 1.4 /

words. , E. 2,3 /
Why do ıomc kinds ofbirds apply oil to tbe feathen? , /

9, Qıae iM comct prepoıldo•~ . . bi fti\
wıs bı4 "' ı,ııııing. ıo be didD l c:oınplıiıl... S ure
it. cı.aaıe the stDtt Dct lnto P.ısslvt,
Tbe UN1CEFF ooesn't a\low chı\drcn undcr sııuctıı lo
ia c:ıoıııt rtitioıı betweaı boys. picl
A. cın, ıboul
o. wiıh.ıl
B. of, ıı
C. ıt. ıbout A. The UNICEFF is not al\o~ed by childr~n to
B. Childrcn oodcr sixtccn wıll not be aJmıtıcd by
"'°"'· Enı
tbcUNlCEFF mo
,,. Mw ıp ı ıntnet. c . Oıildren under sixteeıı are not atlowcd to Work by in
. .
1. ısı z±:ıtrd ı, Jobn KeıınecJi 3. bıs
lht caı
4. cır S. il 6. wıs D. Childrcn \llClcr' sixteen wcte not ıllowcd to Woı\ by
A.4,2,6,S,3, 1 tbc ED
B. ı. S. 6, 3, 1. 4
E. 11ıe UNICEFF will not be allowed by children m,
C. l.6. 1, S,3, 4 arı
D. 3,4,2.6. 1, S under sixtcet1.
E. 4. ı. s, 6, l. 3
19. Clıoost dıe com ct modal verb. l:
iL o. - tııe eomct .ınuL Yestcrday Tahir ... ıakc a taxi becausc his car stopped w A
11ıis is dıc cır... ılıcy~ just fiıed. A. couldn't B
A.wtıo B.dlll C
c bul B. hadn'tto
O. wtıoıe E. u C
. , C. can
U. QıııMetlıe ctm d nrlu L D. badto
-1 lıı~ ... ıboul dıiı biatoric plıce . E. wısıblc 2
-R.eaDy? P1eMe. give mt...- infonnarion alıout..... /.
A) ıaıııcdıiııg. ı fcw, dımı 21. Clıooıe compoıand aoııaı. p
B) e-ıeryıhing. ıome. it ı . spıceship E
C) ewıythiag. li1llc, it ,; 2. cntııncc a
D).ytbin&ılıı,iı (
3. rcccptioıı
E)a)'lbiıı&.few,it C
4. mıstcrpiece [
S. pııticipatioo
A aıl1cdioD ofjcwd)c:ıy •••comidered u ın:u
m. A. 1, 1, S
A. is B. ıre B. 1,3,6
C. weıe D. tııve beat E. will C. 3,4, 6
0 . 3,S
14. O. . tlıe ttm d ırtldeı.
E. 1,4,6
•.• Bırcelc:ııa is cıııe of ... 1ırgeıt cıieı of ... SpaiD
A.•, dıc,· 21. Clıooıe dıe cem et nrtı■t. ·
B.-,a ,- ' ı. ı lot of buıioess cooınct
C T1ıc. tht, ı
2. fcw coloumıl belloons
D. ·, ıbc, lbe
3. coough foocl
E. .,"\ dıc
4. ınaıy iroo
S. ı oımbcr ofjob
ıs.cıı-tııec.rnctdeı,eeıeftlıe .ıje
div& 6.ali ttlcs upr
Our ııaıc in tbıc USA iı _ _ _ tbıc staıe rl. Califo
mia. A. 2.3, S
A. Tlıc mııt peaıefııl
8 . 1,2,4 , 6
B. More peaccfıı1 tbaD
C. Pacefuler thııı C. 1,3,5
D. 1,3, 6
E.pcaccful E. 2.3, 6

16. Clıoeıe dM cemet lattrropdve ıealncıe. ll. Q.oıe a. CIM'ftd fona of tlc ffıb.
A. Wıtb wbonı Jane came weddiııg'? Director ofour c:ıoıııpuy' ı worried ıbout ... ıaJeı.
B. Wbo did coaıe Jaııc tbıc wedding? A. dclaycd
8 . lıave delayed -: 1•
C. Wbo Jıııe cımc dıc weddinı wiıh?
D. Wbo did Jınc comc tlıc paıty wiıb? C. ıodclay
E. Wbo did bccamc tlıc ıwtY witM D. delaying
E. to dclıying
7. a..ıe t1ııt CM'f td tnıe rorwı.
Samir ... ın ıpeı1mCııl wiıh Saııııı WkD tlıcy ... 1D ıacieııt limeı pcople ıısed a cııııcrı obscura to
studcaıs al of tlıc Slııı. lbcy l1ood ia ı
vicw ec~
uniw nity. ımıll, dıık room tbıt had v--ı
A. ıbırcd, wae
- ıiııy bole IO lct İll lipl. AA upıide-dowD iını&e of tbc -
outsİdc ıppcıd Oll tlıc wıll ıcıoa fıom tbe bole. (.atCf
B. ıbared. ue , peG"
plc madc ponablc boıcı tbal wcııbd im ıbc
c. ıbue, Wffl ııııeicDl c;ııııı:rı
cıbıcurı. Aminw ıcflected tbe imı&c outside tbc boX ıııd odl'
D . wl ıbare. will lıe • ıcreaı. 1
in ·~7 ı fnııdı DM, Louiı Dapcm, ~ -
• , _...
E. will ıbare. wae
tbe ımaıeı ıııadı ">° ~ aDa a ~ OD mcııJ ."1ıla
·way to rccuı·
r 111d'
lll-JU ılnlf buraıtlıf lmtahanına haıırta,-nlar OsUn -

picturcs werc called dııgucm:otypcs. Around tbc ıamc time ın SINAQ 16 7

Englishman named William Henry Fox Tılbot used ı similır
box ıo rccord images on paper. Thesc men had created the fint
1. Wlıat Is tbe pııı■ıe mıl■ly ıbotıt1
modem cameras.
in the lıte 1800s the U.S. inventor Gcorge Eastman made a A) 1be Flying birds
cameıa thal brought photography to tbc general public. Before B) Tlıc national ıymbol ofNew l.ca1ınd
this time camcras wcre hcavy, complicatcd, and cxpensivc. C) Fauna ofNew Zeıland '
Eastman's camm was small and casy to use. Pcoplc ıimply D) Differcnces between malc ınd feınalc K.iwi
pushcd ı button to takc pictıırcs and then scnt thc film to East- E) F orcsted ıreu
man's factory to be printcd. Thc U.S. invenıorThomu Edison 1
and the French Lumierc brothcrs dcvelopcd movie camcras in 2. Wlıleh ıeııtenee lı tne ıecerdl■ı to the Uıtned pu-
the late 1800s. Digital camcras did not appear until the 1990s. ıaıe?
A) The grayisb brown birds arc dıe size ofa turkcy.
23.Wbat Is tbe pısııge malnly about? B) They have winp, but tbe winp arc vcıy big and arc hiddıı:ıı
A) Thc cclipses of the Sun within the bird'ı featben
B) Rcftection of mirror in a camera
C) Thc short history of modem cquipment
C) The lep ıre stıong, and cıcb of tbe four toeı baı ı larp
D) An invcntor Thomas Edison claw. ·
E) Digital camcras D) Female kiwis lay three or two lırıe while egp ıt • time. ·
E) The eggs ıre unusually small coınpaıed to dıe ıize of tlıe
24. Wblcb ıtatement lı tnıe ıeeordinı to tbe puııge. birds themselves.
A) in the pası, people used ı camcra to view cclipses of other
plancts. 3. Coaplete ıenteııce ıecordlag ı. tbe llıte■M,.....
8) An uptumed imıge of tbe scene inside~ on dıe wall Clıid: u bom witlı enDllglı food in Us belly ıo nınım far
across from thc hole. abouı .....
q Latcr, people made mobile boxes tbat worked like dıe an- A) ı month
cicnt camcra obscura. B) aday
D) A mim>r rcftected tbe image inside the box aod onto out-
E) in 1837 • Fmıchmın, Louis Daguem, found • way to re-
cord thc imıgcs on ı paper. E) 1\vo monthı

25. Cbooıe tlıe (alıe variıııt ıeeonUııg to tbe puııce. · 4. C••plete ıeateııee ıeeordinı to tlıe llıtned , nsıııe.
1. Louis Daguerre and Williım Henry Fox Talbot maıed the Tlıq are ıJıe nalional symbol ofNew üalıııwl. wlıos ıJwlr ıı.
first modem cameru. age appean on ıJıe counı,y) ınonq. postage ııaı,ıps, ad.....
2. Tbe U.S. invcntor Tbomas Edison made ı camera tbat
broughı pbotography to tbc general public. S. Wrtte tbe eorreet ıaıwer ıeeonıı■ı te tlıe lıtned ~
3. After taking pboto, peoplc sent tbe film to Edison's factory ıaıe?
to be prinlcd. Wlıaı do kiwis looA:for al niglıı?
4. ~ Eurnıan'ı camera was smıll and easy to use.
A) 1,2 8) 3,4 C) 2,3 · 6. Wrtte one ıdjecdve froa tile puaıe tut deıatba tlıe
O) 1,4 E)2,4
werd "claws"
26. Cbooıe t1ıt eorreet ıtatement aceordlnı to tbe pınıe.
A) The U.S. invcntor Thomas Edison and tbe Frcncb Luıniae 7. Claooıe tbe correct ror■ı of tlıe •erb.
brotbcn developcd movie camerıs in the Iate XIX ceııtury. A text ... in vırious periodı may bıve difl'ermı iınponancc Cor
8) Digital cameru did not ıppear until the 1800s. people.
C) Pcople ıimply puıbed ı button ofEdison's camaras to tike A. writtco
pic:tura. - B. is being writtaı
D) The U.S. inventor Tbomas Edisoo created first moving C. iıwriting
cımcras. J D.writing
E) Pictureı of Louiı Daguene called ıterotypeı. E. bas writtaı
, .
27. Complde ıeatenee wltb wordı froa tbe puıııe- 8. Clıooıe tbe eorreet ~ulut.
ln 1837, LI>aguem,, found ı way to record tbe imageı made My new boss ub me ...
by • camera obscura on metal plates but Wılliam H.F.T. uscd a A. wheo l bave comp~ dıiı put of projec:t.
siınitar box to recont imıaes on... ·· · B. ~ve l completcd tbiı pan of pıoject.
, '1 • C. ~ I have completcd dıis put of projcct beforc.
28. CHıplete ıeeordl■& to tbe paııııe wMı yoıır •wn O. if bave completed thiı put of projccı beforc.
words. . E. thıt bave ı completed tbiı p.ı or projeet.
Bef~ cameru werc beavy, complicated and beavy, but Eut-
mııı I caıııens wcre.... - . . . I 9. Cbooıe dte cerrİd nr1uı. .
' Rajab and ı ... in tbe samc ıroup.
19. Wrlte t1ıe word fnı■ tile p ~ wblcb ıw doıeİt a Abaıbeeo

ın•,ınlaı 16coıılffltp,onuy"
1 ' .. . ,
, . , B. wu .
lt. Wrtte oae ..leethe ~ dıe puıa~e ~la·dı~r- D. wil1
- •~- - . - . - . .. . •' . . ' E.ue

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