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Name: Carino, Rizza l.

Section: F2021

Protect from loss and damage

When I first saw the image above, the first word that comes to my mind
is guarding. Basically, guarding means watch over in order to protect or
control and that is the easy way to describes an industrial officer or what we
called the industrial security.

Industrial security has a big part with our community because it’s
provide protections to the people property, information, and assets. Also, it is
a part of internal security that protects industrial installations, utilities,
resources, and information essential to protect from loss or damage. One of
the task of an industrial security is the security planning. It pre-determine a
course of action. It is deciding in advance for what to do, how to do it, and
who is to do it. Security planning is a corporate and executive responsibility. It
involves knowing the objectives of the security and the means and the method
to reach those objectives or goal must then envolve.

Security is very important in our society. It reduce our stress levels by

handling an unpleasant situations that we would feel uncomfortable in dealing.
Knowing that you and your business is protected by them provides peace of
mind. Also, with the presence of our security, it will create a safer environment.
Security helps maintain a safe business environment. It is a welcomed
addition regardless if the industry is in retail, office, manufacturing or events.
Knowing security is near provides a sense of safety and assurance to
employees and customers.

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