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Name: John Anthony E.

Tabigue Date: 1/29/24

Ishihara Test – A test for color-blindness in which the subject is asked to distinguish
numbers or pathways printed in colored spots on a background of spots of a different
color or colors.

Potential Acuity Test – This test is to assess visual acuity through mild to moderate
ocular media such as cataracts, corneal scar, and etc. It also allow us to get an idea of
what vision would be like if there were no opacities present. This test may be performed
prior to cataract surgery. It helps to know that vision improvement is possible with
cataract surgery. The goal is to prevent unnecessary procedures, surgical risks, and
disappointing postoperative visual acuity.

Brightness Acuity Test – It allows you to determine the amount of scatter induced by
cataract changes within the natural lens.

Perimetry (Arc & Goldmann Standard) – This test can measure all the areas of your
eyesight, including your side, or peripheral, vision. It can determine if you have blind
spots called scotoma in your vision and where they are. A scotoma’s size and shape
can show how eye disease or a brain disorder is affecting your vision.

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