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Nama : Mariyati

Nim :

Kelas : 6 B

1. Colonoscopy
 Colonoscopy is a type of endoscopic examination that is perfomed to visualize all
the linings of the colon and rectum.
 Colonoscopy is used to detect irritation, sores, polyps or cancer.
 The colonoscopy test is carried out after the condition of the patient intestine is
clean from faeces so that the intestine looks clear in the colonoscopy process.
 Types of ERCP Diagnostic Endoscopy , to diagnose disorders of the pancreas,
bile duct, and gallbladder. Gastroscopy, to monitor the esophagus, stomach, and
duodenum. Colonoscopy , to abserve the condition of the large intestine, is often
done to diagnose coon cancer.
 Side effects of colonoscopy bleeding, severe stomach pain, Allergic reactions and
side effect of anesthetic. Perforation or tear in the intestinal wall big.
2. CT-Scan
 A CT-can is an examination procdure that utilizes special computer technology
and X-Rays to view tissues and structures in the body from various angles.
 Examination is carried out to obtain a diagnose of disorders of the bones, muscles,
and joints. Also can be used to determine the location anad size of tumors,
determine the ocation of infection anad blood clots.
 Thee are many types of CT Scan according to the area of the body that needs to
be examined among others:
- CT Scan of abdomen ( abdominal area )
- CT angiography (heart area)
- CT Scan arthrography (houlder or knee area and related joints)
- Bone CT Scan
- Neck CT Scan
- CT Scan of the pelvis (pelvic bone area)
- CT Scan of kidney stones dll
 The side effects of a CT scan are : mil allergic reactions, such as a rash, itching
and swelling on skin, coughing, dizziness.
3. Electrocardiogram ( ECG )
 Electrocardiogram is a signal generated by the electrical activity of the heart
muscle,which is a recording of hart condition information taken by placing an
electrode on the body.
 Electrocardiogram recordings are used by specialist doctors to determine the heart
condition of the patient.
 ECG is perfomed when experiencing symtoms of the heart disease, souch as chest
pain, difficulty breathing, fatigue, weakness, palpitations, and heart rhythm
disturbances (tachycardia or bardycardia).
 Types of Electrocardiogram
-Ambulatory EG, which is an examination performed using a portable ECG
machine to detect the electrical activity of the patients heart at home
-Stress ECG, namely checking the electrical activity of the patients heart when on
the move
-Resting ECG, performed on the patient in a position lying down.
 ECG side effects in the form of an allergic skin reaction due to electrodes attached
to the body. Pain will occour when the electrode is removed after the ECG
examination I complete. Heart defect that go on and on are sometimes difficult to
detect only with an ECG examination.
4. Electroencephalogram (EEG)
 An Electroencephalogram (EEG) is one of the tests performed to measure the
electrical activity of the brain to detect abnormalities in the brain.
 EEG examination is carried out to detect electrical activity in the patients brain,
detect brain disorders in epilepsy attacks t complcations of stroke.
 EEG examination is usully done when a doctor suspects a brain disorder, or when
a person experiences symtoms of a disease reated to a brain disordes.
 EEg examination process broadly speaking, there are two types of EEG
examination namely , xamination with electrodes attached to the surface of the
scalp and examination with electrodes inserted into the head.
 The side effects of an EEG examination will be feeling mild complants such as,
tingling in the lips, dizziness, or redness on the part where the tool is attached.
5. Gastroscopy
 Gastroscopy or esophago gastroduodenoscopy is an examination of the stomach
using an endoscope inserted through the mouth. The esophagus and duodenum are
also investigated.
 A gastroscopy examination to investigate and diagnose medial conditions in the
digestive or gastrointestinal system.
 Th doctors may recommend a gastroscopy examination if the patient has certain
symtoms, including nausea , vomiting,difficulty swallowing, burning sensation,
upper abdominal pain that does not go away, weight loss and bloating.
6. Eye Test
 Eye examination and consultation is a series of tests carried out to determine the
quality of vision and visual fields. This examination is also useful for diagnosing
disorders of the eye and determining the appropriate treatment.
 Eye examination are carried out to monitor the health condition of the eyes so that
eye diseases and impaired vision function can be detected as possible.
 Eye examination should be done every two years. Routine eye checks are highly
recommended for a child who has previously worn glasses, is 40 years of age or
older and has a family history of glaucoma and is 70 years old.
 Types of eye examination include physical eye examination ,examination of eye
muscle movement, visual acuity test, visual field examination, color blindness
test, and tonometry.
7. Hearing Test
 A Hearing test is a procedure to check a person hearing ability. The examination
is done by measuring how well sound waves are conducted to the brain. The
process of hearing occurs when sound waves enter the ear and cause vibrations in
the eardrum. These vibration then transmit sound waves to nerve cells which send
information signals to the brain.
 Hearing test are conducted to determine a person hearing ability by measuring
how well sound is transmitted to the brain. The process of hearing occurs when
sound waves enter through the ear and are carried by nerves to the brain.
 The Doctor will recommended that a hearing test be carried out for someone who
has the following symptoms or sign: Feeling a ringing in the ears (tinnitus) talking
too loudly to disturb the other person. Often the ask the other person to repeat hat
he said.
 The following are types of hearing test:
- Whisper test
- Tuning fork test
- Speech audiometry test
- Pue tone audiometry test
- Brainstem audiometry evoked response
- Otoacoustic emissions
- Acoustic reflex measures
- Tympanometry
8. MRI Scan
 An MRI Scan is a medical examination using magnetic technology and radio
waves to identify the condition of your body.
 An MRI scan examination is carried out as a support or tool to assist doctors in
providing an accurate diagnosis to patients regarding the health problems they are
 It depends on the purpose of the MRI examination being performed. When the
body is in the tube , a magnetic field and sound will appear and produce a signal
which is then captured by the computer to create a series of images. An MRI
examination usually lasts 20-90 minutes.
 There are seeral types of MRI including, Brain and spinal cord MRI, Heart and
blood vessel MRI, internal organ MRI, bone and joint MRI ,breast MRI.
 Side effects that may occur include : Nausea ,dizziness, and a metallic sensation
in the mouth, due to an allergic reaction from the contrast agent.
9. PET Scan
 PET Scan is a non-invasive examination that can describe the function of the
patient body in three dimensions using radiopharmaceuticals.
 PET Scan is performed to diagnose cancer malignancy and to find out the spread
of cancer so that the spread of cancer so that it will be known how to treat it.
 Usually, Doctors recommend a PET Scan in patients with cancer, heart disease, or
brain disorders.
 PET Scan side effects, PET Scan examination relatively safe to do ,Even so this
procedure still carries a risk of side effects ,including: Pain or redness of the skin
from the radiotracer injection, Claustrophobia that recurs during examinations,
Allergic reaction to the radiotracer , The test results are less accurate in people
with uncontrolled diabetes, Exposed to radiation esposure though the dose is
10. X- Rays
 X-Rays or X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths
ranging from 10 nanometers to 100 picometers and have energies in the range of
100 eV-100Kev.
 The examination is used detect health problms as well as supporting procedures
in certain medical procedures.
 X-rays examination is generally done to see the condition of bones and joints, for
example in examination of fractures, arthritis , tooth decay, osteoporosis or oven
 Types of X-rays examination include: computed tomography, fluoroscopy
examination, MRI, mammography examination, nuclear examination such as
(bone scan, tyroid scan, and cardiac stress test), x rays and ultrasound.
 The dangers of using X-rays short term effects ( change in skin color, nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea , and low blood cell count), long term effects (dry
mouth,difficulty swallowing, cataracts and damage to the skin)
11. Ultrasound
 Ultrasound is a diagnostic imaging technique using ultra sound which is used to
image internal organs and muscles, their size , structure, and pathological lesions,
making this technique useful for examination organs.
 Ultrasound is done on the recommendation of a doctor. This examination is not
only used to check conditions related to pregnancy, but also other health
problems. Ultrasound can also be used as a disease diagnosis tool to an aid during
certain surgical processes.
 The first ultrasound examination can be done early in pregnancy, to determine the
initial condition of the fetus. Then , a second examination can be done when the
gestational age enters the age of 20 weeks. While the third examination is carried
out when the time of delivery is approaching, namely at week 30 of pregnancy .
 Types of Ultrasound examination including : Abdominal iltrasound, Renal
ultrasound, Ultrasonography breast, ultrasound Doppler, pelvic ultrasound,
ultrasound transvaginal, Ultrasound thyroid.
 Ultrasound examination can causes the tissues and bones of the fetus to heat up.
This can trigger cell disorders characterized by bleeding. Research shows that
fetuses exposed to five or more ultrasound examination during pregnancy more
likely to experience growth inhibition .

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