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My goals has a connection to the mission and vision of the University of Batangas because I have

my own mission and vision and other things. For me, it provides the motivation to have a goal and
relation to something greater than myself. Through my deep desire to have a positive effect on the
world in my own specific manner, I build an internal drive and motivation to make my life more simple,
directed and fulfilled. It allows me to grow into a stronger and better person. As the mission is so strong
that I can do whatever I could to achieve my mission driven goals personally and professionally. I have a
strong and deliberate relation to why this is so important to me. I am much less likely to allow and cause
barriers and problems to stop me. I am setting my sights on what I am profoundly motivated to bring
into the future, and I am doing whatever it takes to do it.

I believe that all students are keen to learn, my learning philosophy. Not everyone learns at the
same pace, although it is possible for various methods and techniques. Students should not be regarded
as mindless individuals waiting around for their teachers to provide them with information. On the other
hand, students should be considered as people who can participate, communicate and acquire
experience from each other in the classroom. Students need instruction rather than just lectures. The
instructor must also prepare the students by teaching them the skills required to solve challenges and by
teaching them professionally the skills necessary for interacting and working successfully with others.
Students must be able to work in the real world that needs not only academic but social skills.

Set objectives, and for me guidance should also be done. This guide will help me define the way
my priorities will be accomplished. It helps not only to define my goals, but also because it holds duties
that are also very useful for other purposes. When I form an objective, commitment can be incredibly
terrifying and frustrating, but it will give me a feeling of success, and as I meet my target, I can
experience a sense of peacefulness. Students with objectives may concentrate on learning new or
strengthening existing abilities, but those that attain objectives prefer to demonstrate enough skills. In
setting success targets, I saw some of my fellow students ignore chances to overcome failures that will
encourage the development of new skills. These objectives and goals are good. And mine is more like it
if I let myself do it.

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