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How to stop

Climate Change
1.Keep fossil fuels in the ground
Fossil fuels include coal, oil, and gas
and the more that are extracted and
burned, the worse climate change will
get. Hence, all countries must move
their economies away from fossil fuels.

2. Invest in renewable energy

Changing our main energy sources
to clean and renewable energy is
the best way to stop using fossil
fuels. These include technologies
like solar, wind, wave, tidal and
geothermal power.

3. Switch to sustainable transport

Petrol and diesel vehicles, planes,
and ships use fossil fuels. Reducing
car use, switching to electric
vehicles, and minimizing plane
travel. These will not only help stop
climate change, it will reduce air
pollution too.

4. Reduce Plastic
Plastic is made from oil, and the
process of extracting, refining and
turning oil into plastic is surprisingly
carbon-intense. Hence, using
plastic will only worsen the climate
5. Protect the Forest
Forests are crucial in the fight against climate change,
and protecting them is an important climate solution.
Cutting down forests on an industrial scale destroys
giant trees which could be sucking up huge amounts of
carbon. Thus, we must implement laws to protect the
forests and fulfill its purpose.

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