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Barista Interview Questions

1. What are your favourite speciality coffee drinks to

make, and why?

I'm an expert with the milk frother, so my best speciality coffee has to

be a cappuccino. I can make a wide range of speciality coffee with an

espresso machine including lattes, piccolos, macchiatos, and

Americanos. I can also make matcha lattes, teas, and black coffees

using brewing methods like the French press or pourover."

2. How do you clean professional espresso machines?

At my current position, we clean our machines at the end of each day.

Atthe beginning of my shift, I clear the machine by running hot water

through the shots and work the steamer.At the end of my shift, I use

professional coffee machine cleaner, scrub, then soak in tools in boiling

water. I also wash the grates and wipe down all surfaces of the machine."

3. What are some of your strengths as a barista?

I like that I'm dedicated to customer satisfaction, cleanliness and service.

I have an eye for detail, excellent technical skills, and comfortable with a

high-volume, busy workplace. My multi-tasking skills help me provide

customer service by taking orders and serving beverages all at the same

time. I set high standards for my work and make sure my beverages are
consistent, accurate, and add to the customer's experience."

4. What skills does a good barista need?

Attention to detail

Customer service and interpersonal skills

Technical and product knowledge

One important skill is customer service. Baristas also need social skills

and a solid knowledge of the products they serve. Attention to detail,

efficient use of equipment, responsibility, and a good work ethic are

vital. Basitas also need to multitask while working at a fast pace and

remain positive during busy and extended service periods."

5. What are a barista's main duties and responsibilities?

In my current position, my main duties include opening and closing the

café, taking orders, and preparing an extensive list of speciality

beverages. A barista's duties include building relationships with

customers, taking orders, inventory, and sometimes managing the till."

6. What's your approach to customer service?

Active listening and interpersonal skills

Ability to build rapport quickly

A good memory for remembering repeat customers

My approach to customer service is to make personal connections

with customers. I always greet them with a smile, warm welcome,

and ask how I can help. I listen carefully, so they know they're being

heard and that I've understood their order.

7. How do you handle customer complaints or


I always remain calm, give the customer time to express their concerns,

and let them know I understand. I use my problem-solving and critical

thinking skills to find solutions and improve their experience."

8. Barista work is sometimes repetitive. How do you

stay motivated?

To me, making coffee is an art form and I enjoy sharing my passion with

customers. I challenge myself to improve the way I work, and find job-

satisfaction in seeing happy customers.

9. What is the difference between a latte, a macchiato,

and a cappuccino?

"Cappuccinos are equal parts espresso and steamed milk topped with

foam. Lattes are served in larger mugs or cups and contain more

steamed milk than a cappuccino. A macchiato is smaller and uses just a

splash of milk and dollop of foam over the espresso shot."

10. How do you handle the fast-paced work of a barista?

Experience in fast-paced work environments

Excellent memory

Quick thinking

"I consider the fast pace a fun, high-energy environment that is dynamic

and enjoyable. I can maintain an inner calm when the work is fast and

busy. It's enjoyable to develop a rhythm and flow of the work when the

team works as one."

11. What qualities can you bring to our team?

Enthusiasm and experience

Able to meet challenges and self-motivate

Team builder

I work well in a fast-paced environment and am eager for any

improvements or challenges that come my way. I have stellar problem-

solving and communication skills which help with my customer-centric

attitude. I can maintain focus, prepare many drinks at once, deal with

payments, special requests, and multitask."

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