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One POLITICAL condition of the One POLITICAL condition of the

Philippines today which I think will Philippines that time which I think
contribute greatly for me to become a contributed greatly for me to become a
critical citizen is the critical citizen was the

Vote buying in the Philippines today is The government system of the

uncontrollable. Many voters are selling their
votes in exchange for money. This helps me Philippines during Spanish colonial
understand the value of each vote. It is period was higly centralized and corrupt.
important to vote for a candidate based on their Dr. Jose Rizal grew up witnessing the
qualifications, track record, and platform rather injustices and abuses of Spanish
than the amount of money they give. By doing authorities which fueled his desire to
so, we can ensure that the elected candidate is
qualified and deserving. promote political reform.

One ECONOMIC condition of the One ECONOMIC condition of the

Philippines today which I think will Philippines that time which I think
contribute greatly for me to become a contributed greatly for me to become a
critical citizen is the critical citizen was the

The economy of the Philippines today is During Spanish colonial period, the
experiencing inflation. The cost of living in the Spanish officials took advantage of their
country is becoming more expensive. The power by collecting illegitimate taxes.
prices of goods and products are climbing Filipinos were forced to pay taxes more
despite the fact that the salaries of workers
than what was allowed by law. This drove
remain the same. This economic condition
helped me realize that I should do much better Rizal to write his 2 novels exposing the
in my studies and know the importance of oppression and injustices by Spanish
budgeting and saving money. authorities.

One SOCIAL condition of the One SOCIAL condition of the

Philippines today which I think will Philippines that time which I think
contribute greatly for me to become a contributed greatly for me to become
critical citizen is the a critical citizen was the

Poverty in the Philippines is a primary issue. The Filipinos suffered social injustices
Many families are struggling to meet their basic during Spanish colonization. They were
needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare.
Factors like economic inequality, lack of access
called Indios - classified as the lowest
to quality education, and political instability group in the society. Filipino men were also
contribute to poverty. So, education plays a forced to do skilled labor for 40 days
significant role to design your future as a without pay under polo y servicio. This
successful person in life and as a useful citizen leads for Dr. Jose Rizal to organize La Liga
in the society. Filipina, aiming to end inequalities.

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