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Ar. Mark Lenuel M.

Bool Assign Readings - Individual Output

MUPD 601 Sep 2, 2023

1. Chapters 4-6 of Diamond, Jared, Guns, Germs and Steel; A Short History of
Everybody for the last 13,000 years
● Chapter 4- Farmer Power
● Chapter 5- History's Haves and Not Haves
● Chapter 6- To Farm or Not to Farm


Diamond explains how agriculture led to military advantages and specialization in

societies, separating them from hunter-gatherer societies with little surplus food.

Early adopters of agriculture had a technological advantage.

Agriculture emerged as a reliable way to feed humans, replacing hunting large wild

2. The Crystallization of the City: The First Urban Transformation by Lewis Mumford


Lewis Mumford highlights the transformation of a village into a city, involving more than
just survival, driven by the power of the royals and city dwellers.

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