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Parts of Speech

1. Noun
a. Person: Lauren, Feruza, Golrokh, Neda, Hossein,
Masoud, Nahid, Narina, Jian Xin, student,
teacher, doctor, child, etc.
b. Place: Classroom, city, Canada, playground,
cinema, etc.
c. Thing: pencil, book, TV, i-Pad, computer, etc.
d. Idea: friendship, love, happiness, hate, etc.
Parts of Speech
I, you, we, they, she, he, it
Me, you, us, them, her, him, it
Parts of Speech
 Adjective
 Big, small, tall, young, old, beautiful, lovely,
good, bad, cute, smart, strong, etc.
Parts of Speech
 Action verbs:

Sleep, study, work, run, eat, etc.

 Non action (stative) verbs:

Be, have, love, like, hate, believe, etc.

Parts of Speech
 Manner: happily, sadly, quickly, slowly, fast.
 Frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes,
rarely, never.
 Time: now, then, tomorrow, yesterday, next,
last, recently, etc.
 Place: here, there, outside, inside, everywhere,
Parts of Speech
 Preposition:
 In, on, at, under, over, above, below, etc.
Parts of Speech
 Articles:
Parts of Speech
 Coordinating:
FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)
 Subordinating:
After, before, as soon as, when, while, because
Parts of Speech
 Interjection
Wow, hey, yay, ouch, hallelujah, etc.

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