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Project 2: Water Filtration

Objective: To investigate different methods of water filtration and compare their

effectiveness in removing impurities.


Dirty water (can be collected from a pond or mixed with soil)

Filtration materials (sand, gravel, activated charcoal, cotton balls, coffee filters, etc.)
Plastic bottles or containers
Measuring cups
Permanent marker
Stopwatch or timer

Label each plastic bottle/container with the type of filtration material it will contain.
Layer the filtration materials in each bottle/container in different combinations. For
example, one bottle might have a layer of gravel at the bottom, followed by sand, then
activated charcoal.
Pour the dirty water into each bottle/container and measure the initial volume.
Start the stopwatch and observe how long it takes for the water to pass through each
filtration system.
Measure the volume of water collected after a certain time period (e.g., 5 minutes, 10
Compare the clarity and cleanliness of the filtered water from each system.
Record your observations and conclusions regarding the effectiveness of each filtration

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