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oPEiAT['tG ||tETRU CTtOt{3

DhD.nllonlr4ll4 dia.x 2-3116'd..p.
W .bhtr l l b.2oz.(5t08)
FlnLh.d: Bal.d dalk gny cnaftl.
ComRtlon5: l/E f€m!I. NgI high dd lo*
ptsurc raps.duplicat.d, onc si& Pluso. mi.us2% of tull *a1.. at

70'F (21 l'C). (Mo<lcl2000-0,3*:
Pl*uE R.ting: 15PSI (1.01bar)
Abbi. TenFnluF lrr8!: 20'ro l4O'F

SLrd.rd a.A. r..tgri6 includcrwo

l/8: nal€ NPI pluts for duplicateprcs,
surcrapr.No l/8" mal. NPTpiperhcad
to rubb.r tubingadapte6.andthR flurh
mounlingad.pte6 wifi wrys.

C.ulion: Fo. E etlh d. or cdnFom

Fo. Bpeared over$cin-! or high ctclc hre,

Not for q vlilt fiydiog.n gr.. It rg.|ts

ucdG vill o@i


o+u trq [l dr oFq! RELIEFOF O/EFPFESSUFE.



| 1t2
Orcrpressore Prolcclion: srrndlrd 4, FlushMounting
llaen.hcliceaScsarcmt.d lbr i n \inNm
prcsurcof 15pri-! and\hot'ldnor tr: ultd
*hcrc lhrl limir couklbc c\cc.dcd N.$cr
modclscnrplor r n'bbcr pluSon rhc rclr _ l--\
{hich tnnclion\!t u rclcl \!hc br uns.rr
ing andlentinSrhceigc intcnorshcDorcr
prc$urcrcachcs 15 p\i8.To
rpproxiDa(clr_ "V
p.ovider frcc p.rh forpressur.r.licf. rhere ' l -' \
lre four sprcerpadssbich Diimi 0lr-
cledanceshen rrgc i\ \urilce rhunred Pnnide i .1tr/l6 dir. opcningn' p!n.l
Do not obslrurlthc gap erelleJ bl lhr\c ln\en gxgclid r.ure in ph.e sirh No.6
l: Dr.chntcscres\ oi rpptuprilrelenCrh.
*irh drpre^. linnh \eeurdi ii plrce. To
mounl lrgc on I'l/.1 1" pill<. order op
l.Selccta krrtion licc fronrc\ccssi\cvr honrlA ' 610ti pe nnrnl i ng| l t.
hrationlnd sh.rc rhc ambicntlcnrperunrc
*ill nol 110'F(60'C) Aho- lroid 5. To zero lhe oaoe after
dirccl \unljSht shich iccelcnres dis.ol installation
oratnlnof rhe clerr plasdccorcr. Sd\irg sel lhe indirllin! B)inLer e\lcrly on lhe
lincs nry bc run rn) necessrrydinrNe. /ero mrl. using rhe e\rcmrl /en) ldjusr
Lone tubing lef,Srhswiu nor xiTec(...u \.rc$ o. lhc corcr !L th{ k)tlom Norc rhrr
racy bur wiu increrse responserirte rhe /c.o ehc.r or rdj!\rmcnt cln onl\ he
sliehrly.Do nor resricr lines.Ii puhlrinr nlde silh lhL high rnd l,'$ pr.\ure taps
pre$ures or vibrarion cause excessne h)lh open k) rlnuphtr.
pointeroscillcrior.consulrrhe facroryfor
waysto prolideaddnionlldrnpinS
Positirc tsbiIl!
qrce ol trc$urc ro cilherol lhc l$1rhilh
2. Allsranda.dMagrehelic8agesire crli' prc*u.c Pn\ PluSrhcpon noru\ed vcnr
b.ated wnh fte dirphngm lenirxl rnd .nc or horh los trc*urc l!rn\ !rno(
shouldbe usedin rharposnionfor nrri 'o
mum accuoc).If Sagesde ro he usedin
NegativePlessuF: Conlc.r ILrbinStreDr
otherftu \enical posnion.rbi\ rhouldhr
\ourceoiricuunr or ne8crj\epre{urc roci
specifiedon $e order Mrny hisherrangc rlterof lhe rso los presurepons Pluelhc
8a8eswillperfom wiLhinroledncein orher pon nor used.Venrone or borhhi8h pre!
posnronswnh only rezercingl-ow rangc \ure F)ns ro armosphee.
Mdlel l(Xn-ff, and nctrtc cqui\al.nh
l)iffercntial Pressuft: (i,nnerr rDhity,
fru\r be u\edin lhc rcdical positiononly.
,iom thc e.elrcrof rso prcs
cilh.r hi-qhprc$urc pot1lnd thc b*cr t,,
3. Surface Mountinq crth.r los p.c\jurc pon. Plueborhunu\cd

/ (f,t when one side of $e SaBeir rented in

I/;i -l ' diny. dusr) itmosphe.e.we su8sesrrn A
' 13l Fjherve.r Plugbensralledin theoFD
pofl ro tcep nride of erCeclein.

A For ponablcusc of tcmtrruD inslalh-

ttrate mounringholes.120' apanon r .r' tion u\c l/E" pipc tb.cudto rubbertubin!
l/8' dir. circle. Use No. 6'l: mrrhinc adapl.rund eonncclto rourccof trc\\urc
rress of apprcpnate lengrh. $ith n'bbc.or Tr8onrubinS.
B. l-i)rpcmrftnr in\trlhtn)n. l/.r"O.D . or
lrryer..opper or aluminumrubingi\ rec
onmcndcd See lccesorr- bullctin s'l0l
Md(stt: No luboci|'(n r Dcftdic c|ulh.: lt b.rl bilxlr *hn iniallin!. lu-
s.ricing is |!itui.rd. Keet ca*.xrdic and b.icde ftrexl\ \nainSly ri$ light oil or
coE cl€an. O.c.snmu disonllc(1 tltts molyhlenum di\r'lpft ide !MFEftr.
lurc lifts to vcnl bolh sidcs dt grgc ro dI' W|.Dlna: Atremtcd licld lepln may void
rnosplEE lnd rc-rcro. OptoMl v.nt v{lvd. your waremy. Rclllibrutaonor Rpair
by tl|e usr is n{ r.(ommn.hd. fd
r llfl'n s-ll)lr \hrld lr ur.d
h!.$ Gsuhs. llum 8a$ to dE f&krl.
\j in{rll.rion\. 'n
ShipFrFrid t':
Cdhrdor s.k r ! {.cdd grrc or D*yer In\mmnt' Inc.
muxmter of l$o*n scumcy and in an qr-
proprinlc ronf€. UsinS shon lcnglhs of rub' 102lodianaHigh*ny 212
bcr G virll tubitrg.cdKr th. high prcs- MichiFn Cny. N 46360
sut! si& of lh. MatNhelic g!8. atd dE t!\t
t!8c ro t*o legi of a r... Vcry slo\rly t{'rrly
TNblc Skrrint lip!:
FEs{r. ft.$ugh thc thid hg- AlkD r fes
s.{dds fr FlssuE lo eqoalirc. nuid lo <iag. td't indftat or it n4''sish-
dBin. et .. and compor8BadinSs. lf llrcu- I . DuplicateprcsnrE pon mr plu!€cd.
mc] uB(|€Frbl.. g!8. may bc Ntun|€d ro 2. Di.phmgm ruFurcd du. to ov.rprcssurc.
facrGy for Rdibdtid. To calibrarc in rhc
l. Fitring\ or scdsint liB\ blocl.d.
ft kL use F folknNingpracdurc.
| . rvift 8aA. or.. hcld 6mly. ld*n hczl. {. Covc. llre G'o_ring dam4Ed. miss.
by tuming co{|nt rtl8twi$. To avoidd&n-
!8e. . clrnvas\rnp wcnch c similrr r@l 5. PrcssuBsen$r. tnati! tips. Pitol ubc.

3. R.,ioti. sc.L $ws.!'d r$.nbly. ri(n bclo\r 20'F G?'C). dd.r 8at. wilh
8c c.rcful Dd ro denEg. pointcr. 1o{,rmF arur. (LT) opiior-
/t. TIE calibdion is chang.d by trtovnE dE .Poi.rcr srtlct-8.!c crnl b. z..Ed.
clmp. I-oos.r E $nw{s) and dreve L sc!|. tuhinS point r.
ilighdy lolrrd dE lElir if gag. i, rsding 2. Springmasn.r ass.nbly shiffcd and
hi8h. dd aqay if rledir8 ld. Tightcn
dMp $nw .rd iNtall $ak as*mbly
3. M.rr||k F.dcL! .lhdr! to D.s|.l
5- PL. covcr r|d GrinS in F5itk'n.
|'d lrarf.rlrr rftn tdt nov.r
I I tr'. llr 5h!n oo inrid. of cotEr is roc
4. Cdcr zcm adjusr sluft Hen oi not
\{ cnlag.d in ,.ro diusr scre.
p$Frl' cngaeEdi. adjuslingsd.
6. S.cDr. cnvd itr phc! by icrEwiry b.z.l
do\rn snu8. No(. h.r rhc srca und.r rh.
cov6 is FEssuriz€din oFfrion rnd dEr! Wc gcrcnlly le ormE d th.l tr€Es rECd-
fd! !4. will lcil if noaFlp.rty titlr.ncd. ing rcpqi. bc Erur|l d ro tlE f-tort. P.ns
?. ZF t|8r rnd colnFE to t.$ inllrunEnt. us.d in !.riN st tacr.mblics v.ry from
on rirgG of tr$ ro .noth.r. .!d us€of in-
M.t hrnhcr diuirnEnls s corftcr ljolnpoi.m, mry c1$. rmprcp.r
op.raft,n. Afi€r r..ciF iid insFction, v.
will tr hsppy lo quolc r.prir c6ts!
dE$Fxlin! ril|| rlE f-rdt
lrF FobL6b. $t to Consuk fa.lcy fd lssist ncc d unBul
n!r$.r. F!$E m!.. !,i ..t
FFld qlir ir.d d.d:
rpplicltio|rs d corditiom.
dE f-ray fd EFi. Fi!'EmrE Us. with rir q @mp{iblc gar.! onln
CC.pynCn 20@ Od.r tltrrErlr lE. FA. t2144124. tur. 2

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