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DATE: MARCH 27, 2022


Directions: Answer the following questions based on your own experiences as a

member of the community where you belong. (3 points each)

1. What does the community provide you with as an individual?

Every aspect of our lives is influenced by our communities. We have

communities in our friends, families, workplaces, neighbourhoods, and a variety of other

places. We are united by a sense of community. We feel a sense of belonging when we

are a part of an active community. Furthermore, it can also make us feel as though we

are part of something greater than ourselves. It gives us opportunities to connect with

people, to reach our goals, and makes us feel safe and secure.

2. What are the things in the community that made a significant effect or

influence on your growth as an individual?

The community has a significant impact on my entire life as an individual in a

variety of ways, such as the law of my community, which teaches me to be responsible

and a good member of my community. If I do something wrong, I will face legal

consequences. As a member of a diverse community, I also learned and educated myself

about the various cultures and religions that exist within the community. This allows me

to learn how to better serve the needs of my neighbors. Most importantly, I recognized

the importance of volunteerism. Volunteering allows me to divert my attention away from

myself and devote my time and energy to others in need. In my spare time, I volunteer
at my church and coach recreational youth activities in my community. This boosts my

self-esteem, teamwork, and leadership abilities.

3. How does your positive and negative contributions affect other members of

the community?

I believe that my positive contribution benefits other members of my

community as well. If I make/do something good for others, such as donating blood to

those in need, I believe that every donation of blood makes a difference in someone's

life. Communities with common interests, values, thoughts, and attitudes encourage us

to live better lives, strive for more, and focus on the outcomes we seek, creating a sense

of belonging, acceptance, understanding, and inspiration.. I live in my community to

inspire others by fostering a sense of self-discovery and group connection, encouraging

members to express their beliefs and values, and fostering relationships with others. On

the other hand, there are times when I feel disconnected from my community and lack

motivation and purpose. This type of behavior has a negative impact on those around

me, causing them to become unmotivated as well as uncomfortable around me.

4. How does the community shape its people and vice versa?

People's perceptions of themselves and others are shaped by their

communities. There are reflections of the ideas, beliefs, and socioeconomic realities that

people share as a group. Who you interact with and how you react to them can either

give you a sense of belonging or lead to rejection and isolation. Culture, society, and the

environment all appear to play important roles in shaping identities. Various factors that

shape identity can range from a wide range of values and beliefs to experiences.

5. What makes a community?

A community, according to Arlien Johnson, a well-known community

development specialist, is a group of people who share similar interests and goals,

whether they live in the same geographic area or not. The community has several

elements, the first of which is Demographics, which includes population distribution and

density. History includes past events that aided in the development of the community

and the people's way of life. People's income levels and occupations, as well as the

physical, political, and social structures of the community. A community is made up of

people who share a common identity and purpose, as well as common goals, interests,

and behaviors.

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