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Good day, my name is Jomar V. Bacani, 20 years old currently studying at Palawan state

university with the course of bachelor of science in business administration major in financial

management. I would like to be a student intern of your company willing to adapt, Learn and

accept challenges in a short time.

I’m hoping that by the end of this video you will get to know me more and what values I can add

to your company.

Not just good in academics but also, I am talented person. I am versatile in all aspects and

areas of work. I am also very good at multi-tasking. So, if you want give me a lot of works rest

assured that I can handle that. I’m also very eager do things and to learn new things. I

considered myself as a team player but can-do job excellently alone.

From Elementary to senior high schools, I graduated with a high honor. I studied Elementary at

Manuel Austria memorial high school and I studied my junior and senior high at San Jose

national high school.

This time let’s talk about why you should hire me.

Hardworking, creative, passionate, willing and well-organized.

I am hardworking because I have juggled and excelled in school, work and community activities

all at the same time So if you want give me a lot of task rest assured, I can handle that because

I am very good at multi-tasking with quality.

I am creative because being part of a family that doesn’t live with luxuriously you need to be

resourceful, you need to find ways, think of new ideas so I started innovate. I am willing

because I still don’t know I am work in progress so I want the process of learning new things
and in fact, anyone can be so talented and so capable of doing a lot of things but not . can be

available and wiling.

And that’s all, feel free to connect with my number and email. I hope you considered my video

resume because I believed that this is the position, this is the place, and this is the moment I’ve

always been wanting and waiting for.

Hope to work with you soon. Thank you for watching and God bless.

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