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Task 4: Develop a drill exercise for students to practice the correct intonation

patterns in questions and statements, emphasizing rising and falling tones.

Name of the class teacher:

Date: 26.02.2024

Class: Number of participants: Number of absentees: 0


The topic of the lesson: «Development of intonation skills»

Beginning: Explain the concept of intonation and its

importance in English pronunciation.

Aim: 1. Learning intonation helps learners convey

meaning, emotions, and attitudes more
accurately and effectively.

2. Explain the concept of intonation and its

importance in English pronunciation.

3. Intonation varies across languages and

cultures, reflecting cultural norms and
communication styles.

Intonation is primarily a matter of variation in the pitch of the voice. In such

languages as English, it is often accompanied by stress and rhythm to produce
meaning. (Tone is also a form of pitch modulation, but the term describes the use
of pitch to differentiate words and grammatical categories.)
Exercise 1: What intonation is it?

Students let’s play «Banana game» to find correct intonation.

Explanation. There are 3 patterns of intonation, rising, falling and falling-


 We use rising intonation when we are happy, suprising and etc.

 We use falling intonation when we are upset, confused and in statements
(when smt is going to happen, or already done ).
 In Banana game we will use only one word Banana, to show all patterns of
 I will speak, you have to find out it is rising or falling intonation.

Banana banana banaNa (rising) (happy)

BaNana baNana baNana (falling) (sad)

BanaNa? (rise) (confused)

Ba – Na – na, Ba – Na- na (falls) (annoyed)

Students learn about different emotions (happy, sad, surprised, etc.) and learn to
express those emotions through intonation when they say short phrases or

Exercise 2: Intonation Storytelling Relay

 Divide the class into teams.

 Prepare a short story with different emotions or intonation patterns indicated
at various points.
 The first student from each team starts reading the story with the indicated
 After a certain amount of time or at designated points, they pass the reading
to the next team member, who continues with the story using the next
indicated intonation/emotion.

Team 1 Team 2
1 student: 1 student:
Once upon a time, in a quaint little In the bustling city of New York,
village nestled amidst rolling hills and there lived a young man named Alex.
whispering trees, there lived a young His days were filled with ambition,
girl named Elara. Elara was known his dreams reaching for the stars. One
throughout the village for her morning, as he stepped out onto the
infectious laughter that could brighten crowded streets, a sense of
even the gloomiest of days. determination filled his chest.

One sunny morning, as Elara skipped With a confident stride, Alex

through the meadow, her heart navigated through the sea of people,
brimming with joy, she stumbled his voice firm and resolute as he
upon a wounded bird. With a gentle greeted acquaintances along the way.
touch, she cradled the fragile creature "Good morning, everyone," he called
in her hands, feeling a surge of out, his tone brimming with
compassion wash over her. optimism. "Today is going to be a
great day!"
2 student: 2 student:
"Oh, poor little thing," she cooed, her As he made his way to work, his
voice soft and empathetic. "Don't mind buzzed with excitement for the
worry, I'll take care of you." opportunities that lay ahead. But just
as he reached his office building, his
With tender care, Elara nursed the phone rang with news that sent his
bird back to health, spending hours by heart plummeting.
its side, soothing its pain with her
comforting presence. Each day, as the "Alex, I'm sorry, but we've had to
bird grew stronger, Elara's heart make some cuts," his boss said, his
swelled with pride and happiness, voice laced with regret. "Your
knowing she had made a difference in position has been eliminated."
its life.
3 student: 3 student:
But just as Elara grew accustomed to Shock rippled through Alex's body,
the bird's cheerful chirps echoing his voice faltering as he struggled to
through her home, a sudden storm comprehend the sudden turn of
swept through the village, tearing events. "But... but what am I
down trees and flooding the streets. In supposed to do now?" he stammered,
the chaos, the bird was swept away, his tone tinged with disbelief.
leaving Elara feeling a profound For days, Alex wandered the streets
sense of loss. aimlessly, his spirit crushed beneath
the weight of uncertainty. His voice
Tears streamed down her cheeks as grew hollow as he muttered to
she searched desperately for her himself, "What's the point?
feathered friend, her voice trembling Everything I worked for is gone."
with anguish. "Please come back,"
she whispered, her words filled with But just when he felt like he had hit
sorrow and longing. "I can't bear to rock bottom, a chance encounter
lose you." changed everything. A stranger
stopped him on the street, offering a
kind smile and a helping hand.
4 student: 4 student:
For days, Elara mourned the absence "Hey, I couldn't help but notice you
of her beloved companion, the weight seem lost," the stranger said, his
of sadness heavy upon her shoulders. voice gentle and reassuring. "But
But just when she thought her heart you're not alone. There's always a
could take no more, a faint chirping way forward, even when it feels like
caught her ear, and her eyes widened there isn't."
with hope.
Slowly, hope began to stir within
There, perched upon a branch, was Alex once more. With newfound
the bird, battered but alive. Relief determination, he set out to explore
flooded through Elara's veins, new paths, his voice infused with
washing away the despair that had determination as he declared, "I won't
consumed her. With a joyous laugh, give up. I'll find a way to rise again."
she rushed forward, her voice filled
with elation. "You're safe! You're
really here!"
5 student: 5 student:
And so, amidst the ebb and flow of And so, through the highs and lows
emotions, Elara learned that life was a of life's unpredictable journey, Alex
symphony of highs and lows, each learned that resilience and optimism
feeling adding depth and richness to could carry him through even the
the melody of her existence. And darkest of times. With each emotion
though the journey was sometimes he experienced, he grew stronger, his
difficult, she embraced each emotion voice echoing with the unwavering
with open arms, knowing that they all belief that no matter what challenges
played a part in shaping who she was. lay ahead, he would face them head-
on, ready to conquer whatever came
his way.

By doing this exercise, students learn to read the text with intonation. Learns how
to use intonation and learns to pronounce words correctly.

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