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r Academy of Management Annals

2019, Vol. 13, No. 2, 414–443.


New York University Stern School of Business

The aging workforce is a widely acknowledged, major organizational phenomenon.

Nevertheless, its present level of scholarship is both narrow in focus and inconclusive in
implications for key organizational domains: namely, individual-level performance
(why does evidence suggest no effect of worker age on overall performance?),
interpersonal-level discrimination (why do older workers face heightened discrimina-
tion if their performance is generally valued?), and group-level diversity (why has re-
search failed to identify consistent age diversity benefits?). The present review argues
that answering these questions necessitates expanding the older worker space by in-
corporating research approaches of other, well-established literature studies—each of
which offer equally valid ways of understanding (older) worker age, but do not typically
cast themselves as covering age per se. Although these other literatures—comprising
Generation, Age, Tenure, and Experience (GATE)—potentially foster a more sophisti-
cated conception of older workers than present approaches typically offer, these liter-
atures have remained largely separate, resulting in their own level of inconclusive and
sometimes contradictory predictions for an aging workforce. To address each of these
issues going forward, researchers must integrate GATE elements in all older worker
investigations. A GATE approach avoids overreliance on chronological age as a pre-
dictor, more accurately represents the inherent complexity of age as a status category,
and potentially offers more definitive conclusions than present approaches do. Such is
timely, and crucial, for a topic that is somehow both ubiquitous in the workforce and yet
not well understood by mainstream organizational scholarship.

After a considerable stint on the sidelines of or- anywhere from 37 (Riach & Rich, 2010) to 70
ganizational behavior (OB), the topic of the rapidly (Neumark, Burn, & Button, 2015). Other such in-
aging workforce is beginning to earn some scholarly vestigations leave the matter even more ambiguous,
playing time. Older worker focus now spans edited using the qualitative term “older workers,” with no
volumes (Hedge & Borman, 2012), special journal numerical age attached (Chiu, Chan, Snape, &
issues (Fraccaroli & Truxillo, 2011), and annual re- Redman, 2001). This literature also generally does
view articles (Truxillo, Cadiz, & Hammer, 2015). not distinguish between different shades of older
Taken together, these calls for increased scholar and workers, such as how perceptions might differ to-
practitioner attention might suggest the completion ward the 62-year-old, 30-year-tenured employee,
of a foundational opening act for this nascent schol- versus the 62-year-old employee hired last year—not
arly domain. to mention the extent to which the effectiveness of an
Nevertheless, Act 2 could use greater conceptual age-diverse workgroup might depend on tenure dif-
clarity. For instance, age-based definitions remain ferences versus life-stage differences. Thus, if Act 1
surprisingly unclear in this literature; as per re- successfully has encouraged greater attention on the
searchers, an “older” worker chronologically ranges topic of older workers, then with hope, a successful
Act 2 might urge greater nuance in its study.
The present literature faces not only a lack of clarity
I gratefully acknowledge the impressively thorough and
in predictors, but also in terms of understanding
constructive comments from associate editor Matthew
outcomes. For instance, performance generally does
Cronin, editor Daan van Knippenberg, and two anonymous
reviewers. I am also grateful to Steve Blader for his gener- not decline with age (McEvoy & Cascio, 1989; Ng &
ous time and effort in providing feedback on this manu- Feldman, 2008; Posthuma & Campion, 2007), and
script’s initial proposals, and to Angela Shakeri for managers are aware of older workers’ unique value
assisting with the literature search. (Pitt-Catsouphes, Smyer, Matz-Costa, & Kane, 2007).
Corresponding author. Nevertheless, age discrimination charges have risen
Copyright of the Academy of Management, all rights reserved. Contents may not be copied, emailed, posted to a listserv, or otherwise transmitted without the copyright holder’s express
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2019 North 415

over the past two decades (North & Fiske, 2015a), and indicator of age. I conclude by highlighting how
nearly two-thirds of older workers feel discriminated adopting a holistic GATE view of an aging work-
against because of their age (Moss, 2016). By the same force dovetails with broader, ongoing OB schol-
token, broad acknowledgment of the pragmatic need arly imperatives: striving for construct clarity,
to accommodate an aging workforce has yet to incorporating context, and tackling grand man-
translate into a precise knowledge base of how to best agerial challenges.
accomplish this (North & Hershfield, 2014). In a
similar vein, although the study of age diversity has
grown alongside aging workforce scholarship, the
roadmap for harnessing productive age diversity re-
mains unclear (Boehm & Kunze, 2015)—much less Although existing work has proven useful in var-
what represents a threshold of “age diversity” in the ious ways, I outline three overarching issues: (1) The
first place, given disparities in how researchers literature is currently too niche to fully capture the
operationalize it (Klabuhn & Thommes, 2017). In issue’s importance and scope, and to motivate orga-
sum, “accommodating older workers” sounds nice in nizational scholars to contribute; (2) its reliance on
theory, but in both scholarship and practice, the topic chronological age as a construct has resulted in
remains niche; what constitutes “older” remains overemphasis of an ambiguous predictor; and (3) its
surprisingly vague; and in key domains of OB, it is chronological age focus has resulted in unclear out-
still unclear what worker age reliably predicts—if comes to understand what an aging workforce truly
anything at all. signifies for the field of management.
Toward clarifying these outstanding issues,
injecting comprehensive nuance into the older
A Scholarly Paradox: Universal Acknowledgment
worker space, and clarifying relevant predictors and
yet Niche Attention
outcomes, this review integrates diverse bodies of
older worker–relevant literature, suggesting a more Virtually all organizational scholars agree on the
comprehensive framework for future research on importance of understanding a rapidly aging work-
these topics. I divide this review into three parts. Part force. A widely cited 2014 Academy of Management
1 outlines the state of the aging workforce literature, Journal editorial characterizes the worldwide issue
describing how existing perspectives, although as “at a critical turning point,” stating that “it is time
helpful, rely too heavily on numerical age as the for us to unpack the proxies [of age] and explore what
defining older worker metric. This leaves unresolved it really means to have an older workforce” (Kulik,
major questions surrounding the integration of older Ryan, Harper, & George, 2014: 934). A recent Annual
workers in key domains of individual performance, Review of Organizational Psychology piece echoes
interpersonal discrimination, and group-level di- this call: “As a field we need to accept the challenge
versity. In the hopes of identifying key older worker of identifying what employers and societies can do to
predictors that go beyond mere chronology, Part 2 help deal with this growing issue [of the aging
posits four other, disparate bodies of extant literature workforce]—and move beyond age as a statistical
that belong in the older worker space, but which control variable” (Truxillo et al., 2015: 374). Never-
historically have been considered separate— theless, in spite of its acknowledgment as a “grand
Generation, Age, Tenure, and Experience (GATE). challenge” facing management worldwide, the aging
Here I argue that each literature figures integrally workforce continues to be vastly understudied
into the equation for understanding what we compared with other topics such as sustainability
mean by “older” workers; however, considering and climate change (George, Howard-Grenville,
these (GATE) predictors as separate from one Joshi, & Tihanyi, 2016; Howard-Grenville, Buckle,
another—as has been the case with these segregated Hoskins, & George, 2014).
literatures—fosters its own set of contradictory It is not so much that no one studies the topic, but
messages vis-à-vis older worker outcomes in per- rather that the organizational literature that focuses
formance, discrimination, and diversity. To re- explicitly on “older” or “mature” workers remains
solve the inconsistencies outlined in Parts 1 and 2, comparatively niche. This sparsely populated in-
Part 3 suggests paths forward, urging researchers to tellectual space focuses primarily on human resource
adopt integrative GATE approaches that simulta- considerations for an aging workforce, or else dynam-
neously account for these multiple age-related di- ics of the often overlooked domain of age diver-
mensions, rather than relying on a single numerical sity. These subliterature studies often make the
416 Academy of Management Annals July

argument that accommodating the aging workforce An Overemphasis on (Ambiguous) Chronological

is necessary because of demographic (i.e., workforce Age as a Predictor
aging) forces—and argue that far too little research
Aside from a general lack of scholarly attention,
attention elucidates up-to-date considerations, such
aging workforce scholarship also lacks precision in
as the extent to which employer attitudes potentially
its construct clarity. In their conceptualizing of
influence age discriminatory practices (Loretto &
“older,” both the aging workforce and age diversity
White, 2006).
subliteratures tend to rely on chronological age as
These points are generally well taken, but to date
their key barometer. The former typically focuses on
have not inspired many managerial scholars to fill
a prevailing numerical cutoff to define what consti-
the void. To illustrate, in line with a literature search
tutes an older worker (e.g., over 50; Loretto & White,
robustness check employed by Cronin, Weingart,
2006); meanwhile, the latter emphasizes a distribu-
and Todorova (2011), I searched for key words per-
tion of chronological age, based on the standard de-
taining to the aging workforce, in arguably the six
viation, or related such variance metric, of a group’s
highest impact scholarly management journals
age (Klabuhn & Thommes, 2017). Emphasizing a
(Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Man-
single numerical definition of “older” presents con-
agement Review, Administrative Science Quarterly,
cerns both methodological and theoretical, even if it
Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Be-
does reflect chronology-based rationales to study the
havior and Human Decision Processes, and Orga-
aging workforce in the first place (e.g., rapid rises of
nization Science). I searched within each journals’ two
551 workers; Tossi, 2012).
most recent full years of publication (2017–2018) for
article key words or titles containing “age discrim- Methodological inconsistencies. What consti-
ination,” “age diversity,” “aging,” “aging work- tutes older age in the workplace is highly malleable
force,” “elderly,” “older,” or “older workers.” This and differs widely between researchers (James,
search yielded a total of three total results (Gielnik, McKechnie, & Swanberg, 2011). For instance, ex-
Zacher, & Wang, 2018; Kooij, van Woerkom, perimental and field studies on hiring biases or other
Wilkenloh, Dorenbosch, & Denissen, 2017; Saluja, treatment disparities based on age quantify “older”
Adaval, & Wyer, 2017). (Similarly, the key word as ranging from 37–47 (versus 21–27 for a younger
“retirement” garners four total hits over this 2-year comparison group; Riach & Rich, 2010), to 50–62
period; Bilgili, Campbell, O’Leary-Kelly, Ellstrand, (versus 35–45 comprising young; Lahey, 2008), to 64
& Johnson, 2018; Kim, Shin, Heath, Zhang, & (versus 24 and 44; North & Fiske, 2016), and 62–70
Higgins, 2017; Wang & Luo, 2018; Wang & (versus 28–32; Neumark et al., 2015). From the
Wanberg, 2017.) Moreover, in the two Academy of standpoint of traditional retirement regulations, one
Management Annual Meetings over this span, key- might argue that a worker must be in his/her sixties to
word searches for “aging workforce” produce six be considered “older” (Pitt-Catsouphes & Smyer,
total results, whereas eight hits emerge for “older 2006), but as per other research, the average response
workers” (Academy of Management, 2017, 2018). to “how old is old” in the workplace converges at age
Although scarcity of research attention per se is not 45 (Gahan, Harbridge, Healy, & Williams, 2016).
evidence of a problem, when combined with the Meanwhile, in the United States, 40 is the threshold
near-universal acknowledgment of the issue’s im- for protection under the 1967 Age Discrimination
portance, this scant level of research attention is in Employment Act (U.S. Equal Employment
puzzling, at the very least. Opportunity Commission, 2017).
Even when garnering attention, aging workforce Theoretical ambiguities. One-size-fits-all numer-
scholarship tends to be limited to two organizational ical brackets also ignore contextual factors (Thomas,
subfields: human resources and diversity. But here, Hardy, Cutcher, & Ainsworth, 2014). For instance,
too, the focus is generally limited. In HR circles, the what represents “older” comprises factors that include
aging workforce topic still lacks a concrete base of health (within the individual), surrounding age de-
knowledge of best practices (Paullin, 2014). Mean- mography (within organizations), and sector type
while, although diversity as an organizational topic is (within industries; North & Fiske, 2015a; Thomas
certainly prominent in its own right, age diversity re- et al., 2014). Thus, from this standpoint, too, it remains
search pales in comparison with that of race and gen- unclear precisely whom, theoretically speaking, the
der (Kunze, Boehm, & Bruch, 2011). This is illustrated proverbial “aging workforce” encompasses (Claes &
by a comparative lack of diversity initiatives empha- Heymans, 2008). Perhaps for this reason, some in-
sizing age relative to other forms (Roundtree, 2011). vestigations leave the matter altogether ambiguous,
2019 North 417

using the qualitative term “older workers,” with no Interpersonal discrimination. A second key do-
numerical age attached, to ascertain age perceptions main on which the older worker literature focuses is
(e.g., Chiu et al., 2001). However, this approach simi- age-based discrimination. Here, too, conflicting
larly renders unclear how researchers should oper- findings emerge: Older workers are generally valued,
ationalize the aging workforce. and yet face increased levels of discrimination in the
labor market and on the job. Unpacking this dis-
connect is urgent, as the workforce ages and record-
Unclear (and Contradictory) Outcomes from
high numbers of older workers seek employment
Chronological Age Alone
(Van Dam, 2018).
Likely as a result of this ambiguity in chronological On the one hand, managerial and organizational
age-based predictors, numerous unanswered ques- surveys yield generally positive views of older
tions exist in predicting organizational outcomes, workers because of their enhanced experience,
comprising three key domains: individual-level technical knowledge, conscientiousness, customer
performance, interpersonal-level discrimination, rapport, and emotional stability (Brooke & Taylor,
and group-level diversity. 2005; North & Hershfield, 2014; Pitt-Catsouphes
Individual performance. Scholars on the aging et al., 2007). In fact, companies that accommodate
workforce often ask: “What does workforce aging older workers seek to capitalize explicitly on the
mean for workplace productivity?” Or, relatedly: value of these qualities (Greenhouse, 2014; North,
“How do older workers perform, relative to other age 2014). Other investigations find older workers’ job
groups?” Nonetheless, these questions continue to performance to be considered equal to that of youn-
be unsettled. Large-scale studies show a non- ger workers—with both groups equally likely to re-
significant relationship between chronological age ceive job-related awards and promotions (Cleveland
and most domains of core work performance & Landy, 1983).
(McEvoy & Cascio, 1989; Ng & Feldman, 2008; On the other hand, despite these agreed-upon
Posthuma & Campion, 2007), and inconsistent ef- benefits, people reliably deny opportunities to
fects on innovativeness (Ng & Feldman, 2013a, older workers, at all levels of the employment
2013b). Other research finds that under certain con- process—hiring, on the job, and firing (North &
ditions, performance actually increases with age Fiske, 2015a). At the hiring level, experimental
(e.g., in sales; Liden, Stillwell, & Ferris, 1996), studies show a strong reluctance to hire older
whereas this relationship is negative under other workers compared with other age groups; a strong
circumstances (e.g., among European professionals; preference for youth results in younger job appli-
Zacher, Heusner, Schmitz, Zwierzanska, & Frese, cants (as compared with equally qualified older
2010). These findings, combined with opaqueness ones) receiving positive responses over 25 percent
concerning what is “old” in the workplace, suggest more often (Bendick, Jackson, & Romer, 1997). A
that purely chronological age approaches to pre- large-scale audit study (Lahey, 2008), in which the
dicting performance are too imprecise. researcher mailed resumes matched on all di-
A critic might suggest that focusing on particular mensions except for age to nearly 4000 jobs, finds an
performance domains might yield more definitive age discrepancy even more pronounced among fe-
results, but here, too, findings are largely inconclu- male applicants (40 percent)—a pattern replicated
sive. A recent meta-analysis on the relationship be- via an even larger field experiment comprising
tween chronological age and various domains of job 40,000 job applications (Neumark et al., 2015). On
performance (Ng & Feldman, 2008) finds that, within the job, such studies show a reluctance to invest
different domains, age predicts performance in di- training resources in equally qualified but differ-
vergent directions: positively predicting organiza- entially aged workers (North & Fiske, 2016). Mean-
tional citizenship behaviors and safety performance; while, at the firing level, a 47 percent rise in age
negatively predicting absenteeism, tardiness, training discrimination charges between 1999 and 2017 in-
program performance, and workplace aggression; and dicates that older employees feel increasingly dis-
generally null effects on core task performance and criminated against (U.S. Equal Employment
creativity—not to mention an overall curvilinear ef- Opportunity Commission, 2017). Given that the
fect on “counterproductive” work behaviors. Ulti- workplace is older than ever, understanding the
mately, strong conclusions are elusive for why discrepancy between older worker hiring re-
chronological age predicts individual performance in luctance and on-the-job, valued performance is
these divergent ways. timely. Nevertheless, the aging workforce literature
418 Academy of Management Annals July

as currently constructed does not offer the level included (a) the organization’s or group’s standard
of nuance necessary to explain or reconcile these deviation of worker age per se (Ilmakunnas &
contradictions. Ilmakunnas, 2011), (b) a calculated coefficient of
Group-level diversity: Does age diversity help variation (i.e., standard deviation of age divided
or hurt? and when? Meanwhile, similarly contra- by mean age; Timmerman, 2000), or (c) a category-
dictory or unresolved patterns emerge when exam- based Teachman’s index, measuring the evenness
ining the outcomes of age diversity (Boehm & Kunze, of age group distribution on a 0 (fully uniform) to 1
2015). A meta-analysis of published studies finds an score (perfectly even distribution; Schippers, Den
overall null relationship between age diversity and Hartog, Koopman, & Wienk, 2003). Variation be-
reported group performance (e.g., Bell, Villado, tween these metrics inherently risks disparate
Lukasik, Belau, & Briggs, 2011). Indeed, individual conclusions.
studies present evidence for age diversity predicting Complicating the matter is the thorny theoretical
both positive outcomes (Ilmakunnas & Ilmakunnas, issue of quantifying “perfect” age diversity in the
2011; Li, Chu, Lam, & Liao, 2011) and negative ones first place (an issue plaguing the organizational
(Ali, Ng, & Kulik, 2014; Timmerman, 2000; West, study of “perfect diversity” of any type; Bell et al.,
Patterson, Dawson, & Nickell, 1999). This same 2011). A recent perspective argues for three distinct
overall null pattern emerges in age diversity analyses such perspectives: (1) separation, in which perfect
on specific organizational domains; in innovation diversity entails a perfect split between different
and conflict, most studies likewise find a null re- group members; (2) variety, in which perfect di-
lationship between age diversity and productivity versity is a uniform distribution of members across
(Bantel & Jackson, 1989; Bunderson & Sutcliffe, possible categories; or (3) disparity, in which per-
2002; Kearney & Gebert, 2009; Wiersema & Bantel, fect diversity comprises a positively skewed distri-
1992). bution, with one member at the highest endpoint
Perhaps more disconcertingly, a greater amount of and others at the lowest (Harrison & Klein, 2007).
present evidence suggests that age diversity predicts From this standpoint, age diversity researchers us-
perceptions of organizational age discrimination; ing standard deviation methods might be envi-
that is, because of the age-based subgrouping that sioning disparity, whereas those using Teachman’s
tends to form with the presence of different age index are in reality measuring variety. Much like
groups, an unintended side consequence is the the aforementioned statistical disparity in quanti-
heightened belief that the organization fosters an age fying age diversity, this disparity in theoretically
discriminatory climate (Kunze et al., 2011; Kunze, conceptualizing age diversity also risks in-
Boehm, & Bruch, 2013). Perhaps relatedly, age di- conclusive predictions for the increasingly age-
versity strongly predicts organizational turnover diverse workplace.
(Jackson, Brett, Sessa, Cooper, Julin, & Peyronnin,
1991; Wiersema & Bird, 1993), although at least one
study argues for the opposite pattern (Centre for
European Economic Research [ZEW], 2013). Never-
theless, these results encompass a few studies only;
the relationship between age diversity—itself a na- Toward more comprehensively understanding an
scent research area—and key workplace outcomes aging workforce—and clarifying performance, dis-
remains largely unresolved (Backes-Gellner & Veen, crimination, and diversity outcomes—I propose that
2013). researchers consider intertwined elements un-
One explanation for this lack of conclusiveness derlying (older) worker age: (1) (earlier) birth-
is that, like other diversity types, age diversity is a cohort–based generation, (2) (later) life-stage–based
“double-edged sword,” heightening potential for age, (3) (earlier) work-cohort–based tenure, and (4)
both creativity and conflict (Horwitz & Horwitz, (greater) life-and-work-event–based experience (GATE;
2007; Milliken & Martins, 1996; Van Knippenberg Figure 1).
& Schippers, 2007). However, another likely ex- Such a perspective offers at least two key ad-
planation, comparable with the aforementioned, vantages over prevailing approaches. First, GATE
inter-study inconsistencies in older worker defi- goes beyond a single numerical age value, offering
nitions, has been variance in approaches to more nuanced predictors that potentially address
quantifying age diversity (Klabuhn & Thommes, the literature’s inconclusiveness. Second, GATE
2017). Researcher metrics of age diversity have elements, by and large, already comprise their
2019 North 419

Typology toward the Multidimensionality of “Older” Workers

“Older” Workers

Related Age Domain Generation Age Tenure Experience

Temporal Cohort: Lifespan: Work Cohort: Life & Work Events:

Born and experienced Exist at a certain Entered the Set of experiences
Defining Element formative events at chronological organization at a shapes particular
certain points in time point in the lifespan certain point in time skill set

Elder Subtyping; Aging and Work

Developmental Perspectives; Performance;
Generational Organizational
Aging and Ageism; Subjective Psychology of Aging;
Supporting Literature Comparison; Demography;
Age; Socioemotional Human Capital Theory;
& Perspectives Generational Identity; Organizational
Selectivity Theory; Learning Theory;
Sociological Perspectives Faultlines
Selective Optimization with Crystallized vs. Fluid
on Generations Intelligence
Compensation Theory

Organizational Commitment;
Work Values;
Work Motivation; “Soft” Skills;
Work Arrangements; Work Arrangements; Conflict; Job Crafting;
Relevant Organizational Communication Style; Work Priorities; Team Learning; Strategic Orientation;
Predictors Job Crafting; Retirement Benefits; Psychological Safety; Self-perceived
Meta-level Attitudes Health Considerations Information Sharing; OCBs; Competence;
Toward Career; Strategic Change Work Motivation
Faultlines Management

own, well-established literatures; although not Generation: Older Workers as Boomers

typically incorporated within the older worker
The main thesis of generational approaches is that
domain per se, they forge equally legitimate and
the older worker belongs to a certain birth cohort,
critical considerations for comprehending older
came of age at a certain point in time, and experi-
workers. Thus, GATE represents the first compre-
enced certain formative experiences. Generations
hensive framework of what age signifies within key
mainstream OB domains. This sweeping re- are a powerful age-based category that many popular
integration expands the older worker space away outlets popularize, but scholars generally disagree
from niche status. over what generational categories reliably predict
Nevertheless, as this section also uncovers, the (Rudolph & Zacher, 2017a, 2017b). Even though ev-
focus on GATE dimensions as segregated from one idence is indeed mixed that generations differ con-
another yields its own set of contradictory (and sistently in their attitudes (Rudolph & Zacher,
sometimes incomplete) predictions (e.g., “Boomers” 2017a), the lay belief that such differences exist is
might face greater levels of discrimination than too strong to ignore. Thus, the present state of these
“experienced” workers; see Figure 2). By elucidating findings suggests that generational perceptions are
how chronological age comprises multiple, inter- necessary to understanding an aging workforce—
twined elements whose predictions sometimes op- just perhaps not in the manner that scholars often
pose one another, GATE also helps explain why a assume (that differences exist) but rather in enduring
reliance on chronological age alone has been, to an perceptions of these differences.
extent, fruitless. As a result, Part 3 will outline in- How generational approaches inform organi-
tegrative research approaches to reconciling these zational scholarship. The idea of generations
contradictions, in order to move the literature has intrigued scholars since at least the early 20 th
forward. century, with sociological perspectives arguing for
420 Academy of Management Annals July

Older Worker Outcomes, Sometimes Contradictory, as a Function of individual GATE Predictors, as per These
(Largely Segregated) Literatures

Performance Discrimination Diversity


O – –
“Boomer” “Boomer” “Boomer”
Individual Productivity (w/ Millennials/Gen-X)

Interpersonal Attitudes
– – +/–

Group Functionality

“Elderly” “Elderly”
(w/ non-Elderly)

+ –

“Old Guard” +
“Old Guard” “Old Guard”
(w/ New Guard)


+ +/– “Seasoned”
“Seasoned” “Seasoned”
(w/ Less Seasoned)

the “distinct consciousness” shared by cohorts over the same age, hold different views of effective
time (Joshi, Dencker, & Franz, 2011; Joshi, Dencker, leadership (Anderson, Baur, Griffith, & Buckley,
Franz, & Martocchio, 2010; Mannheim, 1928/1952). 2017). By the same token, a growing body of
Comprising its own, scholarly subdomain, genera- work explores the divergent work styles and psy-
tional perspectives in OB tend to emphasize pro- chological motivations between different gener-
verbial categories, such as comparing Baby ational members. For instance, Boomers are
Boomers (born 1946–1964) to other generational more affiliation-motivated, whereas Millennials
brackets (e.g., Gen-X and Millennials) on key are more individualistic (Twenge, 2010; Twenge &
workplace variables (Lyons & Kuron, 2014). Rein- Campbell, 2008; Twenge, Carter, & Campbell,
forcing this approach are narratives in the popular 2017).
press (e.g., how to “manage Baby Boomers” and Nevertheless, other scholars argue that proverbial
“keep different generations happy” in the work- generational groupings are essentially mythical
place; James, 2017; Pochepan, 2018). (Rudolph & Zacher, 2017a, 2017b). This counterar-
Nevertheless, a growing debate questions the le- gument comprises numerous critiques: (1) Random
gitimacy of proverbial generational groupings. On sampling from a given generational bracket likely re-
the one hand, calls for greater research attention on sults in a consistent mean average age, but widely
organizational generations (Joshi et al., 2011) point disparate age distributions between samples—
to the record-high number (five) of proverbial gen- rendering any findings likely due to either chance or
erational groups coexisting in modern workplaces idiosyncratic “data cutting” decisions (Rudolph,
(i.e., Silents, Boomers, Gen-Xers, Millennials, and 2015); (2) cross-sectional perspectives fail to disen-
Gen-Z; Twenge, 2010). This line of thinking has tangle age (e.g., a worker is 40 years old), period
spurred researchers to recommend disparate lead- (e.g., the study is conducted in the year 2018), and
ership styles for leading different generations— cohort (e.g., that the worker was born in 1978, with
citing evidence that, for instance, today’s younger experiences spanning from that point through 2018;
employees, compared with previous generations at Costanza & Finkelstein, 2015; Rudolph, Rauvola, &
2019 North 421

Zacher, 2017); (3) both qualitative and quantitative generational divisions is likely sufficient to foster
reviews offer scant empirical evidence that genera- workplace divisions.
tional distinctions consistently influence work out- Moreover, in spite of doubts concerning the pre-
comes (Costanza, Badger, Fraser, Severt, & Gade, dictiveness of proverbial generations, some evi-
2012; Costanza, Darrow, Yost, & Severt, 2017); (4) in dence exists that Boomers (the most well-known
predicting work attitudes, motivations, and behav- present older worker generational bracket) differ
iors, stronger evidence argues in favor of life-stage– from other generations in key work-related con-
related changes or other contextual influences over structs, although with evidence weaker in certain
generational identity–related explanations (Rudolph domains than others. For instance, nonsignificant or
& Zacher, 2017b). For these reasons, critics have lik- inconsistent generational differences emerge vis-
ened generational distinctions to astrology, suggest- à-vis overall altruism, job satisfaction, desire for job
ing that generations are an appealing yet glorified stability, personal work ethic endorsement, and how
source of confirmation bias (i.e., overfitting certain career success is evaluated (Dries, Pepermans, & De
behaviors as evidence of categorical difference) and Kerpel, 2008; Kowske, Rasch, & Wiley, 2010;
ultimately not rooted in strong empirical evidence Twenge, 2010; Zabel, Biermeier-Hanson, Baltes,
(Rauvola, Rudolph, & Zacher, 2018). Instead, such Early, & Shepard, 2017). However, significant dis-
critics advocate for abandoning proverbial genera- tinctions between Boomers and younger generations
tional approaches—perhaps defining cohorts based do materialize across a variety of work attitudes. For
on a sole, objective birth year to account for both in- example, Boomers differ from other generations in
terindividual cohort effects and intraindividual pe- their (extrinsically versus intrinsically motivated)
riod changes over time (Rudolph et al., 2017; Rudolph work values, (greater) perceived work ethic, (diplo-
& Zacher, 2017a, 2017b). matic versus direct) communication styles, (less)
How generational approaches fundamentally narcissism, and (greater) focus on a job as a career
underlie older worker understanding. Regardless, rather than a stepping stone (Gordon & Steele, 2005;
as even the harshest critics of proverbial generational Hernaus & Pološki Vokic, 2014; Myers & Sadaghiani,
categories acknowledge, people strongly believe in 2010; Twenge, 2010; Twenge & Campbell, 2008).
brackets and identities, to an extent more forceful Older worker outcome findings from genera-
than these brackets might predict actual differences tional approaches. Generational brackets predict at
(Lester, Standifer, Schultz, & Windsor, 2012). For least some differences in work outcomes across
instance, people reliably stereotype Boomers as performance, discrimination, and diversity do-
competitive, set-in-their-ways workaholics, relative mains. Nevertheless, given the relative sparseness of
to other generations (Bourne, 2015; Dimitriou & generations as a research topic, controversy over
Blum, 2015). Thus, there is reason to believe that whether generational brackets are meaningful, and
people’s self-identities foster some degree of gener- the limitations of cross-sectional approaches, these
ational fault lines—that is, perceptions of category- findings on their own are largely inconclusive (see
based difference, fostering subgroup divisions, Figure 2).
which potentially undermine group productivity Individual performance: Little present evidence
(e.g., inhibiting team learning and collaboration; Lau for major generational differences (see Figure 2).
& Murnighan, 1998). As per the diversity and fault- Given considerable attention on generational
line literatures, birth-cohort generational fissures differences in work attitudes, values, and prefer-
might cause such friction if people subscribe to their ences, it is perhaps surprising that relatively few
existence (Lawrence & Zyphur, 2011), as evidence studies examine such differences in actual work
suggests many typically do. performance. Nonetheless, for all of the focus on
Moreover, being born at a certain point in time generational differences, managers rarely, if ever,
does mean sharing formative experiences. Evidence rate their Boomer employees any lower or higher
from other fields, particularly sociology, indicates than Gen-X or Millennial workers (Rauvola et al.,
that interactions and worldviews draw heavily from 2018). It remains unclear when disparate genera-
one’s place in time (Aboim & Vasconcelos, 2014). tional identities yield differential performance rat-
Therefore, even if OB has yet to conclusively ascer- ings from others.
tain the influence of proverbial generational brackets However, when focusing on the impact of gener-
on work outcomes, a shared “generational consen- ational self-identifies on self-perceived perfor-
sus” still might exist within the minds of differen- mance, stronger conclusions do emerge. One key
tially aged workers. Therefore, the perception of finding posits that a generational identity might be
422 Academy of Management Annals July

more adaptive than a chronological age–based one. 2007) and general economic downturn (Longman,
Studies show that priming older adults’ generational 2005). Thus, in contrast to the potential individual
identity boosts self-perceived performance, whereas benefit of generational (versus age) identity within
emphasizing chronological age inhibits it (Weiss & the older worker, there is an apparently commen-
Lang, 2012). Moreover, compared with younger surate interpersonal cost.
generations, maximizing Boomers’ performance de- Group-based diversity: Evidence that grouping
rives less from money, fame, and image (Twenge, older workers as “Boomers” coexisting with other
Campbell, & Freeman, 2012) and more by perceived generational categories predicts primarily negative
relationship fit with coworkers (Westerman & diversity outcomes (see Figure 2).
Yamamura, 2007). Thus, maximizing older worker As outlined earlier, although strong empirical jus-
performance might necessitate “generational job- tification for proverbial generational groupings is
crafting” that dovetails with unique motivators of mixed, challenges arise nonetheless from the fact that
Boomers, relative to other generational brackets organizational members believe so strongly in their
(Berg, Dutton, & Wrzesniewski, 2013; Wrzesniewski existence. For example, a recent survey finds that 51
& Dutton, 2001). percent of Millennials believe that “Boomers” are to
Interpersonal discrimination: Evidence that per- blame for having made things worse for the Millennial
ceiving older workers as “Boomers” fosters primar- generation (Brandon, 2018). Moreover, even if gen-
ily negative attitudes from others (see Figure 2). erational differences in work priorities are minimal in
On the other hand, the research base on in- reality, a perception of competing priorities none-
terpersonal attitudes is clearer: People tend to per- theless fosters tension, pitting Boomers’ work-over-
ceive a “Boomer” in a manner that is more vilified family prioritization against younger generations’
than valued—and importantly, with a different con- work–life balance preference (Lester et al., 2012).
notation than the term “older worker.” A recent study Given that group-based fissures are enhanced when
shows that people discriminate more against a job group boundaries are seen as fixed rather than per-
applicant cast as a “Baby Boomer” than the one who is meable (Lalonde & Silverman, 1994), emphasizing
an “older worker”—more likely to fire the former, and generational categories risks activating fault lines be-
to hire and defend the latter (Cox, Young, Guardia, & tween younger and older cohorts. Indeed, 60 percent
Bohmann, 2018). Similarly, “older workers” are per- of organizations report intergenerational conflict
ceived as dependable and committed, whereas (Murphy, 2007). In sum, generational distinctions
“Boomers” are stereotyped as primarily achievement- seem to divide age groups more than unite them.
oriented, competitive, valuing monetary (over in-
trinsic) rewards, and entitled to indulgent gifts
Age: Older Workers as Elders
(Costanza & Finkelstein, 2015; Perry, Hanvongse, &
Casoinic, 2013; Posthuma & Campoin, 2009). This Going beyond mere chronological age also entails
apparent preference for older workers over Boomers acknowledging that older workers by nature exist at a
might stem from policy influences: age, after all, is a different, later point in the lifespan than younger
protected category under discrimination laws— workers. Older workers’ place in the lifespan fun-
which might dissuade study participants from ac- damentally shapes their relationship with work, in
tively expressing negative age-based attitudes— which meaning and balance are emphasized over
whereas generation does not offer this same buffer other concerns.
(Costanza & Finkelstein, 2015). Whatever the reason, How life-stage approaches inform organiza-
disentangling generational versus age-based identity tional scholarship. The concept of life-stage differ-
shows that the Boomer label generates particularly ences might seem basic, but mainstream OB
negative interpersonal reactions. emphasis on life-stage effects per se is surprisingly
At a broad level, too, Boomers face higher levels of scant. Where present, such focus tends to emphasize
reported discrimination than any other older age non-senior populations (e.g., the “motherhood pen-
cohort in history; record-high levels of reported alty” afflicting middle-aged women, or the “teddy
(older) age discrimination exist, as noted (a 47 per- bear effect” showing benefits among youthful-
cent rise in individual age discrimination charges looking African American CEOs; Correll, Bernard,
has emerged since 1999; U.S. Equal Employment & Paik, 2007; Livingston & Pearce, 2009).
Opportunity Commission, 2017). The Boomer gen- How life-stage approaches fundamentally un-
eration also faces mounting blame for overreliance derlie older worker understanding. Generally
on Social Security and Medicare (Howe & Strauss, speaking, older workers’ later-life-stage status shapes
2019 North 423

a prioritization of meaning and balance over all else traditional older age and large portions of mid-
in their work lives. As per Selective Optimization dle age.
with Compensation Theory (SOCT; Baltes & Baltes, Older worker outcome findings from life-stage
1990; Freund & Baltes, 1998), as people over time approaches. In spite of older workers’ adaptive later-
lose certain qualities and gain others, their goals and life-stage processes, research findings show that
outcomes change. Later-life workers use optimiza- emphasizing life stages tends to inhibit their oppor-
tion strategies to maximize the time available to tunities (see Figure 2).
them, and use compensation strategies to offset any Individual performance: Evidence that a self-
declines in functioning (Baltes & Dickson, 2001). In focus on later-life-stage “elderly” negatively pre-
a related vein, older workers prioritize skill variety dicts performance (see Figure 2).
(which allows them to use the variety of skills they The downside of acknowledging the later-life sta-
have accumulated, facilitating optimal perfor- tus is apparent via work on subjective age—the age at
mance), whereas younger workers prioritize task which older adults perceive themselves, irrespective
variety (which facilitates developing new skills and of their actual chronological age (Rubin & Bernsten,
learning; Zaniboni, Truxillo, & Fraccaroli, 2013). 2006), and which predicts, above and beyond chro-
The process of compensation, optimization, and nological age, older workers’ work attitudes and
selection does not affect all older adults equally—a their targeted organizations (Rioux & Mokounkolo,
process known as the plasticity of aging (Mühlig- 2013). Here, older adults are often motivated to dis-
Versen, Bowen, & Staudinger, 2012). Nevertheless, identify as “old” (Montepare & Lachman, 1989), and
older workers’ later life stage indubitably shapes older workers who feel subjectively younger perform
their work motivations toward broader, legacy better, suggesting that simply feeling “old” hinders
concerns over day-to-day anxieties (Zacher, Rosing, performance more than actually being numerically
Henning, & Frese, 2011). older does (Kornadt, Hess, Voss, & Rothermund,
The managerial subdomains of work meaning and 2016). By the same token, negative self-perceptions
organizational commitment offer supportive find- toward aging diminish older workers’ health out-
ings of this pattern. As per the socioemotional se- comes, work performance, and motivation to con-
lectivity theory (SST; Carstensen, 2006), perception tinue working, whereas positive views of later
of limited future time (beyond chronological age per life stages enhance these components (Gaillard &
se) shapes older adults’ prioritizing emotional Desmette, 2010; Hess & Hinson, 2006; Levy &
meaning in their work life (Kanfer & Ackerman, Leifheit-Limson, 2009; Levy, Zonderman, Slade,
2004). Similarly, because later-life-stage workers & Ferrucci, 2009). Thus, emphasizing older workers’
tend to have fewer demands on their time, they later life stage serves to inhibit their performance,
uniquely strive for greater work–life balance (Ng & whereas it is adaptive to self-identify as young(er).
Feldman, 2012). Given the impact of life stage on Interpersonal discrimination: Evidence that per-
work motivations, it is perhaps unsurprising that a ceiving older workers as elders fosters primarily neg-
classic meta-analysis finds age—a proxy for life ative attitudes from others (see Figure 2).
stage—to trump organizational tenure in predic- Age discrimination theories often link in-
ting certain forms of organizational commitment terpersonal devaluation of older individuals with
(Mathieu & Zajac, 1990). later life–associated phenomena. One perspective
Life-stage distinctions shape perceptions from attributes such discrimination to health concerns
others, as well. A key difference exists between the or contagion, in which older and infirm are dis-
“young–old” (roughly 55–75) from the less active favored (Burnstein, Crandall, & Kitayama, 1994).
“old–old” in priorities and abilities (Neugarten, Indeed, feeling vulnerable to infectious diseases
1974; North & Fiske, 2013a). For instance, the intensifies ageism (Duncan & Schaller, 2009), as
young–old are frequently still working, so they face does perceiving older adults as mortality re-
greater expectations to retire, step aside, and make minders (Martens, Greenberg, Schimel, & Landau,
way for younger generations (i.e., active succession 2004).
prescriptions); by contrast, the old–old’s later life In a similar vein, discrimination in hiring older
stage more frequently endures the expectation to workers develops from perceptions of later-life in-
minimize shared societal resource use (i.e., passive hibitions (Bjelland, Bruyere, Von Schrader,
consumption prescriptions; North & Fiske, 2013a, Houtenville, Ruiz-Quintanilla, & Webber, 2010), or
2013b). Thus, an aging workforce necessitates ac- else concerns over health-related costs (Neumark
knowledging that “older” workers actually comprise et al., 2015). A climate of negative attitudes toward
424 Academy of Management Annals July

older workers dissuades them from an opportunity- How tenure approaches inform organizational
seeking promotion orientation (Bowen & Staudinger, scholarship. Organizational tenure is a key predictor
2013). This inhibits their performance by reducing their in many respects, often outpacing chronological age in
tendency to pursue potentially work-life–extending predicting employee behaviors. Formative organiza-
endeavors, such as trainings (Zacher et al., 2010). tional fault line perspectives argue that clear fissures
Group-based diversity: Evidence that grouping emerge around “years of shared experience,” shaped
“elders” with “non-elders” produces mixed group- primarily by tenure (Lawrence & Zyphur, 2011). Sim-
based diversity outcomes (see Figure 2). ilarly, classic organizational demography work illus-
At first glance, a life-stage approach promises unit- trates how organizational culture derives largely from
ing workplace age groups. Broadly, age is the only tenure (Carroll & Harrison, 1998). Although highly
universal social category, comprising life stages that correlated with chronological age, organizational ten-
every person eventually joins, provided sufficient ure reflects time spent with the organization only.
lifespan (North & Fiske, 2012). Building on this, an From this standpoint per se, strong fault lines do
encouraging set of findings show that priming long- form. For instance, a 63-year-old employee likely
term legacy concerns makes later-life-stage groups feels more comfortable communicating with a 48-
more receptive to the needs of younger-life-stage year-old coworker who simultaneously entered and
groups (Wade-Benzoni & Tost, 2009). Likewise, rose up through the organizational ranks, than she
reminding younger adults that they will one day be- does with a 61-year-old employee hired last year
come old makes them more receptive to later-life-stage (Lawrence & Zyphur, 2011). Thus, as with generation
concerns (e.g., retirement savings; Hershfield et al., and life stage, a chronological age focus alone fails to
2011). Thus, capitalizing on the inherent universality capture this nuance.
of age might serve as an effective way of uniting age How tenure approaches fundamentally un-
groups, highlighting their shared trajectory. derlie older worker understanding. Scholars have
However, despite this encouraging angle, evi- disentangled the effect of organizational tenure from
dence linking age’s inherent fluidity with consis- that of other demographic characteristics, including
tently positive workplace outcomes is scant. On the chronological age, in at least two key first-order
one hand, chronological age diversity among top predictors of work performance. First, organiza-
management teams (TMTs) predicts market success tional tenure (more than chronological age) predicts
(Kilduff, Angelmar, & Mehra, 2000). On the other organizational commitment among older workers,
hand, a study on 93 top management bank holding whereas the reverse is true for younger workers
teams finds chronological age dissimilarity (unlike (Cohen, 1993). A more nuanced perspective finds
tenure dissimilarity) to be a significant predictor of that tenure predicts continuance commitment—that
turnover (Jackson et al., 1991). Thus, the jury is out is, the desire to stay with an organization because of
on whether life-stage diversity produces the positive understanding the costs of leaving—whereas chro-
workplace outcomes that it promises. nological age predicts affective (general desire
to remain) and normative (obligation to remain)
forms of commitment (Allen & Meyer, 1993).
Tenure: Older Workers as the Old Guard
Moreover, a meta-analysis finds organizational
A third manner of extending past chronological tenure—controlling for chronological age—to be the
age perspectives is acknowledging the highly key moderator variable in the organizational
intertwined component of organizational tenure, commitment–performance relationship (Wright &
or the length of time spent with an organization Bonett, 2002). Thus, disentangling tenure from age is
(Staw, 1980). Characterizing older workers as the necessary in any “older” worker investigation.
“old guard” acknowledges that they entered the Albeit less commonly, scholars also have isolated
organization at a certain point in time, and have tenure’s impact on work motivation, another key
operated within the organization for a certain pe- predictor of performance. A study on male, blue-
riod of time. However, not all older workers can be collar workers finds organizational tenure to posi-
considered equivalent based on similar chrono- tively predict intrinsic work motivation (Cook &
logical age: although age and tenure are highly Wall, 1980). On the white-collar side, a different
correlated, members of disparate generational study finds the same pattern among Norwegian bank
brackets might be equally tenured, and likewise, employees (Kuvaas, 2006). Yet another study posits a
workers of the same age might have entered the curvilinear relationship between tenure and moti-
organization at different points. vation (Wagner, Ferris, Fandt, & Wayne, 1987).
2019 North 425

Although a general lack of studies obscures the constraints, will be more adaptable than their longer
tenure–motivation link per se (Kooij, De Lange, tenure counterparts; versus (2) the resource-based
Jansen, & Dikkers, 2008), the relationship between view, which posits that executives with longer tenure
tenure and key second-order (i.e., performance) are more successful at acquisition outcomes because of
outcomes is perhaps clearer (see next sub-section). their enhanced organization-relevant knowledge. This
Research highlighting “older” worker abilities of- analysis, comprising 104 acquisitions over a 5-year
ten cite skills that actually develop with tenure—for period, found far more evidence for the latter
instance, valuing older workers as a unique organi- prediction—that is, executives with longer tenure tend
zational memory storehouse and supplying tacit to perform better in this domain, thereby supporting
knowledge, relationships, and organization-specific the resource-based view on tenure. Buttressing this
experiences (Dunham & Burt, 2011; Harvey, 2012; result is the finding that leader organizational tenure in
Lahaie, 2005). By the same token, organization- the financial services industry predicts employee pro-
specific boons frequently ascribed to “mature” ductivity (Steffens, Shemla, Wegge, & Diestel, 2014).
workers, such as being higher in organizational citi- Thus, when examining the impact of tenure on per-
zenship behaviors and organizational commitment formance, hierarchical level is an important consider-
(Paullin, 2014), also derive most primarily from ation for the aging workforce space’s development.
tenure (Wright & Bonett, 2002). Interpersonal discrimination: Evidence that per-
Older worker outcome findings from tenure ceiving older workers as the “old guard” fosters
approaches. Research offers encouraging support primarily negative attitudes from others (see
for the general value of tenure. Figure 2).
Individual performance: Evidence that a self- At the level of interpersonal discrimination, tenure-
focus as the “old guard” positively predicts perfor- based fault lines are surprisingly strong. In fact, many
mance, particularly among TMTs (see Figure 2). have argued that interpersonal workplace relation-
Multiple large-scale studies show that organiza- ships stemming from tenure similarity are stronger
tional tenure positively predicts performance. An than those deriving from any other social category,
analysis comprising 32,000 entry-level employees including gender, ethnicity, and chronological age
finds an overall tenure–performance correlation of (e.g., Lawrence & Zyphur, 2011; McCain, O’Reilly, &
0.18 (Hunter & Hunter, 1984). A subsequent meta- Pfeffer, 1983; Pfeffer, 1983, 1985). Because of this,
analysis, comprising a sample of over 16,000 (oper- organizational tenure fault lines heighten the risk of
ationalizing organizational tenure as “experience in interpersonal exclusion (Lawrence & Zyphur, 2011),
your present position”) finds this relationship to be turnover (McCain et al., 1983), and undermine certain
even stronger, at a level of 0.32 (McDaniel, Schmidt, types of information sharing between differentially
& Hunter, 1988). A more recent meta-analysis of 350 tenured workers (Gilson, Lim, Luciano, & Choi, 2013).
empirical studies (cumulative sample of 249,841) Tenure dissimilarity also predicts emotional
finds that a worker’s organizational tenure predicts conflict—in contrast to age diversity, which reduces
both positive and negative performance outcomes such conflict (Pelled, Eisenhardt, & Xin, 1999)—and a
(organizational citizenship behaviors, core task lack of interpersonal communication frequency
performance, and aggressive behaviors and non- (Zenger & Lawrence, 1989). Thus, at the interpersonal
sickness absence), even when controlling for chro- level, divergence in organizational tenure appears to
nological age (Ng & Feldman, 2010). However, even foster discrimination and might underlie a good por-
this analysis finds a significantly positive relation- tion of what scholars often label “ageism” targeting
ship between tenure and performance, overall. Al- older workers.
though a more recent study argues for a curvilinear Group-based diversity: Evidence that grouping
relationship between tenure and performance “the organizational old guard” with “the new-
(Uppal, 2017), a greater amount of existing evidence comers” and other less-tenured groups predicts pri-
supports an overall positive relationship, even if the marily positive diversity outcomes, particularly
relationship may be more complex than this. among TMTs (see Figure 2).
Tenure’s beneficial effects on performance are per- Nevertheless, silver linings emerge at the group di-
haps even clearer among top management. A key versity level. In certain domains, such as medical
analysis (Bergh, 2001) tested two competing hypothe- clinics, tenure diversity enhances overall cognitive
ses concerning organizational tenure: (1) the upper diversity, which facilitates strategic change at the or-
echelons perspective, which posits that executives ganizational level (Van de Ven, Rogers, Bechara, &
with shorter tenure, free of organizational memory Sun, 2008). By the same token, an analysis of 250
426 Academy of Management Annals July

leaders and 1,753 employees finds a positive re- gleaned from action, practice, and perception of
lationship between team organizational tenure di- tasks and duties over time (Sturman, 2003). Another
versity and productivity—above and beyond the way of disentangling experience from tenure is that
benefits of individual employee tenure per se (Steffens the former is inherently quantitative, and based pri-
et al., 2014). marily on time—the number of years on the job or in
Still, these positive signs are qualified by key the organization, or else the frequency of completing
moderator considerations. For instance, tenure di- a given task—whereas the latter incorporates key
versity effects appear stronger in certain industries qualitative components, such as task challenge,
than in others (e.g., oil more so than food; Murray, complexity, and opportunities for career advance-
1989). Researchers hypothesize this is due to ment over time (Quiñones, Ford, & Teachout, 1995;
industry-specific differences in top-level manage- Tesluk & Jacobs, 1998). As with organizational ten-
ment’s role in shaping strategy (Milliken & Martins, ure, although work experience is heavily inter-
1996). Moreover, the impact of tenure diversity twined with chronological age, it represents its own,
might depend on the focal productivity domain. For standalone construct, comprising the knowledge,
example, in innovation, the relationship between skills, and abilities acquired over time, rather than
tenure diversity and productivity appears to be cur- the amount of time per se (Lance, Hedge, & Alley,
vilinear (Chi, Huang, & Lin, 2009). Similarly, orga- 1989; Tesluk & Jacobs, 1998).
nizational tenure diversity in product development How experience approaches inform organiza-
indirectly predicts productivity (via facilitating the tional scholarship. The human capital theory ex-
group’s ability to share goals and prioritize), but also plains experience boons: workers invest experience
negatively predicts meeting deadlines and staying in themselves to enhance their abilities (Ehrenberg &
within budget (Ancona & Caldwell, 1992). Smith, 2000; Sturman, 2003). Similarly, learning
As with individual performance, the hierarchical theory posits that abilities increase as one accumu-
level emerges as an important moderator of tenure lates and uses experiences (Kolb & Kolb, 2009). From
diversity effects. Indeed, the TMT tenure diversity, a psychology-of-aging standpoint, the accumulation
more so than at other levels, is more strongly linked of experiences augments one’s crystallized in-
with organizational outcomes (Murray, 1989). The telligence (factual knowledge and pattern recogni-
TMT diversity may be more symbolic than tion), which compensates for steady declines across
cognitive—that is, doing more to generate buy-in the lifespan in fluid intelligence (ability to learn new
from diverse intraorganizational groups than to fa- skills quickly; North & Fiske, 2012; Salthouse, 2012).
cilitate cognitive dexterity per se (Milliken & Given various experienced-based benefits, scholars
Martins, 1996). Nevertheless, studies often uncover have proposed models delineating the experience ac-
a positive relationship between productivity and cumulation process over time. One influential para-
group-based tenure diversity at the upper levels. An digm posits a full-crossed 3-dimensional model,
analysis of 42 U. K. manufacturing companies found comprising three levels (organization, job, and task)
that the TMT tenure diversity positively predicts crossed with three measurement modes (amount, type,
productivity (in contrast to age diversity, which and time; Quińones, Ford, & Teachout, 1995). Building
negatively predicts it; West et al., 1999). Taken on this, a later model characterizes experience as the
together, such tenure diversity findings offer prom- interaction of qualitative and quantitative components
ising paths for harnessing what scholars often over- that interact over time, shaping primary outcomes of
characterize as mere “age diversity” (Carroll & work motivation, knowledge, and work attitudes, and
Harrison, 1998; Jackson, Joshi, & Erhardt, 2003). secondary outcomes of performance and career de-
velopment (Tesluk & Jacobs, 1998).
How experience approaches fundamentally
Experience: Older Workers as Seasoned
underlie older worker understanding. Advocates
for older workers often tout an experience-honed
Although organizational scholars often equate or- skill set. Indeed, strong evidence indicates that work
ganizational tenure with overall work experience, experience is the main predictor of workers’ self-
the two are conceptually different (Tesluk & Jacobs, perceived competence and motivation to learn on
1998). Whereas tenure is more of an internal social- the job, fostering both tacit “know-how” and social
ization process—an accumulation of knowing competence (social interaction and communication;
values and expected behaviors within a given Paloniemi, 2006). Moreover, managerial percep-
organization—experience derives from knowledge tions, worker self-reports, and empirical studies all
2019 North 427

link experience with a unique set of “soft skills,” such that matter, chronological age) in positively pre-
as enhanced agreeableness, calmness, conscientious- dicting performance.
ness, wisdom, and stress management (Carstensen Like organizational tenure, work (and specifically
& Mikels, 2005; Grossmann, Na, Varnum, Park, task) experience also predicts TMT performance.
Kitayama, & Nisbett, 2010; Loehlin & Martin, 2001; Among executives, controlling for other age-related
North & Hershfield, 2014; Pitt-Catsouphes et al., characteristics, accumulated work experience pre-
2007). Driving self-perceived work efficacy is task dicts aptitude in strategic thinking competency—the
experience per se, above and beyond general experi- ability to spot and seize market opportunities and
ence (Stajkovic & Luthans, 1998). carry out a vision to realize organizational and
Older worker outcome findings from experi- stakeholder value thereof (Dragoni, Oh, Vankatwyk,
ence approaches. Studies conceptualizing older & Tesluk, 2011). From a task experience standpoint,
workers in terms of their heightened experience have hiring executives with specific company acquisition
uncovered promising evidence for the value of an experiences benefits organizational performance
aging workforce. with respect to future acquisitions (McDonald,
Individual performance: Evidence that focusing Westphal, & Graebner, 2008).
on older workers’ experience positively predicts in- Interpersonal discrimination: Evidence that per-
dividual performance (see Figure 2). ceiving older workers as “seasoned” predicts mixed
A classic analysis comprising over 24,000 interpersonal attitudes from others (see Figure 2).
U.S. employees finds that experience is an overall However, with respect to discrimination, expe-
stronger (positive) predictor of work performance rience appears to be a double-edged sword. On the
than is chronological age (Avolio, Waldman, & one hand, respect for seniority is an organizational
McDaniel, 1990). Likewise, a meta-analysis of norm that pervades countries around the world
93,103 individual data points disentangles experi- (Dedoussis, 2004; Fischer, 2008). On the other hand,
ence, tenure, and chronological age, finding that ex- studies show that, in the minds of employers,
perience is the strongest of the three predictors in experience connotes perceptions of excess cost
positively predicting performance (Sturman, 2003). (Porcellato, Carmichael, Hulme, Ingham, & Prashar,
Some evidence suggests that experience predicts 2010) or inability to train (Brooke & Taylor, 2005).
performance at a steeper rate earlier on, plateauing in This calls into question whether experienced appli-
the later career stage, albeit still in a positive direction cants should omit their experience in any job re-
(Avolio et al 1990; Jacobs, Hofmann, & Kriska, 1990; cruitment materials (Sullivan, 2000). Nevertheless,
McDaniel et al., 1998). Regardless, consensus beliefs older worker advocates specifically point to experi-
posit an overall positive relationship between being ence and accumulated knowledge as the key benefit
“seasoned” and performing well on the job, even if the for organizations looking to stay competitive in the
pure linearity of this relationship is unclear. long term (Paullin, 2014), and managers echo this
More nuanced investigations unpack specific ex- perception (Pitt-Catsouphes et al., 2007).
perience components in predicting performance. Group-based diversity: Evidence that grouping
For instance, experience can be general, measured as seasoned workers with less seasoned workers pro-
a number of total work years, or it can be subdivided duces mixed diversity outcomes (see Figure 2).
into different levels (task experience, versus job ex- Group-level diversity in experience is similarly
perience, versus organizational experience) or dif- double-edged. A major benefit of what researchers
ferent measurement units (amount, time, or type). label “age diversity” actually encompasses hetero-
From this standpoint, task experience emerges as an geneity in experience—group-level differences in
even stronger predictor of performance (with a cor- know-how and cultural norms, passed down from
relation of 0.43) than the overall job experience more experienced to less experienced organizational
(which presents an overall correlation of 0.27; cohorts (Backes-Gellner & Veen, 2013). Such di-
Quiñones et al., 1995). This general pattern holds up versity can enhance strategic orientation ambidex-
in the specific cases of U.S. Air Force jet repair me- terity (Heavey & Simsek, 2017), and developing
chanics (Lance et al. 1989), experimental studies efficient skill specialization that enhances group
employing a group decision-making task (Littlepage, performance (Bunderson, 2003). On the other hand,
Robison, & Reddington, 1997), and local community value differences emerging from experience-level
adults of all ages undergoing a computer learning disparities foster communication breakdowns, con-
task (Czaja & Sharit, 1998). In all cases, task experi- flict, and turnover (Backes-Gellner & Veen, 2013;
ence appears to outpace overall experience (and, for Zenger & Lawrence, 1989).
428 Academy of Management Annals July

Predicted Net Performance Outcomes, as a Function of Integrated GATE Compound Profile Examples

Older Incumbent

Older Career

Seasoned Unseasoned Elder

+ – –

Old Guard Newcomer
Performance +/– Performance

Incumbent (50+)
Older Position

O Seasoned Middle-Ager


Unseasoned Elder + +
– – Old Guard
Old Guard +
+ Performance

Note. A net negative performance prediction for the Older Career Switcher does not mean that older workers are incapable of successfully
switching careers. This paper argues merely that, as per a GATE analysis, the Older Career Switcher faces more performance hurdles than
facilitators. Certainly, there are exceptions to every rule. Moreover, if given the opportunity, these older workers eventually earn experience and
tenure in their new position, which predicts elevated performance over time.

PART 3: FROM AGE CONFOUNDS TO experience); (b) the older position switcher—that is,
GATE COMPOUNDS a Boomer in his/her sixties, long-tenured, but who
has recently transitioned into a brand-new role re-
Part 1 has argued that chronological approaches to
quiring different skills (thus forfeiting considerable
older workers are ineffectual. Part 2 has argued that
experience); (c) the older career switcher—that is, a
identifying GATE dimensions is necessary for dis-
Boomer who is transitioning to a new role in a new
entangling intertwined age components, but that
company or industry (thereby forfeiting the tenure
these segregated literatures present their own set of and experience often ascribed to “older” workers);
contradictions between one another. Part 3 now ar- and (d) the Gen-X incumbent—a senior (501)
gues for the importance of integrating GATE com- worker, long-tenured, but not yet old enough to face
ponents to remedy both issues. some of the life-stage hurdles often afflicting older
The first advantage of an integrative GATE ap- workers. Although these four GATE profiles do not
proach is yielding more informative, “GATE com- exhaust all possible combinations, already inter-
pounds” in studying older workers, relying not on composite differences are apparent: Much like in
age per se, but on the sum of age-connoted parts. chemistry, compound wholes differ based on the
Consider four different, example GATE composites distinct combinations of their component parts.2
(see Figures 3 and 4): (a) the older incumbent—that
is, a Boomer in his/her sixties (elder life stage), who 2
I would like to acknowledge Matthew Cronin for pro-
has worked for the same company for decades (long viding the chemistry analogy to illustrate a key advantage
tenure), in generally the same skill-based role (high of an integrative GATE compound perspective.
2019 North 429

Predicted Net Discrimination Outcomes, as a Function of Integrated GATE Compound Profile Examples

Boomer Boomer
Older Incumbent

Older Cancer
– –

Seasoned Unseasoned Elder

+/– – +/– –
Old Guard Newcomer

– +/–
Interpersonal Interpersonal
Attitudes Attitudes


Incumbent (50+)
Older Position

– Seasoned Middle-Ager

+/– +
+/– – Old Guard
Old Guard
– Interpersonal
– Interpersonal
Attitudes Attitudes

Note. Similar to the point made in Figure 3, Figure 4 does not indicate that Older Incumbents and Older Career Switchers are universally
derided. This paper argues merely that, as per a GATE analysis, they are more at risk for discrimination than are other GATE composites.

Unpacking these fine-grained distinctions is shape the challenges and opportunities of different
where future research on the aging workforce must older worker composites.
head to solve noted challenges in this intellectual As noted, existing research on older workers
space. A GATE compound approach acknowledges often conflates GATE factors with one another.
multiple “meanings of age” in the workplace, as Thus, a second key contribution of an integrative
others have argued (albeit in relatively specific con- GATE perspective is potentially disentangling the
texts, such as motivation and communication; Kooij relative impact of different GATE elements from
et al., 2008; Zenger & Lawrence, 1989), but extends one another. In the same manner that researchers
beyond, conceptualizing how these different ele- have recently advocated for greater theoretical
ments operate simultaneously and jointly, forming nuance in understanding gender effects (which
differential profiles of older workers. A compound- some argue reflect power dynamics primarily;
based approach dovetails also with recent emphasis Lammers & Stoker, 2019; Meyers‐Levy & Loken,
on intersectionality, or the intersection of multiple 2015) or race factors (which some argue are influ-
(usually subordinate) social categories (Rosette & enced heavily by social class underpinnings;
Livingston, 2012). Much in the same manner that a e.g., Lareau, 2002), the same pivotal moment now
“black woman” and “older woman” are not per- exists to characterize age effects as GATE effects.
ceived tantamount to “black” 1 “woman” and “older In a similar fashion, a GATE approach emphasizes
women,” respectively (in both cases, the compound broadly how chronological age maps onto other,
eludes prejudice associated with each categorical overlooked factors; research approaches can dis-
component; Martin, North, & Phillips, 2019; Purdie- entangle these intertwined components to de-
Vaughns & Eibach, 2008), a GATE profile approach termine which aspects are most predictive of older
illustrates how multiple, intersecting elements of age worker outcomes.
430 Academy of Management Annals July

Opening the GATE to Unpacking relative impact of generation, age, tenure, and ex-
Individual Performance perience on performance. Imagine that a manager
seeks to appoint a project leader. The choices in-
Adopting GATE compounds to predict
clude a 67-year-old Boomer who has worked with
performance. The four example GATE composites
the organization for more than 20 years, a 45-year-
cited in the prior section illustrate the utility of a
old Gen-Xer who has also worked at the company
GATE profile approach in enhancing performance
for more than 20 years, a 53-year-old Boomer who
predictions (see Figure 3). Although generational
has worked with the organization for more than 20
affiliation does not consistently predict performance
years, a 67-year-old Boomer who has considerable
(see Part 2), significant inter-compound performance
industry experience with a different company, but
difference predictions emerge via the other three
who has joined the present organization only this
GATE components.
past year, and a 65-year-old Boomer who has been
On average, the older incumbent is likely to per-
with the organization for more than 20 years, but
form well: whatever older-life-stage performance
who has recently switched to a different de-
hurdles might exist (e.g., subjective oldness, as noted
partment, necessitating new, late-career skill set
in Part 2) are outweighed by documented perfor-
development. Among these candidates, which is
mance boons that come with tenure and experience
the best choice?
(also discussed in Part 2). By contrast, the older ca-
Although this is the type of question many orga-
reer switcher, who is low on tenure—and, given the nizational scholars enjoy pursuing, from an age
career switch, lower on skill-related experience—is standpoint, it is one that the existing literature would
likely to face more difficulty, at least early on; nev- have trouble answering. In line with the present ar-
ertheless, a newcomer’s lack of initial ability is often ticle’s thesis, relative to candidate A, candidate B
offset, at least partially, by increased willingness to differs most significantly on generational cohort and
learn (Fernandez & Vecchio, 1997). life stage; candidate C differs primarily on life stage
Meanwhile, the older position switcher’s case is only; candidate D differs on tenure; and candidate E
less clear: On the one hand, older-life-stage hurdles differs primarily on task-related experience (see
combined with a lack of direct, relevant experience Table 1). When juxtaposed with one another, as these
negatively predict performance; on the other hand, candidates are, a complex age story arises—one for
switching positions within the same company which the present state of the literature would have
maintains old guard status, which tends to correlate difficulty making strong performance predictions.
positively with performance. Thus, performance This puzzle epitomizes the need for researchers to
depends on the skill transferability from the old po- continually strive to operationalize and quantify the
sition to the new one, or else how quickly those new relative impact of each GATE element in predicting
skills can be accumulated. Finally, the case of the individual performance. For instance, a candidate’s
Gen-X incumbent indicates a smoother path, having birth year could ascertain generational cohort (per
accumulated many of the experience- and tenure- recommendations from Rudolph & Zacher, 2017a,
based benefits associated with older workers, 2017b), number of “cultural timetable” life span
whereas a middle-aged life stage avoids many noted achievements could serve as a proxy for life stage
later-life performance pitfalls that older workers (e.g., number of children; Elder, 1977; Hawkins &
sometimes face. Belsky, 1989), years with current organization would
Disentangling relative impact of GATE compo- quantify organizational tenure (Staw, 1980), and
nents on performance. A second advantage to an number of years with task-related endeavors oper-
integrative GATE approach is disentangling the ationalizes experience (Stajkovic & Luthans, 1998).

Sample Pathway toward Comparing Older Worker Performance as a Function of Different GATE Predictors
Employee A Employee B Employee C Employee D Employee E

Generation Boomer Gen-X Boomer Boomer Boomer

Age 67 45 53 67 65
Tenure High (201) High (201) High (201) Low (, 1) High (201)
Experience High (201) High (201) High (201) High (201) Low (, 2)
Key difference from Candidate A N/A Generation/Age Age (Lifestage) Tenure Experience
2019 North 431

By coding and quantifying these multidimensional such studies are surprisingly unresolved about
predictors of the older worker, and accounting for the which factors underlie workplace age perceptions.
variance in performance due to each, the equation for In general, prevailing theories on age discrimination
predicting performance in the aforementioned sce- center on characteristics associated with later life,
nario becomes clearer than existing approaches of- such as mortality salience, illness, and senility
fer. A continual such focus will also help resolve (Burnstein et al., 1994; Martens et al., 2004; North &
apparent inconsistencies in performance predic- Fiske, 2012), but these perspectives are not as rele-
tions between GATE elements, as outlined (see vant to older workers, who are usually in relatively
Figure 2). good health (North & Fiske, 2013a).
In a similar vein, audit studies elucidating age dis-
crimination in the labor market often try to isolate
Interpersonal Discrimination: From Ageism
chronological age as the deciding factor in shaping
to GATE-ism
job opportunities. Although these studies are un-
Comparing GATE compounds to predict differ- doubtedly foundational, even their authors acknowl-
ent levels of discrimination. A GATE compound edge the inherent challenges of controlling for
approach elucidates why age discrimination afflicts inherently intertwined age factors, particularly expe-
certain older workers more than others (see Figure 4). rience. Efforts to account for these confounds have
As per Part 2’s literature review, the older incumbent resulted in a diversity of solutions: For example, some
faces discrimination based on generational member- such approaches match younger and older applicants
ship (e.g., “Boomers” are stereotyped as mercenary on all possible factors except for experience, which
and competitive), life stage (where “elders” are ste- inherently goes with age (Riach & Rich, 2006). Other
reotyped as costly and slow), and tenure status (where approaches try to “control for” the experience con-
a strong fault line exists between the “old guard” and found by intentionally granting the older applicant
other cohorts)—and, to a lesser extent, experience greater general experience in a different industry
(which garners the mixed perception of respect but (Bendick, Brown, & Wall, 1999); others grant younger
costliness). The older position switcher likely faces and older applicants similar work experience, ascrib-
similar discrimination hurdles, as a Boomer, elder, ing the latter’s employment absence to child-rearing
and old guard member. Nevertheless, a position (Bendick et al., 1997), or else truncate the resume’s
switch might connote an eagerness to learn, contra- work history altogether by limiting it to a recent 10-
dicting negative perceptions of seasoned employees year range (Lahey, 2008). Nevertheless, each of these
as difficult to train (Gioaba & Krings, 2017). approaches presents its own set of confounds—either
The older career switcher also potentially escapes presenting older workers as uncharacteristically in-
the stuck-in-their-ways perceptions sometimes as- experienced, or else failing to isolate age from expe-
cribed to older workers (Canduela, Dutton, Johnson, rience (or some other intertwined element) as the
Lindsay, McQuaid, & Raeside, 2012). Although, as deciding factor (Neumark et al., 2015).
noted, their Boomer and elder status risks negative Given these challenges, and as per the present arti-
attitudes from others, an attempt to switch careers cle’s focus, I argue that future audit studies should fo-
and jobs fosters the newcomer signal of willingness cus less on isolating age per se, and more on isolating
to learn and take risks (Fernandez & Vecchio, 1997). which age-related components (i.e., GATE) most
Of all, least at risk for discrimination is the Gen-X strongly drive labor market discrimination. For in-
incumbent. No scholarly evidence exists that people stance, researchers might compare the job market
reliably discriminate against Gen-X members per se, success of (a) a 67-year-old Boomer with 31 years of
and although being a member of the “old guard” risks industry experience, (b) a 45-year-old Gen-Xer with 26
fault lines with other cohorts, the value of experience years of industry experience, (c) a 52-year-old Boomer
(mixed), combined with an overt advantage as a with 30 years of industry experience, and (d) a 65-year-
middle-ager (people of all ages endorse middle-aged old Boomer who has a great deal of general work ex-
high-status; Garstka, Hummert, & Branscombe, 2005; perience, but is seeking a second career, and, thus, has
Garstka, Schmitt, Branscombe, & Hummert, 2004), little industry-relevant experience (see Table 2).
suggests that such workers avoid the (later) life- As with the potential performance study proposed
stage–based prejudice often leveled at older workers. in the prior section (Table 1), each job candidate
Disentangling relative impact of GATE compo- systematically differs from the other in a key com-
nents on discrimination. In spite of a recent spike in ponent: Relative to candidate A, candidate B differs
age discrimination research (North & Fiske, 2012), in his/her generation and life stage; candidate C
432 Academy of Management Annals July

Sample Pathway toward Comparing Older Worker Discrimination in Hiring as a Function of Different GATE Predictors
Candidate A Candidate B Candidate C Candidate D

Generation Boomer Gen-X Boomer Boomer

Age 67 45 52 65
Tenure N/A N/A N/A N/A
Experience 31 (High) 26 (High) 30 (High) 0 (Low)
Key difference from Candidate A N/A Generation & Age Age (Lifestage) Experience

differs primarily in his/her life stage only; and can- highly distinct groups, each sharing within-group
didate D differs primarily in the level of experience. similarities across all four GATE dimensions: (1) 60-
In order for the aging workforce literature to move something-year-old Boomers with high experience
forward, comparing potential outcome disparities in and high tenure both via the same organization ver-
this manner is imperative. sus (2) 20-something Millennials with comparatively
low tenure and low experience. Likewise, Group 5’s
moderate diversity represents strong potential for
Harnessing Group-based GATE Diversity
subgrouping, with three aligned GATE categories
Adopting a GATE fault line approach to comprising two groups: 60-something Boomers with
diversity. As Part 2 reviewed, age diversity’s benefits high experience juxtaposed with 30-something Mil-
remain elusive, and in many cases, greater age di- lennials with low experience. However, in this case,
versity results in reinforcing difficult-to-overcome, tenure does not align quite as well as it does in Group
age-based fault lines (Boehm & Kunze, 2015). As 4, and thus, Group 5’s fault line potential is slightly
per the core argument of this paper, approaches to lower. Finally, Group 3 lies somewhere in the mid-
“age” diversity should really ascertain “GATE dle: although comparably moderate to Group 5 in its
diversity”—acknowledging that what scholars have amount of diversity, the potential for sub-grouping
often characterized as age fault lines really derive lies primarily in comprising two Boomers in their
from up to four different category divisions. mid-60s, but because they differ in terms of experi-
To this end, research approaches should adopt a ence and tenure, their subgroup alignment is un-
GATE-based fault line perspective, based on how likely to be as strong as in Group 5 (see Table 3).
strongly different GATE categories align (adapted Disentangling relative impact of GATE fault
from Lau & Murnighan, 1998), see Table 3.3 For in- lines on diversity. Resembling strengths of a GATE
stance, Group 1, which comprises four members of approach within performance and discrimination,
comparable generations, life stages, tenure levels, and a GATE diversity approach also presents the ben-
experience, comprises no diversity—and as such, efit of disentangling which individual GATE ele-
virtually no potential for GATE fault lines. Likewise, ments foster the strongest fault lines. To this end,
Group 2 also presents very weak fault line strength, but researchers going forward can gauge the extent to
for a different reason: maximum GATE diversity, with which subgroup formation in a given workplace
group members each comprising four different gen- forms from (a) proverbial generational groupings
erations, life stages, and tenure and experience levels. (Boomers versus Gen-Xers versus Millennials;
As such, due to the fact that there is no GATE-based Twenge, 2010), (b) life-stage effects (e.g., having
alignment, strong subgroups are unlikely to form. children versus not having children; Hawkins &
By contrast, groups with more moderate levels of Belsky, 1989), (c) tenure divisions (which some
diversity tend to present the strongest potential for argue trump most other category divisions; Zenger
subgroup formation (see Lau & Murnighan, 1998). & Lawrence, 1989), and (d) experience differences
Group 4 reflects very strong potential for fault lines (in line with the argument for older workers’
because of strong subgroup alignment fostering two benefits; Paullin, 2014).
In other words, to truly unite “age” groups,
Per this article’s focus, here I explore faultline category scholars must seek to understand which aspects of
alignment of GATE. However, I acknowledge that the age form the strongest subgroup divisions—not
presence of various other social categories (e.g., gender, just that GATE alignment forms subgroups per se.
race, and organizational role) renders the fault line picture As per the literature reviewed in Part 2, genera-
even more complex. tional fault lines appear to be among the strongest
2019 North 433

Pathways toward Testing Age Diversity Faultlines as a Function of Integrated GATE Predictors
Group GATE
No. Category Member A Member B Member C Member D Diversity Faultline Strength

1 Generation Boomer Boomer Boomer Boomer none none

Age 67 67 62 64
Tenure 25 23 20 24
Experience high high high high

2 Generation Silent Boomer Gen-X Millennial Maximum Very weak (1 aligned category; 4 subgroups)
Age 78 64 46 25
Tenure 50 35 20 2
Experience 56 40 24 2
3 Generation Boomer Boomer Gen-X Millennial Moderate Weak (2 aligned categories; 2 subgroups)
Age 64 65 45 25
Tenure 2 20 20 2
Experience 20 2 20 2
4 Generation Boomer Boomer Millennial Millennial Low Very strong (4 aligned categories; 2 subgroups)
Age 67 64 26 24
Tenure 32 30 3 2
Experience 32 30 3 3

5 Generation Boomer Millennial Boomer Millennial Moderate Strong (3 aligned categories; 2 subgroups)
Age 62 34 64 33
Tenure 14 2 2 14
Experience 30 2 30 2

Diversity levels and fault line strength both derive from prior work (Lau & Murnighan, 1998). Diversity is based on the total number
of attributes in which at least two members are different, how those attributes might be organized into similar categories, and the variance of
each attribute. Fault line strength derives from the number of GATE categories that align and the possible ways to form subgroups on the basis of
these attributes.

of the four GATE dimensions, doing more to divide Enhancing the Construct Clarity of Workplace Age
age cohorts than unite them, and inhibiting perfor-
OB scholars generally care deeply about construct
mance. However, on the flip side, emphasizing tenure
clarity—that is, spelling out conceptual arguments with
diversity appears to smooth over these divisions and
precision in definitions, boundary conditions, and se-
positively predict performance. Meanwhile, life stage
and experience diversity are mixed. Nevertheless, mantic relationships to other related constructs, as well
testing these different drivers of diversity fault lines as overall coherence and logical consistency (Suddaby,
simultaneously, rather than in isolation—perhaps by 2010). Pragmatically, a lack of construct clarity generally
priming certain types of GATE diversity over others results in a swift manuscript rejection; theoretically
and then exploring group productivity—is how this speaking, too, a general cry for increased construct pre-
literature should move forward. cision has permeated OB for decades (Bacharach, 1989).
A GATE perspective situates age within each of
these imperatives. First, GATE increases defini-
CONCLUSION: BROAD ORGANIZATIONAL tional precision within the older worker space,
BEHAVIOR CONTRIBUTIONS OF SHIFTING elucidating what exactly “older” means in the
FROM AGE TO GATE workplace context. Second, by emphasizing how
A GATE focus dovetails with timely scholarly im- chronological age alone cannot make strong pre-
peratives: (1) emphasizing construct clarity; (2) un- dictions, GATE elucidates what numerical age
derstanding context; and (3) tackling grand challenges. cannot predict (boundary conditions). Third, a
In its contributions to each of these domains, GATE GATE integration of previously disconnected
underscores the timely nature of the aging workforce as a bodies of age-related literature inherently forges
high-priority scholarly topic. necessary semantic connections between related
434 Academy of Management Annals July

constructs. Finally, by illustrating the inherent co- league; rather than focusing on traditional life-stage
herence (yet distinctiveness) between generation, differences based on the entire human life span, this
life stage, tenure, and experience, a GATE per- context likely fosters divisions based on life-stage
spective also enhances logical consistency in how events that occur between ages 18 and 40
researchers think about age going forward. (e.g., marital status and number of children); given
In sum, an emphasis on age as GATE serves as a high rates of organizational turnover in this industry,
roadmap for how scholars can be conceptually tenure differences in this industry might be based on
clearer in their approaches to an aging workforce, whether a player has played for one team or multiple
helping the literature overcome inconsistencies in teams over the course of his/her career; finally, ex-
predicting performance, discrimination, and di- perience differences emerge between those players
versity. Treating age as GATE reinforces the idea that who survive past the 8-year average threshold versus
not all chronological ages are created equal, thereby those who have not yet done so.
acknowledging vast (and often overlooked) variance By contrast, GATE distinctions would differ in
within older age, in which interpersonal diversity other contexts, such as white-color, specialized
actually peaks across a variety of domains (e.g., cognitive skill–based professions typically with an older and
functioning, future orientation, and personality longer tenured workforce (e.g., tax preparation, ag-
characteristics; Bal, Jansen, Van Der Velde, de ricultural management, and real estate sales;
Lange, & Rousseau, 2010; Mühlig-Versen et al., Wilson, 2017). Broadly speaking, the difficulty in
2012; Nelson & Dannefer, 1992). studying age is that it is a dynamic status category,
rendering its study resistant to one-size-fits-all
(i.e., chronological) approaches. However, GATE
Acknowledging the Context Dependence of Age
provides a framework, sensitive to contextual fac-
Another major OB call has comprised greater tors, that helps make sense of how “age”-based
emphasis on context, defined as surrounding fac- workplace differences emerge.
tors in the environment external to the individual,
usually occurring at a different level of analysis
Addressing the Grand Challenge of the
(Johns, 2006). Context incorporates all distal factors
Aging Workforce
that influence individuals within the workplace,
including relational demography, situational op- Finally, OB scholars have increasingly emphasized
portunities and constraints, and temporal compo- the importance of tackling grand challenges—that is,
nents (i.e., time itself; Mowday & Sutton, 1993). major issues affecting managerial practices world-
Recent scholarly work has underscored the impor- wide (George et al., 2016). Such challenges include
tance of context in significantly altering individual bridging the science–practice gap, reducing climate
differences in entrepreneurial success (Navis & change, combatting gender inequality, and making
Ozbek, 2016), workplace well-being (De Rond & sense of a digital workforce (Banks, Pollack,
Lok, 2016), and leadership emergence (Wellman, Bochantin, Kirkman, Whelpley, & O’Boyle, 2016;
2017), to name only a few domains. The workforce Colbert, Yee, & George, 2016; Howard-Grenville
aging issue is similarly multilevel, robust, and et al., 2014; Joshi, Neely, Emrich, Griffiths, & George,
context-dependent, ranging from individual-level 2015). Naturally, most pertinent to the present ar-
considerations to global economic concerns ticle is the grand challenge of an aging workforce,
(Bloom, Canning, & Fink, 2010; North & Fiske, which, as currently constructed, scholars characterize
2015b). as one of the strongest harbingers of economic down-
By inherently discouraging a one-size-fits-all, turn (Bloom et al., 2010)—and yet, as noted, severely
chronological indicator of age, GATE provides an lacking in scholarly attention (Kulik et al., 2014).
inherently context-dependent framework for un- As the workforce continues to age at record rates
derstanding (older) worker age. For instance, in a (North & Fiske, 2015a), focal management issues
U.K. professional soccer, the average career span is should gravitate toward how to best accommodate
eight years, and the average retirement age is 35 and theoretically understand older workers
(PFA, 2018); thus, within this circumstance, GATE (Truxillo et al., 2015). A GATE perspective not only
can shift to match a truncated work–life span. That forges pathways toward addressing this grand chal-
is, rather than focusing on “Boomers” or “Millen- lenge, but its direct applicability to unpacking
nials,” this context features generational cohorts that performance, discrimination, and diversity shows
are likely based on which year players entered the how the aging workforce applies to virtually all
2019 North 435

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