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“The Rocking-Horse Winner” by D.H.

Background or Introduction:
“The Rocking-Horse Winner” by D.H. Lawrence is a short story published in 1926 that explores
themes of greed, materialism, and the destructive pursuit of wealth. The story follows a young
boy named Paul who becomes obsessed with finding luck to satisfy his mother’s insatiable desire
for money.

Based on my understanding “The Rocking-Horse Winner” by D.H. Lawrence is a story that
delves into the psychological effects of a materialistic society on individuals and families. It
portrays how the pressure to attain wealth can lead to obsession, neglect of familial relationships,
and ultimately tragic consequences. This story is about a boy named Paul and his family who
struggle with not having enough money. Paul’s parents specially her mother, Hester, is always
unhappy because she did not loved her children and wanted more money, they both spent more
money than they could. And driven by the constant voices who whispers in the house of ‘There
must be more money! Paul thinks he can help his family by finding a way to get lucky and win
money. He becomes obsessed with riding his rocking-horse because he believes it can help him
predict which horses will win races. With the help of his uncle and the gardener, Paul secretly
bets on horse races and starts winning a lot of money. But the more money he wins, the sicker he
becomes. Despite all the money he makes, his mother is still not happy and wants even more. In
the end, Paul rides his rocking-horse one last time, trying to find the next winning horse, but it’s
too much for him, and he dies. He leaves behind a lot of money for his family, but it doesn’t
make them happy. The story shows how chasing after money and luck can lead to bad things and
how money can’t always make people happy. It’s a sad story about how wanting too much can be

This research aims to explore the socio- economic and psychological themes depicted in “The
Rocking-Horse Winner” and to examine their relevance in contemporary society. By analyzing
the story’s portrayal of materialism and its consequences, the research seeks to shed light on the
impact of consumer culture on individual well-being and family dynamics.

Statement of the Problem:

The problem addressed in this research is the pervasive influence of materialism and the pursuit
of wealth in modern society, and its detrimental effects on individuals and families. Specifically,
the research aims to investigate how the pressure to attain financial success can to psychological
distress, strained relationships, and moral compromise.

1. To analyze the portrayal of materialism and its consequences in “The Rocking- Horse
Winner” within the historical context of the early 20th century.
2. To examine the relevance of the themes presented in the story to contemporary socio-
economic realities.
3. To explore the psychological dynamics of characters in the story, particularly regarding
their motivations and behaviors influenced by materialistic values.
4. To assess the impact of consumer culture and the pursuit of wealth on individual well-
being and family dynamics in modern society.
5. To propose recommendations for the negative effects of materialism and promoting
holistic well being in individuals and families.

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