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Project Term 1 Bible Story Application Mind Map

Three Lessons From Jesus Temptation In The Wilderness:

1. We must be wise to the schemes of Satan.

2. We must bow before the superiority of the Son of God.
3. We must be armed with God’s strategies for the Saints

Important points from “We must be wise to the schemes of Satan”:

A. Satan hits at the opportune moment.

B. Satan subtly mixes truth and error in an attempt to deceive.
C. Satan promises pleasure, but he doesn’t mention the inevitable pain.
D. Satan tries to get us to meet legitimate needs or goals in illegitimate ways.

Important points from “We must bow before the superiority of the Son of God”:

A. Jesus lives in the total dependance of the Holy Spirit.

B. Jesus is compared to Adam during the temptations.
C. Jesus is compared to Israel in the wilderness.
D. God never give me temptation to make my live harder, but to test my mind.
E. Jesus is qualified to be my Savior and help me.

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