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Term 4, Semester 2 Lesson : FINDING TRUTH by Francis Chan

Christian Studies – Semestral Assessment2 Session 4

Name: Brandon.L Reflection 4
Grade: 7 Goodness
When I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior, I felt like that all my guilt and pain was lost. I tried to read the
scriptures and it affected me so many ways. Every time I followed what the scriptures told me to do, it made me
change my attitude. People started to see what the new me was and even wanted to be friends with me.

God will truly send the holy spirit to enter me and call out my internal desire for him. It felt like that I was crying out
for him. He was jealously yearning for me to be pursued with him. He wanted me more than just to believe in him but
staying connected with him. He wants me to learn that the key to life was to abide with him and he abide with me so
that I can bear much fruit. I can seek him by just abiding with him and stay right there. When I do this, I’ll live a life
that’s worth of something.

If I want to get the joy, I need to fill myself before others. I need to prioritize with the word of God. I’m confident in
who I’m with Christ. He is in pursuit with me. I chose to pursue him to make my relationships more intentional and
walk with him to develop relationship with God.

God opened my eyes and saved me from that self-centeredness. When I reflect on the mirror, he made me see at
everyone else and not just me. He showed me what things they’re doing to me and made me a victim. In fact, I’m that
victim. I’m the children of wrath and God’s wrath will pour out on me. But later, Jesus saves me from it, I’ll receive his
grace. I need to focus what he has done for me every day and be blown by his grace. When I get this, I need to help
others who are weak, struggling, give, serve and be the picture of Christ. In that way, I’ll be the light of the one who
needs me.

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