You are on page 1of 37


Seripts and Functions:

soipts have the ability to overrite the Jo Kspace

Funchons ate prorams that accept inruk arfuments'
and return 'cutput aYguments
MATLAB has hundreds o built-in functions.
Tf e nced to execute repeated euences qommnds.
We create 2 seperate file h17h Such cOmmanda

This file s called the Script file

h e Proframs Hve. htite (Oser títes) in. MATLAB are
Called M-f1les
The tM-files are. ordhary ASCIT text files oith 3n
xtensíon .m
M - f e s can be creafed usind an édltor or
oYd Proce ssing application.
M-Files are tNO tures
(1-)Scriptfiles and
2 Function fles.

Script Files:

-A seript file iS a user-created-fAle with a set o Valid

MATLAB COmmandstn ít.
-Script files re usuay ealled as M-f°les.
They have 2 filename with xtensionm .m
A Seript file is cYestes
from the file menu OMATLAB
desktoP s folloS
Pfle- Neh Blank M-file
A Script file fs x e u t e d : by tupind ibs name
at the Command prompt.(on the comm and ine).
geral, soript files woIk a n álobal VaY1ODIC S .
(61obal vaiables -Variables curvently precent im the
- AFTEY a scrípt file fs exected, the esults e
n the orkspre,
A A ScYiptile may contein any number q cmmands
- T h e s e f i l e s a r e Useful ohen. Ne h a v e t o e p e a E a

Set q C m a n d s seeral timeS.

-Example aa Scafptfile:
write a script file to solve the follousing Sstem
inear £quatioms:
2Y 2

3 2Y-1
2 r-1

or Ax=b.

S Fam he above set l i n e ar éuahins corsider

that 5 2Y
A 2r-1

Aderpends on the Paranmeter Y

I n £ach case, he Shall{nd fhe determinant+

matrlX A .
W e Nsite a et MATLAB COmmand tD dob
the job.
W e Store these commands fn a seript-frle
and Save the l e using: So vEx m CFlle n2me)
On, solvex m wi|be Saved on Some disk drive fn
Same divectovy (r folder),
progt>m m- --
This is the seript file solvexm'
asD Cakulates
T t Solves "he Anear£quations and
A T5 2tr 3 62r1 2 r - 3tr1:%ereate
maix A.
b 2:3:5]: Creatte
det-A detCA)# 7Pind he
X = A\b
Find x

typing the above Profi=m £dior and
Soving it, he execute the Sript in MATLAB.
T t s as follaWS
Tn the comm and indO) Eype;-
S> clear all clear the HOdkSpace
specity a Value of r
Execute the eript file sdveX»m

det-A =

This s the output.

- O. O 3 1 2

O: 2344

Who checkthe Variables in he


t d be noted that ris asSihed to2value 4,outside

he sript fi|e.
PLtt sill solvex PiCkS uP Ths Value snd computes A.
funchiom Ftles
-A fuetfon fle is also an M-file havin a funchion
definition Jine on the top.
The sytax q h e -funchion definition line is as follo

function Loutput vavisbles] =funcior_name(imput vari

tere the function-name must be the Same as the file name

in shich the. furmchion (s N7Ttten.

Function befniton Line Fle Name,
fun ction [rho, HF] motion (XY,t) = motioN)

functhion theta THETA (X, Y, z) THETA m

fuunctiom circler) circle m

The first sod in the funchior definitian line, functian
must be typed in loercase.

funchoym ioput List

Anatomy of afunction ftle atrt 1Ame
defnitfn e

function xout, yout)= functiame(Xin, yin)

Hne addL line deScription of
function here
C o m m e n f
Wite ón-Uine help comments here
usea by . nclude UouY name and date
o n - i r e help

X blah;
funtionLY= moreblah.


-Prom 'the protim, it is tu be Noted that, i and det-A
are loal Variables.

hen WeLxecute this funcion in

MATLAR.cts shown
>clear al
>>[detA, Y] = Solvexf(1): take rei and exarute solexf: m
det A % display the Value det A
det A =

- O0312
1 6815


Your Variables are

detA Y
h e n Executed, only the Variables in the Outplt Jist Will be.
eft i The sokspace
methods tn MATLABB:
niCh YOu Sate and fix errars

-Debugging is the
ProcesS by
in Your PYOgram £rrors can be
tNO Kind
Debuggin procesS,
Run-time £yrors,
Er rors and di)
() Syntax
the P r c e s s
are knad as bu9S, and
E r o r s in proorams debugging
is Knon a5
and eiminating them
MATLAE Tncludes a secial debugging tool called 2 Symbaic
-This tool is émbedded. nto the EdiE/Debug indow.
execuion sthe
Using the SymbAlc dehEr tool, the
PYOWam s Checked Ome stateement at a time.
The M-fies tn The fbllsoinf Ways
- He can abo debuf
the windaw
(b Usin The

fnChons Om
d Osing in MATLAB.
Above are the

Debugging Tols:
-MATLAB SUPPOts a bullt-tn debuTqer
It Consists o everal debluggtng Commands. Some them are

Asted beloo:
dhclear, dbcont, dbdovn, dhult, dbstack, dbstatus, dhtep,
dbetop, dbtype , dbuP, etc
The above Command can be Uses to debg yo MATtLAR
These Commands Can be Hritten in fhe M-file that younant
to debug
- the, Yoe can ue them dreiy yclickhg m them i the
flltolebeper indon.

-For dedaiu these Cominands, See the on-une help Under debue.
There a r e two main methad debuggtng MATLAB Proarams.
() One is to u s e the individual debugginá Comnands
bult 3nto MATLAB.
ci The other fs to use. the raphical debugger built Into
the MATLAB editor.

-Under debuging commands, the folooin a r e coyered :

1 Break Roints:
dbstop Set twee Ways)
dbclear remoVe

dbstats - displayy

2 ExeCution
uSual C o m m a n d - start

dbeont -

continue ntil breakpoint or end

dbstep execute cuient line in function then stop a5ain

dbuut- quit debug mode and Stop executhión.

3 Combext
dbstack- dieplay "cat lfst"
dbup 3o Up
do uP aa function ( 0 Uu Can display Van>blet
functieT\in its wTAKSPaCe
dbdoan- go back dovin
Under faphical debugger , the Cmm>nd iS
Odng the. symbolic debuGEr ith MATLAB
is supplied
h e Symbolic debuger
ith the MATLAB tor.
This debugger is inteqrates

To uSe the debuger,

C1 Select File/Open menu selection ín the MATLAB COmmand

Open the frle that YOu Would ike to debug.
is loaded înto the editor
When the file is opened,lt
) is autematically color coced
The Syntax
(V Comments in the l e appear in dreen.
în black.
VD Variables and numbers In the ile aprear
(v1t)character strings în the file appear n red.
(Vn) Language. Keywoids tn he file 2ppear în. blue.
The MATLAB raphrs system s based on aa
hierarchical system Of coYe
graphics objects
These raphical classes are
suhclasses of handle
Handle Yefers to the obfecbE
- Handle raphics" is a set o on-level
t o maniPulate raphics objects. Waphics functians
These fraphic(Handle raphies)
control the charadteñshcs
fraphical chjects fenerated by MATLAB.
-MATLABs fraphics -facility is easy to use and
Using faphRs in MATLAB 1eauires the understand in
Handle graphfes.
-Basc 2-D plots, Fancy 3-D Sraphics +otth ighting
and Cobrmaps are oW part MATLAB.
-slhg "Hand le Graphice" tools, Sophisticzted
raphics can be des igned
Basic 2-D plots:
tools for
MATLAB Tncluses d a
commamfor pvaducing
The nmost basic and useful S h o n belo»:
command TEs Syntax s
2- plot 1s plot
Mot(Values, yvalues,'style-option) (on
H e r e , V a l u e s 2nd yÝalues are Vectors conain ng
and Y-co.oxdinates of points on the gr2ph.
is optional arfument. t
Auo style -option

the folMowing:
() color.
b style (e.9 Solid, dashed, dotted)

t) point-marker etyle (s9, o, +, *).

must have the samne
The two Vecitors Values a n YVlucs,

For twO CAumn Vectors and y £ach lengh n,

plot (x, V) plots y Versus Aith a Soid ine (tefault line

plot(xY,-) Plots y Verses ith a dashed une
plotC) plots the elemerts of asainst heir row
- JhenPlot fiunction s kectted, MATLAB OPens a fsuut Hindor) Yl

splap the Plot în that oinbo.

Creahng a simple inear plot
LGhven a inearfomu la; Y= 32+t.create an m-frle for plot y

Versus X.
Sol Code pom-
X O: O1 1o
x takes Values tom 1to 1o Jtth íncremenb o

Y- 3 + +
y generates an r2y }Values fortach yalue z
plot (X)
Plots Y V2lues Versus their X caunter parts
12Create a plot"for y= 2 that the x-2xts has ioo lineary
Spaced data Poînts . GUTPUTTJ

Plot of x Verss y:
>> 1mspace O,Loo, 100):
x = Lo000

Y= X"2
xlabel ('x):
ylabe(Y= x°122)
title('plot ofx Versus Y= x"24) O 20

el ereate a plot y= that the x-axis has Do Jinearly spaed

points. Ao shade 1he are a under the. Curve,
Area dtheaurve. yz
>> X = linspacelo, L0o, 1Oo): 0000T

>>y = x.'2;
aYea (x, Y)
xlael Cx
> ylabel(y=x*§2?')
title("Area of the cunve ye)
O O 20 100
a) labels;
annotating the Z-axis y-axis.
-Used for namlng o r
to the plot.
tSD Used forgiyin title shown bela;
S han
The abelinglon

labels the 1-2xis.

labels the. Y-axiS.
title's the lobt.
- a x i s with PiPe
Labels the
eg: xbbel('re Length')
wíth Flud
pressue)- Labels the y-axis
ylabel (Fluid PessuNC .

fo h e
NamesONgies tite
ttle ( Pressure Varnatian') V2nahon,
Plot as, Pre ssUYE
functions 2re
xlabel, ylabel n d t t t e
benoted that, the,
I s to
Strngs.(string axfiuments)

Xlabel Syntax; y1bel symrtax

(1 x1abel(txt) 0 ylabet (txt)
xlabeltarjet,bxt) 2 ylabelltarget, tst)
(3 x1bel(-- Name, Value ylel (-,Name, Value)
t xlabel--) (EYbet -)
gttegtie Sitax
(1 title(titetext)
(2) titletitetext, sustitletevt)
t i t l e (--,Nzme Value)
4 title (target
In addiion tO the above three arjuments íe, xlabel,
Ylebel, itle thee. is one more Command viz text
text Command Suntax fs shonbela!

text(-co.ordinate, y-co ordnate, 'terE')

Here the. Co-ordinate values 2ye Eaken from. the current
Etext(26, 'note this dip') hites 'Note this dip'at
the locatin (2.o, 6) fn
he plot coodinates .

a n a n t of textcommand is the g r X E Tt only takes a

Strins arefiment
D Axis;

-Jrth axis command, Yoll, Can change the limits of

a plot that is generated
tax axis(min Zm Ymin Ymx

-Using the abdVe Com)and, fhe CuLrent axes Amit for

-axis ave changed to Lmin and imaE
Ano, he cument axes imits for V-axis are Changed ty
ymin and Yma vespeCtively,

The xis Command fs specitied fter the Plot_Comand

tn a MATLAB pPraram
The axis Command may abo be uSed to zoom ?n or
to Z0om cut on a particilar section e the plot.
arfumestS for the axis
Some usefil, predetined staing
Command are
both axes,
sets eqUUal scale n
axis Cequual)
sets the default rectanrilbr
axis(suLare') rame to a squPre
axisnovmal) resets the x i s to default
c Y e n t axes limits,
axs(axis) Preeres h e

8xts Cofe) remoe S the Soundingrame

And the tick marks.
-he. above commarnds are USed for Ax+s eertte

Semicto of ae
The axCS
MATAB, a USer can control only Partof
The dher Jimits ae by MATLAB3.
Set auttmahcolly
1s acheved by
T h e partíal contol of axes Jimi bs
tth inf
Specitiing the axfs coRmand alng
Example: -Ris
Sets the imts at-5 and 10 The
axfs (5 10 -inf Inf])
y-axis Jimtts ave Set automatcally

22]) loLier Jtmit of the -axis

oxfs(C-5 inf -inf Sets the
n the Upper Jimit of y-axiS.
s e t 2utomahcally.
other thwÐ m i t s are
-This Comman il1 Aisplay or hide axes oid ines.
i d on
i d of
grtd minor

the major grid lines.
Irid provides the visibility
: DisPlays the major gridines for
the cuwent
nd on

rdott Remoes all id Aires from the curent axes or


isplay the. grid Jines for a sîne plot.
X linpacelo, lo):
Y sin(x):
grid On

Gyid inee can be added or removed from the Plot.

-xamplei -10+ 15 ith itles

Generate a plot cf the function y=
1abels and grídlines
Prxfram X OL: 10
Y= 2 ' 2 - 10. r + 15

title (Plot of y= ."2

1o.*x +15)
xlabel ('x');
ylabel (y':
grid on
(d style options arfiment in pot

ls an optional
-The stye-option
Items They are
(1) Color o-the u n e
i) style of the J n e and
C1) Point-markerstyle O-the
character String Consístiany of
The Style-ophin 1s

CmetWO or three líne
made u p h e colbr opbOn, t h e
The style-tption is
or a combinahon othem
OPtion, the marker option,

he are Shon b e l I ;

color stle-option ine style-option| Marker yle -option

Y yellow solid Plus sign

dashed cvcle
magenta asterisk
cYY X-maK
mo lîne Point
up triangle
white S siare

K back diamon

Kih red Soltd n e
plot(x,) plots y Vercug a

plot(xY,:) Plots y versus Hith dotted ine.

plot(,9, 'b--") plots y versus r with a blue dashed line=

y versus (th)
Plots as unconnected pon
plbt(7,y,+ ')
maked by a t
eMultipe plots
n MATLAB, i t ts poeeble t plot mu/hiple fnctONS
n 1he Same y a p h

B y including o e than one set of (zy) Values in

the. Hottunchon, a vser can plot multipe. PlotS

Example: funchon
SuppoSe t h a t We Wanted to plot the
on the Same flot
l)=Sín 22 and its dexivative
Sol: Gien finchion ís, fx)=
Deoivsh ve
the funchn, dt
Cfx)) (sfn 2x)

=2. coh 22z

have tho functions, 1) sin2X 2nd 2)2CA2,
-NOns, we
to be plotted an The S a m e sraph.
oXValues and the Coresjondng y'values
-A set £achfunchon.
are generated tor
are Ísted in the Plot
Both sets q a y9 Values
% program

X= O:P/1O0:2pY:

Y2 2 cos(2"x):

plot (X, y1, x, Y2);

NoE All he Plots that here discuss So far are ine Plots.
These Plots, the data points are connecked by Jnes.
Gf) subplots
comman S
Used t o make a few plob and
-The subplo
Place the plots side -

by side
The Syntax fs as shmon:

Subplbt (m,n,P
commanH Yenuves three ntefer
The subplot
m, n n d p.

indw divides the gYaphics

indo into mxn
-A subplot
the plot fenerated by the next Plotting cOmman d
TE puts
into the pth ofnow.
For fxample, the
SLuhplat (2,2,2)
Sub indws
vides the raphics sindy întp 2x2, T.ey four
NlI Le n the third stb noindw .
The plot y versus x

I r s td be noed that a
Subplot Command creates
xes in tiled Posihons.

Man i n d
OSpecialized 2-D plotS:
-Specilized 2-D Plots are the Plots ith sprial aphics
-These Plots can present data în a more Effecnve
-USing the speciaized 2-D Þlots, a wide Varie Plots
Can be created.

These plots înelude:

) Bar plot (it) staîrs plot (it) tem plot iv) pe Pot and
The Special gvaphes
plots are framed usins some plotting
Funhon Descrition
area Creates a flled aYea Plot
bar Creates a bar r a p h

arh Creates a heizontal bar draph

Come nakeS an anímated 2-D plot

CompaSS ereates arro graph for complex

Mum bers.

errOrbar Plots a rah and pits error bars.

tathek makes a feather Plot.

fil rawsled polygons of specified

makes histograms
Creates plot ith lofscale n both
loglog the -axs and the. Y-axis

pre CYeates pie.chart

ose makes gled híto grams.
Semilogx makes semilog Hot Wih log cale on
the -3xis.
stairs Plots a stair fraph
Stem plots a stem

Polar Plots curves in Polar coOdinates

184 Graphics

Function Example Script Output

f (t) = t sin t, 0 ::; t ::; l01r

fplot ( ' x . * s in ( x ) ' , [0 l O*pi] )

Note that the function to be
plotted must be written as
a function of x .

s em i l ogx
t = l inspace ( 0 , 2*pi , 200) ;
x exp ( - t ) ; y = t ;

semilogx ( x , y) , gri d

x = t, y e' , 0 ::; t ::;

= 21r
semilogy t = l inspace ( 0 , 2*pi , 20 0 ) ;
semilogy (t , exp ( t ) ) ,.

gr id

' 2
x = e , y = 100 + e \ 0 ::; t ::; 27r
loglog t l inspace ( 0 , 2*pi , 2 0 0 ) ;
x = exp (t ) ;
y 1 0 0 + exp ( 2 *t ) ;
loglog ( x , y) , gr id
6 . 1 Basic 2-D Plots 185

Function Example Script O utput

90 1 . 5

r = 2 sin 5t, 0 ::::; t ::::; 271"
polar t = l inspace ( 0 , 2*pi , 2 0 0 ) ;
r = sqrt ( abs ( 2 * s in ( 5 *t ) ) ) ;
polar ( t , r )


r 2 sin 5t, 0 ::::; t ::::; 271"
x r cos t , y = r sin t

t l i n s p ace ( 0 , 2 * p i , 2 0 0 ) ;
f ill
r = sqrt ( abs ( 2 * s in ( 5 *t ) ) ) ;
x = r . *cos (t) ;

y r . * s in ( t ) ;
fill (x , y , ' k ' ) ,
axi s ( ' s quare ' )

r 2 sin 5t, 0 ::::; t ::::; 271"
y r sin t

bar t l inspace (0 , 2*pi , 200) ;

r = sqrt ( abs ( 2 * s in ( 5 *t ) ) ) ;
y r . * s in (t) ;
bar ( t , y )
ax i s ( [O pi 0 inf ] ) ;

fapprox x - 3! , o ::; x ::; 2
error fapprox - sin x
error bar
X - Q ; .1:2;
aprx2 = x - x . '3/6 ;
er aprx2 - s in (x ) ;

errorbar (x , aprx2 , er )
186 Graphics

Function Example Script Output

World p opulation b y continent s .

c ont = char ( ' As i a ' , ' Europe ' , ' Af r i c a ' , . .

'N. Ame r i c a ' , ' S . Amer i ca ' ) ;
pop = [3332 ; 696 ; 694 ; 437 ; 307] ;
barh (pop)
barh f or i = 1 : 5 ,
gt ext ( c ont ( i , : ) ) ;
x l ab e l ( ' P opulat ion in m i l l i ons ' )
Title ( ' World Populat ion ( 1 99 2 ) ' ,
' f ont s i z e ' , 1 8 )

Yl e - x sin x , 0 :S t :S 1 0
Y2 ex

X = 1 : . 1 : 10 ;
y1 exp ( - x ) . * s i n ( x ) ;
plotyy y2 = exp (x) ;
Ax = plotyy ( x , y 1 , x , y2 ) ;
hy l = get (Ax ( l ) , ' yl abel ' ) ;
hy2 = get (Ax ( 2 ) , ' ylabel ' ) ;
s e t (hy1 , ' string ' , ' e - - x s i n ( x ) ' ) ;
se t (hy2 , ' string ' , ' e - x ' ) ;

y = --- , -37r :S X :S 37r

x = l inspace ( - 3 *p i , 3*p i , 1 00 ) ;
y = - s i n ( x ) . /x ;
area ar e a ( x , y)
xlabe l ( ' x ' ) , ylabel ( ' s i n ( x ) . /x ' )
hold on
x1 = x (46 : 5 5 ) ; y 1 = y ( 46 : 5 5 ) ;
are a ( x l , yl , ' f a c e c o l or ' , ' y ' )

World population by continents.

c ant = char ( ' As i a ' , ' Europe ' , ' Af r i c a ' , . .

' N . Amer i c a ' , ' S . Ameri c a ' ) ;
pop = [3332 ; 696 ; 694 ; 437 ; 307] ;
pie p i e (pop)
for i=1 : 5 ,
gtext ( c ont ( i , : ) ) ;
Title ( ' World Populat ion ( 1 992) ' , . . .
' f ont s i z e ' , 1 8 )
6.1 Basic 2-D P lots 187

I Funct ion Example Script O utput

Histogram of 50 randomly
distributed numbers between
0 and 1.
y � randn ( 50 , 1 ) ;
hist ( y )

-1.5 -0.5 0.5 1 .5

f = e -t/S s i n t , 0 ::; t ::; 2 1r

s t em t �l inspace ( 0 , 2*pi , 200) ;

f = exp ( - . 2 * t ) . * s in ( t ) ;
s t em (t , f )

r2 2 sin 5t, 0 ::; t ::; 21r

y r sin t

stairs t l inspace ( 0 , 2*pi , 200) ;

r �s qrt ( abs ( 2 * s in ( 5 *t ) ) ) ;
y r . * s in (t ) ;
stairs ( t , y)
axi s ( [O pi 0 inf ] ) ;

1.5 2.5

z = cos B + i sin e , - 1r ::; () ::; 1r

th -pi : p i / 5 : p i ;
zx c o s (th) ;
compas s zy s in (th) ;
z • zx + i+zy ;
c ompas s ( z )
188 Graphics

Example Script Output

y = t sin t, 0 ::; t ::; l 01r

q = l inspace ( 0 , 1 0 *pi , 2000) ;

c omet
y = q . * s in (q) ;
c omet ( q , y )

(It is better to see it on screen. )

z - x 2 + xy + y 2
f x f :S 5 , f y f :S 5 .

contour r = -5 : . 2 : 5 ;
[X , Y] = meshgri d (r , r ) ;
Z = - . 5 *X . -2 + X . *Y + Y . - 2 ;
cs = c ont our (X , Y , Z ) ;
c l abe l ( c s )

z x 2 + y 2 - 5 sin(xy) �
-- ' ' ' ' ' ' ' --- - - � -

' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' � - ,
f x l :S 2 , f y f :S 2 .
_ , , , , , , , , , _ _ _ �

, , , , , , , , , , _
\ \ \ \
\\\ \ \ \ , , ,
\ \ \ \ \ ' ' " ' ' I' 1I \\ \\ \
quiver r = -2 : . 2 : 2 ; I I \ I I \
\ \

\ \ \ \ I ' ' \ \ \ \\\\

[X , Y] = meshgri d ( r , r ) ; ' ' \ \. \ '\ \ \ \ \ \
- - � ... , , , , , , , , ,
z = x . - 2 - 5 * s in (X . *Y) + v . - 2 ; ' - - - .... .... , , , , , , , .... ....
- - - - .... ..... , , , , , , ... - �

[dx , dy] = gradi ent ( Z , . 2 , . 2 ) ;

- - - - ..... ...... ..... , , , , • • 1

.._ _ __ _ , , " ' ' ' ' ' ' '

. - - - ...... ....... ...... ...... ' ' ' ' \

\ ' - ..... ' ' '

quiver ( X , Y , dx , dy , 2 ) ;

z x 2 + y 2 - 5 sin (xy)
f x f :S 2 , f y f :S 2 .
pcolor r = -2 : . 2 : 2 ;
[X , Y] = me:>hgri d ( r , r ) ;
Z = x . - 2 - 5 * s in ( X . *Y) + Y. -2;
pcolor ( Z ) , ax i s ( ' off ' )
shading int erp
PaÁes 1e4-1P2 ro ch
r ce MATA
1 -2>2 fnPdf

specialized graphie
there are
OtCTnMATLAB, tunchianS.
tuncioms. They are ez plotter

Qsme f them are: ezplot, ezpelar ,

gives a
oi ndow gives
în 1he c o m m a n d
NE Typing help 2 - D raphie
for feneral
Of fiunchion s avallable
3-D plots:
3-D plots means, Three-dimensional plotS
Three -dimensional plots are used to pre sent d
that has more than t y Variabes.
MATLAB PrOvicdes various options for displayns
threedimensional data.
They are: ciy Línc
plots a) Wire Plats
(f) Suface plots and (1V) Mesh plots.
T h e 3-D plots can be fotmatted to have a
Special appearance and Special eppearnce) tfects.

MATLAB ako PYOVides Some built-in-funChonS tor

visualizîng 2-D data.

Thefaci lities provided by MATLAB înclude buflt tn

B y typing help sraphd in the cammand indon
ist-of--funchions available tor 3-D raphics are

Some ofhe commonly used hunchons are. isted bela:

Fmchiom Degori ption

plot3 Plots curves în space
Stem3 Ceates discrete data ploE Th Stems in 3-D

bar3 plots 3-D bar raph

barzh Plots 3-D honzontal bar graph

Makes 3 -D Pie chart

Comet3 Makes animatel 3-D June Plot
frlls draNSflled 3-D polygons
eontour3 M2kes 3-D Contour plots
helds 1n
yuiverz3 d r a n s Vector
in 3-DP
catteY3 makes catter Pots
surfaces (wire -frame)
3-D mesh
mesh draws ITh Contors
3-D mesh surtaces
meshc drows
mech Surfces
hith refeene Pag
meshz dravss

Surf Cieates 3-D Surface plots

with Conturs.|
3-D Surtce Plots almd
Surfc Creates

3-D Surf2te Pots ith specified

Surfl eeates
ight Source.
trimesh mesh plot oith triangles.

trisurf Surface tlot iith Triangles

Sice draws a volunetric suface With Slices
Katerfall plot of 3-D data
Waterfal Creates a

eylinder enerates a cylinde

ellipsoid Jenerates an ellipsoid

sphere Jenerates asphYE

Plot3 function
The function Flot3 (s the 3-D Verim plot.

The general syntax s

P l t 3 ( 9 ,z, 'style-opion) r Plotz4,2)

This conmand il plot a cuve tn 3-D Space2

The C r v e will have a speciic l i n e style

- For Ex 2m ple, the comman

plot3(r and(1,10), Y2nd (A,10), Y>nd(1, 1o)

qenerates lo Yandm oints in 3-D SPace, and joins them

Sith ine.
Annotations in3-D Plots
e dene by
Amotations Namíng) n 3-D Plots c a n
under 2-D Plots.
using the funchons alveady mentioned
- That 1s,
xlabel, ylahel, t'tle, text 9rid Ete
addia to these, a new funchn zlabel ls addes
in z-D plots.
-Using Gid command for 3-D Plots, the 3-D Curves
n SPace hill aPPear better.

- USe Puncions
3-D plots e
-Some tasy-to-use funChions related

(U ezsurf
Citi) ezplet 3.
These funchions r e ez-Stable

Mesh and Suface plots

three-dimencicnal plots.
-Mesh and Surtace plets are

plotting functicns CThe -folm

are s cd ftor
are mdeendernt Variables.
Here and Y
is a depen dent Varia ble.

The Vlue Oz Carn be calculated for any commbination

ard and meshz
Osing the fiunchions Such a s mesh
Mesh plots c n be plotted.
the functhcns Cuch as, Su SutC, Surfl and
trisurf Surface plots C>n be plot ted.
Cieated în three Steps. They e
Mech and s:fce plots a
hrid in the iY Plne
t h a t cOvers th
te ; To create a

dmain he fimcticn.

Value ) z af each foint he

Step-2 To calulate The

To create
thc pl»t
he enerafn q mesh or surf
shown below

mesh (X, Y, z) 2nd SurfCoY, )

are matrices with t h e
here X nd Y
t h e . rid.
matrix STh The Value zat 1he grTd
z is a

ample: 2
2 and
9 OVer the
for the

194 plot mnesh (pr Surface) plot

mesh Plot or SuracePioE
PrOrm for Plotting a

Y = O1 4
meshgrid (XY): meshgrs i s a i l t-in
X,Y]= funthmtd ereate X rnd
z .*Y. "2-/(x. "2 +Y. 2)
rmesh (X,Y,z) Tue surfi z) tor
Surtace plot|
Y1abel (Y)
zlabel (z');

S to e noted that
the mesh and uYE
Commands can abo be used with the form
cchl2 and SuY (2

Ustng mesh2) and SurFCZ),the Vlues q 2 2

Plotted a s a funchion q h e i r addresses in h e

Command ecutes, the gricsp
when the mesh
y default.
Command, a bOK Can be dran
0sing The bCx On_
around the Plot.

ontouPo representatonS
ae t h o - - d i m e n sional
-Contour Pl bts
three - d i e n s i o m a ls u t a c e s
a unchonfaN) of tso
- IEs used td visualize
he reqLure arectangular
Before a Cantour 1s created,

array funchon Values (Yt)at a

rid o
Points X, j ,2.---n 2nd Y71= 1,2..-m.

Points e three sbe are Tollane

TO Cre ate grid
as shoon belo;
Create a vector Xof n grid points for t e x
step) the Yvarizble.
Vector Yo
n gris Points for
Use the meshgrid flnchn Y medgid(x,Y) ED
stit Create aría X, y.

Using MATLABS Ctar -tuncti on, The
contou Y the
dats 2 t plotktd.
can be
- o EX 2mple, the funchan flx, y) x23fy*
hitten 2s a COntDur funchon .2,

#3*x + Y."2
Contou C

xemple points
on 5)
6L £quDlly sPaced
Ceate a vector x of n Lt tI
fru2lly sfased poins
and 2 vector Y pointisand
tw C e a t e r a y s of rid
Xx'a-Bx +Y"2 2 fach
the fnchicn
25 Contóurs G
c o n t o u r plot t h
create a
r i d PGiNt, and
for the 2xis labes
vectors x and y
using the
add 2 grid and title

1inspae (-3,3, 6
Y i r n s p a c e( - 4 , 4 , 3 1 D ;

x , Y=meshgrid(y,),A;

x.33x + Y2
Contour(XY, F 2 )

grid on
xlabel ('x);
ylabel ('Y'):
x'3 -3x+ Y2'):

c o r t o u r lakels:
contor label
MATLAB tunch on, clabel
Can b e added3.

ContoUur(x,Y,F, 1S)
c l a b e l ( h )
Example: EXampt
-contours a funchon. contours a t thwerty levels

pro gram YProgy-m

X= 1fnspacel-2°Pi, 2pi): LXz]= PeakS;

Contour CXY Z, 20
Y Iinspace (o,41Pi):
Y meshgrid(X );
2 Sin (x)+Cos (Y);
contour(X,Y z)

3-D Contour PlOt, the fundion format is,


For plotting
ContoLer 3 (X,Y,Z,n)

a-Contour levels
= nurm b r
the funchion fornt is
a 2-p contour plot,
-For plotting
Contour(XY 2,n)
M2 htm ber qContor Ieels

Stem Plots:
- A Stem plot iS a tho- dimensional Plot.
a base-ine

Tt displays data as ines extendind from

along the X-axis
Us ed to denerate stem
n MATLAB, stem COmmarnd fs
The sytax 1S: stem(X,Y)

Syntex forms?
stem (x)
stem(XY, FFI|)
Stern (x,Y, 'Efl1,--.-)
- Using Stem Command, a discrete simal Xn) Can

repre sented fraphicall
NOte: stgnaD-> The dlscrete time
Cre at specffic

hasa r e defined s t only

Of time.

Plot single Data series. 2/T
data Values bemeen
Create a stem plot of 5
and 2(T

Sa Progr2m
2tpi, 5
Y= linspace(-2tpi,
stem (Y()

-plot meltiple pat2
a t a Series s n d a tso - Csumn roatmx
P l o t tro


2* P, 5O);
Y= C o s ( x ) , o . 5 * s i n ( x ) ] :

Stem (Y)

SPe c Stem md hMarker oPtons.

dotted i n e
aCreate a sem plot and Set the Aine style to
Hhe mrker symbos to diamonds, and h e color to r e
ustng he Linespec oPHn.
x= linspace (0,
2t pi, 50)
Y exP),*sinc)):
Stem(XY, ':diamónd ' ) ;

Yr= C988 :1941:

Sle =[R 12 20 22. 12 24 24]
Stem ( sle)

stem3 Comm 2nd

3 - dimehsional
Command Teneraes a
plot. bela:
fs s h o n
The funchon format ol stem3 command

markers and
pbints h
hisCmanddrais sequenti2
from the Y Plane.
( Vertical l i n e s

7PYos m

t= O: O2 :10


y: sinlt
grid onn
xlabel C'x')
Ylakel ('y')
zlabel (z')
ezplot command
ts plotter funchon shkh is £asy-to--

The y t a x fs
omín, xmaxJ
ezplot( functon',
sinfle variable, (H
sCemmand takes the fundhion

imits O he axes 2s inPut (Here Xmin

S|l abo Consider the Xmax)
21T<? <21T
befawt imits are: -

Exmpe, between o and 20.

e IOCsA) for
Piothe function, f ) =

ezplot(exp(-1 **). 'co(X),

LO, 20)
an ezPlot
he b o v e command
wilT PYOuCe

command They
here re few Variants (coLSins) for ezpld
3re (V)ezLontaurf(V) EzSurf
ezpolar db ezplstz (r) ezcotou

and V czsufC.

cerpolar versin ot ezplot

T E fS the o/2r
YCefs ken a s tnPUut ardfLment
Defult domain (limits) are O<O<2T,
fur O<e<2TT
nple? plot, rle)= l+2 sin(2e)

sol: Y inne C'+2*(sfn (2*t)."2')

ezpolarLr) .

replot a
t the conmand. wed td plot 3-D Parametric curves.
pefault donain O<t2tt. This camm=nd tkes xit), YO i
zt) as input arauments.
plot t ) =, y(E) =t.sin StTt) Md Zt)=t for xtx27.
et=t*Co (3*prTt)
y tsml3*plt)
1D ezcontaur
Hots a contour plot

-2= FX, ) is the înput arfment

Default domain: -2T <21Tnd -2.t<Y <2IT
Plot the contous f z= cacoy exP(-VC+u)4) overThe
defaulE donain,
Sol = nline (cesCx).Eos(Y). 'exp(- s r t(x.2+ Y.2)/4),

v ezcontour
- I t is a verientof ezcontour.

T prOduceS flled cotorS,

Ex 2nple
plot the filled certours ef ze co coYexpV(AY/4
aveY the domain

z = inlineCcolx)cosy) exp(- sqrt(Cx.2 + y.2) / 4 ) ) |

e acsntourf(z, -5,51)

(V) ezsYf
This command odces sunning suace plots in 3-D.
2= E(y) fs taken as fnput arfument of ezsur

Plot the sutace plot for z= -5/(14 Z +y) over the Amain
z 1 2 and yl<3.

2 nline (s./L4X2+Y.2));

v ezsutc
plot AJith it's
Ths command Combines h e Surface

contouY plot,

Tis a Variant of ezSuYt

EXmple z=Inline (-5./(L+X,2+Y."2));|

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