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Ezel Zerahiah Nisperos


Consent of Data Subject

- refers to the willing and conscious consent provided by the person whose personal information
is being gathered, processed, or used. The foundation of this agreement ought to be
unambiguous and open disclosures regarding the intent, reach, and outcomes of data
processing operations. Consent should be freely given or withheld by the data subject and
should be tailored to each intended use of the data. A key component of privacy and data
protection laws is consent, which guarantees people's sovereignty over their personal data.

Data Subject
- is the person for whom the personal information is being gathered, processed, or kept. The
individual to whom the data belongs is known as the data subject in the context of data
protection and privacy. They have rights and control over how businesses or other entities
manage their personal information.

Direct marketing
- promotional strategy that involves communicating directly with target audiences to promote
products or services. This form of marketing bypasses intermediaries and delivers promotional
messages directly to potential customers through various channels such as email, mail, phone
calls, or digital advertising.

Filling System
- is an organized method or structure for storing, categorizing, and retrieving documents or
information. It involves creating a systematic arrangement, often using folders, labels, or digital
tools, to facilitate efficient organization and quick access to specific items.

Information and Communication Systems

- encompass the integrated network of technologies and processes designed for the efficient
collection, transmission, storage, and utilization of information. These systems facilitate the
seamless exchange of data and communication within and between individuals, organizations,
or devices.

Personal information
- refers to data that identifies, relates to, or describes an individual. This can include a wide range
of details such as a person's name, contact information, date of birth, financial records, medical
history, or any other data that, either alone or in combination with other information, can be
used to distinguish or trace the identity of an individual.
Personal Information Controller
- is an entity or individual responsible for determining the purposes, methods, and means of
processing personal information. In the context of data protection and privacy regulations, the
controller exercises control over the collection, use, and handling of personal data.

Personal Information Processor

- is an entity, system, or organization that handles and manages personal information,
undertaking various processes such as collection, storage, retrieval, and utilization in accordance
with data protection laws. This role involves respecting individuals' privacy rights and ensuring
the secure and lawful processing of their personal data.

- in the context of data or information, refers to the series of operations or actions performed on
that data. This includes but is not limited to collection, recording, organization, structuring,
storage, adaptation, alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission,
dissemination, or making data available, alignment, combination, restriction, erasure, or

Privileged Information
- refers to private or sensitive information that is shielded from public exposure by law,
frequently because of its nature or its position in specific privileged connections. Usually
protected by legal privileges like doctor-patient confidentiality or attorney-client privilege, this
material cannot be disclosed without permission.

Sensitive Personal Information

- comprises information that might put a person's security, privacy, or well-being at risk if it is
revealed or handled improperly. Information about a person's identification, health, income, or
other private affairs is frequently included in this category. To avoid unauthorized access or use,
handling sensitive personal information necessitates taking extra care and adhering to data
protection standards.

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