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The Macondo Well - The well of the incident

Deepwater Horizon

• April 20, 2010

◦Killing 11 men working on the platform and injured 17 others
◦on july 15th, 2010, the gushing wellhead was capped, after it had released
about 4.9billion barrels.
◦19th Sept. 2010, well is killed.

Don't put your trust on the last resort of defense against the
potential accidents.

PR - What NOT to say

• On 17may 2010, the statement from Tony Haywrd that the impact would be
◦'Very very modest'
‣ 'Relatively tiny' in comparison to the size of the ocean
• On 27 may 2010, chance in assessment the spill was a catasrophe
• 'We made a few little mistakes early on'
• 30th may, Hayward to a reporter;
◦we are sorry for the massive disruption it's caused to our lives. There's no
one who wants this thing over more than I do. I'd like my life back'
◦...11 ppl died
• PR -What would you get?
◦8 june, Obama on NBC
‣ 'wouldn't be working for me for any of those statements'
‣ BP Chairman, Carl-Henric Svanberg, speaking to reporters after meeting
• I hear comments sometimes that large company is ... don't care... we
care about the small people...

PR- Good that he said

'pledge as a leader of bp that we will not stop until we stop this well....and
address economic claims in a responsible manners.
• 2days later, taking a 'day-off', TH attended a boat race off the Isle of Wight
• Obama's chief of staff comment;
◦'long line of PR gaffes
• Obama was also criticed for golf 4 hours the same day.
27th july 2012, BP announced
◦Hayward be replaced by Bob Dudley as of 1.oct. 2010

Colleteral Damage

Invistigation result:
It concluded the following statement on BP
- BEtter management of decision making processes within BP and other
companies, better communication within and between BP and its contractors and
effective training of key engineering and rig personnel would have prevented the
Macondo incident.

Lesson Learned

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