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Williams 2

Serenity Williams

Ms. Dentler

English 1

Fifteenth of February, 2024

Romeo and Juliet

In the beginning, Mercutio and Tybalt are bickering with each other, and Benvolio steps in.

Benvolio says, “We talk here in the public haunt of men. Either withdraw unto some private

place, Or reason coldly of your grievances, Or else depart. Here all eyes gaze on us.” Benvolio is

telling them to take their argument elsewhere because they are in a public place where people are

watching them for entertainment. Benvolio’s words can be interpreted with any emotion because

he is acting as a mediator.

Benvolio is characterized as good and kind. It is a known fact that he helped Romeo

while he was moping over Juliet. When Benvolio says, “We talk here in the public haunt of

men,” he is reminding the men to watch their behavior as they are respected figures being

observed by citizens. Benvolio is expressing how foolish their disagreement is and suggests that

if it is truly significant, they should discuss it in private

. In one interpretation, I can see Benvolio being exasperated. He constantly reminds them

that they are respected figures in public arguing like children. He is a bit tired of being the

mediator even though he is kind. Benvolio is the more mature one of the group. He helps with

problems, he stops the fighting, and he makes them feel better.

In another interpretation, I can see Benvolio being tiredly angry at all the conflict.

Something like “you do know we’re in public right,” Benvolio is berating them for their
Williams 2

obnoxious public behavior. Benvolio says, “either withdraw unto some private place, Or reason

coldly of your grievances, Or else depart." This interpretation portrays Benvolio as frustrated and

annoyed with Mercutio and Tybalt's behavior, emphasizing the need for them to handle their

grievances more maturely and privately.

In conclusion, Benvolio’s part in the conflict can be interpreted in any way because he is

in between the two men.Overall, Benvolio's character is depicted as patient, level-headed, and

compassionate, as he attempts to diffuse conflicts and maintain peace among the other


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