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Interviewer: “Hello Cbum, it’s a pleasure to have you here. To start, could you tell us a little
about yourself and how you got started in the world of fitness and bodybuilding?”

Cbum: “Hello! Sure, delighted. My name is Cbum, I am a professional fitness and bodybuilding
athlete. I started in the world of fitness several years ago, like many others, looking to improve
my health and physique. Over time, my passion for training and competition grew, and here I
am today.”

Interviewer: “Awesome! What motivates you to continue training hard and competing at such
a high level?”

Cbum: “What really motivates me is to improve myself. I always seek to be better than
yesterday, both in the gym and on the competition stage. I also find inspiration in my followers
and other athletes who are constantly raising the bar. “

Interviewer: “What are some of your biggest challenges as a professional athlete?”

Cbum: “One of the biggest challenges is maintaining a balance between training, nutrition and
rest. I also face the pressure of competition and the need to stay in my best physical shape at
all times. In addition, the constant evolution of the sport It means that I must always be
adapting and improving.”

Interviewer: “What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out in the world of
fitness and bodybuilding?”

Cbum: “The most important thing is to be consistent and patient. Results do not come
overnight, they require time and effort. It is also crucial to have a good understanding of
nutrition and the importance of rest to maximize training results. “

Interviewer: “Thank you, Cbum, for sharing your experiences and advice with us! It has been a
pleasure having you here.”

Cbum: “The pleasure has been mine. Thank you for the opportunity.”

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