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Ministère de l’Education Nationale République de Côte d’Ivoire

de L’Alphabétisation Union- Discipline-Travail






KOUASSI Akloliè Marie Benedicte Gracias Mr. YAMEOGO

KOUADIO Ahou Natacha

KOFFI Aya Hortense

KOHIMON Koffi Guillaume

DIABATE Ange Pivoine

TANOH Grace Arielle

In today's era, very few people do not have a cell phone or use a cell phone. Nowadays
mobile is becoming a priority in everyone's life, so every person uses it in their daily life
for communication, business purposes and other activities. In today's world, mobile
phone has completely changed an individual's life.

We know that everything has its own impacts, good or bad. Same with cell phones, in
one way it's a wonderful invention, and in another way, it includes the worst things with
it. In the right perspective, mobile phone is an extraordinary invention for humans, but
using it for many hours continuously will create several problems.

Now let's look at the advantages of mobile phones in detail.


Cell phones have changed the way of communication. Before mobiles, we used
landlines or letters to communicate with a person who lives far away.

The cell phone is not limited to communication; it also has various other advantages and
limitations. Most people are aware of the benefits of mobile phones. The advantages of
mobile phones are discussed as follows:

Easy Communication
The main advantage of using mobile phone is that it makes the mode of communication
easier and cheaper. Due to its lower price, mobile is affordable and has revolutionized
the telecommunications industry, where around 95% of people use mobile phones to

Mobile has made communication easier because by just pressing some keys on the
mobile we can contact our friends, family members or colleagues, and other people at
any time. Mobile also gives us the ability to contact our neighbor with voice calls, video
calls, text messages, recorded calls and many more.

This is another major advantage of mobile phones. Mobile phones can be used to gain
knowledge or information on various topics. For convenience, nowadays most of the
colleges, institutions and schools provide online education with the appropriate study
material which can be in the form of images, photos, text, PDF, etc. In the corona
pandemic, we have seen that students have been taking online classes conducted by
their respective institutions to ensure the safety and health of the students.

Social Media
In today's era, mobile phones are not only used for calling purposes. Smartphones are
said to be a gift for social media lovers. Social media apps like Twitter, Instagram, snap
chat, Facebook, etc., are at your fingertips at all times. We can edit and share our photos
and posts on social networks directly from our cell phones. Mobile gives us the ability
to access social media at any time.

Most people use their cell phones to scroll through their timeline of social media
platforms in their free time.

Promote Business
Cell phones can be used to promote a business. Mobile phones are best for
entrepreneurs or businessmen to promote their business through online or offline
sources. In online sources, one can use social media websites and messaging apps such
as Telegram, Instagram, WhatsApp, Pinterest and others. Most large companies hold
their meetings over video messaging apps like Skype.

One of the old offline methods of promoting businesses using mobile phones is text
messages. In today's era, most businesses still promote their business through text
messages. At the end of each post, they put a link to their product page or company

Good for personal safety

In today's world, criminal activities are happening at a higher level, so keeping a cell
phone with you is a good security option. In daily life we have heard about so many
criminal activities like kidnapping, robbery or others so mobile helps us in different
types of illegal activities because it is the communication device the fastest. This helps
us to call the police and relatives so that they can help us as soon as possible.

Useful in emergency situations

Suppose a situation where you are driving a car on an unfamiliar road and the car gets
stuck. So in this situation, the mobile is the first device that helps us to call the
mechanic or any family member to solve the problem. If we get sick and need a doctor,
and no one is home. So, in these situations, mobile is the device that we can use for
quick communication.

Earn money via mobile

We can use our smartphones to earn money. We can create blogs, YouTube videos,
promote businesses and other activities to earn money.

Accessing the Internet via Mobile Phones

It is easy to access the Internet through mobile phones. Thanks to the Internet in mobile,
people are less required to go to the Internet cafe to use the Internet, or even they do not
need to sit in front of computers to access the Internet. It is easy to access high-speed
internet via mobiles.

Cell phones can be used for entertainment

In today's world, mobiles are the popular means of entertainment. Newly updated
mobiles have large HD screens on which people can watch movies, listen to songs and
play games. One in two people use mobile phones for entertainment.

Camera in Mobile Phones

Latest mobiles include best resolution cameras which help in not missing any moment
to capture. Before cell phones, people carried cameras with them to capture memorable
moments, but now it can be done with cell phones.

Now mobiles include both front and rear cameras, through which we can take selfies.
It's easy to take selfies and photos from mobile.

GPS Location
This is one of the best advantages of the mobile phone. Mobile gives us information
about current location and destination. Before mobile phones, it was difficult to track
location, but after the development of mobiles, it is easy to track current location and
destination. We can select a destination on the map, and it will give us the direction of
the paths and also suggest the shortest route and the estimated time to get there.

Mobiles have the function of flashlights. Instead of keeping a torch, it is easy to use a
flashlight on cell phones. But the flashlight works until the battery is charged.

Alarms and Reminders

We can set alarms and reminders on mobile phones. We can set our routine,
appointments, doctor appointments, medicine schedules etc. on our mobile phone which
helps us to remember all our planned tasks.

There is a calculator feature present in mobile phones. If we need to calculate bills,
taxes, invoices, math calculations or other calculations we can use mobiles. Some
mobiles are also equipped with a scientific calculator, which can be useful for students
to calculate their math problems.

Before mobile, people used to keep diaries with them to record cell phone numbers. But
now it is easy to save any contact number on mobile phones. It is also easy to find
someone's contact number on the mobile phone just by searching their name in the
address book.

Online Banking Online banking

can also be done through mobile phones. Thanks to mobiles, it is easy to access bank
accounts, check account status and transfer money from one bank to another. We can
also pay electricity and other bills through mobile phones.

So these are the benefits of using mobile phones. Now let's look at the negative side of
mobiles. Let's talk about the disadvantages or harmful effects of using cell phones.

Besides the many advantages, mobile phones also have various limitations. Let’s
discuss the limitations of using mobile phones in detail.

Sometimes mobile is a disturbing device that creates a distraction between your work.
This is seen in students who are easily distracted from their studies due to mobiles
because the device contains applications that entice users to enjoy their software. One
such application is that different mobile games which are played every few days make
people addicted and distracted from their goals.

Ear Problems
While listening to songs, watching movies or calling for a long time using earphones or
headphones can damage an individual's listening potential. It has been found in research
that using headphones with louder auditory sound seriously disrupts the ears' ability to
hear voice properly.

Wasting Time
Although mobiles are useful in various ways, it is one of the major culprits in wasting
time. Most students and adolescents are affected by it. Students want to play games,
watch movies, listen to songs and other types of entertainment that waste their precious

Cell Phone Addiction

Cell phone addiction is called “nomophobia.” In this mental disorder, people are unable
to stop without using a cell phone. They can't even imagine themselves without a
mobile. Excessive use of cell phones makes a person addicted.

Internet Harassment
Cyberbullying involves sending, posting or sharing negative, false and harmful content
about someone else. Research shows that most college students and teens have been
victims of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying puts someone's life in danger.

Security Issues
These are the common issues that arise with mobile users. With cell phones, it is easier
for hackers to violate someone's privacy and data. Safety issues are the dangerous
effects of using mobile phones for people. People have faced a lot of problems due to
security issues, such as loss of money, image, reputation and others.

Study Loss
Excessive use of cell phones is a major disadvantage for students. Mobile phones
mainly affect students' study. Cell phones distract students from studying. Students
mainly focus on gaming, watching movies and other entertainment on mobile which
lowers their grades.

Health Problems
Excessive use of cell phones causes health problems such as swelling of the eyes and
other vision problems. Cell phones include mental disorders such as anger, depression,
anxiety, tension and others.

Sleep Problems
Excessive cell phone usage seriously affects the sleep routine. People use their cell
phones even while they sleep. At night, some people got stuck on their cell phone
screen, which disrupted their sleep routine a lot.

People are stuck in their cell phones, even walking on the roads or driving a car. Using a
cell phone while driving causes accidents and puts the lives of others at risk. It is very
dangerous to use mobile while driving because mobile users while driving can hurt
them and kill other people by accident.

Distance from loved ones

Although mobiles connect people at a distance and we can communicate with them
easily, but if we do not use them properly it can create distance from friends, relatives,
family members close to us. It is repeatedly observed that members of a family are
sitting in a restaurant and glued to their phones and not speaking to each other.


That's all about the article. The advantages and disadvantages of a mobile phone are not
limited to this article. There are many other advantages and limitations of using a
mobile phone.

Now we need to understand the proper use of mobile phones. Please use your mobile
for limited time like for important work like study, calls, business marketing. It should
not be used for continuous gaming or watching long videos.

Stop using the cell phone for a long time and do not become dependent on it. Mobile
phones and even all have their own limitations and advantages, so it is up to the user
how they use them. Therefore, one should always use objects or mobile phone keeping
in mind the harmful effects.

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