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Unit 3 - Task 6 – Let's discuss it.

Paulina Correa González



Bairon Jaramillo valencia

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

English Language Teaching Program

Course 518008 English III

1. Link to the video speak and improve-part 3

2. Descriptive essay
Essay Exercise for the lazy
In our daily lives it is important that we stay active and healthy, we are told that we should
exercise at least 3 times a week and avoid a sedentary lifestyle which is very true, but we
must admit that it is not so easy to implement the habit of move and even more so when we
are a little lazy, let's see what options the host give us to improve our physical and mental

When we reach the end of the year, we propose many goals including becoming more fit, or
eating healthier or when December arrives, we want to move to lose those extra kilos, but
many people have a great impediment to being able to meet those physical goals and that is
laziness. Or in some cases, sometimes we don't have the time to do some physical activity
like swimming or going to the gym, but there is good news. We will see strategies to include
more movement in our lives, even though that can be costly. Let's see how we can do it.

According to Dr. Zoé physiotherapist she says that if you want to do shorter exercise sessions
then you must do an intense session, if you only have 30 minutes to exercise then maximize
those minutes and make a greater effort, try to put more into it. another aspect to consider is
the sedentary lifestyle in people who work in office jobs which affects their physical health.
She says that walking can become a way to compensate for so much stillness, such as taking
certain steps, for example. a day can help us be active or instead of taking the elevator, take
the stairs, even if is necessary the workers can implement parking their cars a little further of
the office with the propose to move more the body.
In Conclusion The purpose of doing short exercise sessions or finding a way to find
alternatives in your daily live that allow you to exercise your body is so that you can obtain
improvements in your health, which can strengthen your heart, your strength, your mobility
and many more areas. of your body, knowing that this will bring us many long-term benefits
and I would also add that we maintain a good diet to get better results.

4. Link to the audio recording
Bibliographic references

BBC Learning English. (2023, 22 enero). BBC Learning English - 6 minute English / Exercise for the

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