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Conversation practice – Would

1 – What would you do if you won the lottery?

2 – What would you do if you had to move to a foreign country?

3 – Would you help people if you had much money? if so, how? if not, why?

4 – Where would you like to be right now and what would you like to be
doing there?

5 – What kind of super power would you like to have?

6 – Would you change something about yourself? Why would you change it?

7 – What languages would you like to speak?

8 – What job would you like to have? Why?

9 – What would you do if the world ended in three days?

10 – How would be your perfect day? Describe in detail.

11 – What radical sports would you like to practice?

12 – What kind of animal would you like to be?

13 – Where would you like to study if you had the chance?

14 – If you could be anybody, who would you like to be?

15 – If you could ask God any question, what would it be?

16 – What would you do if you went to the bathroom and there was no toilet

17 – What would you do if you saw someone shoplifting?

18 – What would you do if you were home by yourself and the power went

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