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Diabetes mellitus type 2 reduces the viability, proliferation, and …xidant-serum supplemented medium | Biomedical Research and Therapy

30/08/22 11.37

Contents Figures
Endothelial dysfunction an
Diabetes mellitus type 2 angiogenesis,vascular remo

reduces the viability, G.K. Kolluru, S.C. Bir, C.G. Kevil,

Int J Vasc Med. 2012, 2012
proliferation, and angiogenic
marker of adipose-derived Reference

stem cells cultured in low- Diabetes and vascular dise

consequences, and medica
glucose anti-oxidant-serum F. Paneni, J.A. Beckman, M.A. Creag

supplemented medium I. Eur Heart J, 34: 2436-46, 2013


Microvasular and macrovas

ABSTRACT diabetes mellitus: Distinct
A. Chawla, R. Chawla, S. Jaggi,
Introduction: Hyperglycemia in diabetic patients induces Indian J Endocrinol Metab, 20: 546-

elevated pro-inflammatory cytokine production, resulting

in cellular damage, which may a!ect the regenerative Reference

function of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), such as Prevalence and determinan

adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs). Identifying the e!ect impaired glucose tolerance
of diabetes on ADSCs and optimization of culture Health Research/Riskesdas
conditions is therefore an important starting point for the L. Mihardja, Delima, H. Siswoyo, L. G
application of autologous stem cells to improve clinicial Acta Med Indones-Indones J Intern

outcomes. The aim of this study was to investigate the

e!ect of diabetes on ADSCs that cultured in low-glucose Reference

anti-oxidant-serum supplemented medium. Methods: In Mesenchymal stem cell the

this study, freshly isolated stromal vascular fraction (SVF) mellitus
and expanded ADSCs were compared between diabetic L. Zang, H. Hao, J. Liu, W. Li, W. Han
and non-diabetic donors. SVF were isolated from the Diabetol Metab Syndr, 9: 1-11, 2017

abdominal fat, and total viable cells and viability were

estimated. Fresh SVF were cultured in low-glucose (100 Reference

mg/dL) culture medium supplemented with an anti- Page 1 of 1

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