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Landscape architecture is the profession that designs outdoor spaces, such as parks,

gardens, streets, plazas, campuses, and more. Landscape architects use their knowledge
of plants, soils, water, climate, and human needs to create functional, beautiful, and
sustainable environments. Landscape architects also help to protect and restore natural
resources, such as forests, wetlands, and rivers. Landscape architecture is a creative and
diverse field that combines art, science, and technology 123

Landscape architecture is more than just making places look nice. It is about shaping the
world we live in, improving the quality of life, and addressing the challenges of the
future. Landscape architects design outdoor spaces that are not only attractive, but also
healthy, safe, and resilient. They consider the needs and preferences of the people who
use them, as well as the environmental and social impacts of their work. Landscape
architects work on a variety of projects, from small gardens to large urban parks, from
residential neighborhoods to corporate campuses, from historic sites to new
developments. They collaborate with other professionals, such as architects, engineers,
planners, and ecologists, to create solutions that are both practical and
visionary. Landscape architecture is a rewarding and exciting career that offers many
opportunities to make a positive difference in the world 123


 What Is Landscape Architecture? |

 Landscape architecture - Wikipedia
 What is landscape architecture?

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