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Move past that

2. Let’s move past this = let’s move forward : Olvidemos esto que paso y sigamos Adelante
3. Not a chance in hell
4. Come Up: To move towards someone
Eg. He just came up to me and punched me
5. Come up: To be mentioned
Eg. The subject of payment didn’t come up
6. name-calling: Insulto
7. Sweep under the rug
8. Huddle up: Acurrucarse
9. In light of what happened
10. For the record: Que conste que…
11. Smack: Golpe, coscorron
12. might excel at… Podria sobresalir en …
13. Look up to you/him/her… : Admirar a alguien
14. Rule out: Descartar
Eg: I’m trying to rule out a stroke
15. Rule out: To make impossible
Eg: This recent wave of terrorism has ruled out any chance of peace talks
16. It’s cracked up to be: como dice que es / como parece
Eg: The new restaurant is not all it’s cracked up to be
It’s not as it’s cracked up to be
17. Off it/she/I goes! : Pues se va, ella se va, yo me voy
18. Sneak up: To approach someone quietly and surprise that person
19. Cracking up: LOL
Eg. Her stories cracked me up
20. Utter: We watched the sunrise in utter silence
21. Utter nonsense: Completo disparate
22. Come to terms with: Llegar a un acuerdo
23. That’s a lot fewer: Eso es mucho menor
24. To be way off: estar muy lejos
25. This is not without untold: Esto no esta exento de…
26. Speaking at length about: Hablar extensamente sobre…
27. Amid changing: En medio del cambio
28. Back out: echarse para atras
Eg. It’s not too late to back out
29. I have a lot growing up to do: me falta mucho por madurar
30. Chasing after: Persiguiendo
31. Storm out: To abruptly and angrily leave a place
32. Barge in: Interrumpir
33. Color washes someone out: When a color is not suitable for someone to wear
34. You got me twisted: Me tienes confundido
35. Under the time frame
36. Pout: hacer mala cara
37. Party pooper: Aguafiestas
38. Person to confide in… : Person you can trust
39. Have another go: Try again
40. puzzled that out: To solve something that it’s complicated thinking carefully
41. To chuck it all in: to give up doing what one has been doing
Eg. He grew tired of his job and decided to just chuck it all in,
42. puzzle that out: to solve something by thinking carefully
43. To be an outsider: a person who doesn’t belong to a specific group
44. Easy-breezy : easy peasy
45. To lash out at someone: agredir fisica o psicologicamente a alguien.
46. Can I pipe in here? : to interrupt someone to say something that has connection with what
they’re talking about.
47. To back down: to admit you’re wrong and apologize
48. To back down: To withdraw from a commitment “Echarse pa’tras”
Eg. If you back down about dinner again, I’m not going to agree another date.
49. Antsy: Restless, impatient
Eg. Many students got antsy as the exams got nearer
50. Cold fish: An unfriendly and unemotional person
51. Dodgy: Dishonest or unreliable .. Scam related
Eg. They got involved with a dodgy businessman and lost all their savings
52. Doormat: a weak person who is often abused by others
53. Flab: fat (michellin type)
54. Flake: An unreliable or strange person
Eg. Tim is such a flake, he’s always late and always has an excuse.
55. Gobsmacked: Extremely surprised a shocked
56. Knuckle sandwich: a punch in the face
57. To go down with ________ : to become ill with a particular illness
58. Nose around: To look around in order to find information about sthm
59. Airhead / Birdbrain : A stupid person
60. Account for: to explain
Eg. He was unable to account for the error
61. Act out: To express your thoughts or feelings through your words or behavior
Eg. He was acting out his feelings of inferiority by being overly aggressive.
62. Act on: To take action as a result of advice
Eg. I should act on my doctor’s advice and try to eat healthy
63. In much of: en gran parte de….
64. At the earliest opportunity: En la primera oportunidad
65. Pitch Armar
Eg. The campers pitched their tent by the lake.
66. To move past this/that: to move forward
67. Excel at: Sobresalir en …
68: That’s a lot fewer: eso es mucho menos
69. Speaking at length about: to speak about something for a long time or with great detail.
70. Amid changing: En medio del cambio
71. you got me twisted: me tienes confundido
72. come past here: pasar por aqui
73. Brave as well as clever: tan valiene como inteligente
74. and the time after that: y la siguiente….
75. Great giant of a ….: un gran _____ gigante
Eg. Totoro is a great giant of a rabbit
76. At top speed: a toda velocidad
77. It’s not use: no sirve de nada
78. Play a trick on someone: Jugar una broma a alguien
79. Far from pleased: Lejos de estar satisfecho.
80. Would stay a secret: permanecera en. Secreto
81. someone led someone up to someone: Alguien lleva a alguien hasta alguien
Eg. They led her up to him: la llevaron hasta el

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