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"Please use the token provided in your GitHub account to execute Git remote commands in Termux on Android.

"Here's a
step-by-step guide on how to create a new repository on GitHub:
**Using the GitHub Website**
1. **Log In:** If you don't have an account, sign up for a free one at []( Then, sign
in to your GitHub account.
2. **New Repository Button:** In the top right corner of any GitHub page, click on the **+** icon, and then select "New
3. **Repository Setup:**
* **Repository name:** Choose a short, memorable name for your project (e.g., "my-awesome-project").
* **Description:** Add a brief description to explain what your project is about (optional).
* **Public/Private:** Decide if you want your repository to be:
* Public: Visible to anyone on the internet.
* Private: Only visible to you and collaborators you invite.
* **Initialize with README:** Select this option to create an initial README file (recommended).
4. **Click "Create repository":** Click the green "Create repository" button at the bottom of the page.
**Congratulations! You've created a new GitHub repository.**
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a classic personal access token on GitHub:
**Important Considerations**
* **Alternatives:** Consider these options before using a classic token due to heightened security risks:
* **Fine-grained personal access tokens:** Offer more precise permission control.
* **GitHub CLI or Git Credential Manager:** Help manage credentials securely.
* **Security:** Exercise caution when using classic tokens, as they grant full access to all of your repositories. Avoid
sharing them and store them securely.
1. **Access GitHub Settings:**
* Click your profile picture in the top-right corner.
* Select "Settings".
2. **Navigate to Developer Settings:**
* In the left sidebar, click on "Developer settings".
3. **Access Personal Access Tokens:**
* Click on "Personal access tokens".
4. **Generate a New Token:**
* Click the "Generate new token" button.
* Since you want a classic token, you'll then click "Generate new token (classic)".
5. **Configure the Token:**
* **Note:** Give your token a descriptive name so you recognize its purpose.
* **Expiration:** Set an expiration date for improved security.
* **Scopes:** Carefully select the necessary permissions (scopes) that the token needs for its intended use. Grant the
minimum permissions required.
6. **Generate and Secure the Token:**
* Click the "Generate token" button at the bottom of the page.
* **IMPORTANT:** Copy the token immediately. This is the ONLY time it will be displayed. Store it in a secure location
like a password manager.
**Using the Token**
* When prompted for a password by Git operations (e.g., `git clone`, `git push`), use the generated access token instead
of your regular GitHub password.
"Just copy your token and concatenate it before the word 'github' provided by your new repository that you create in
your GitHub account, and put '@' between them."

If your token is abc123 and your repository name is my-repo, then you would concatenate them like this:
Make sure to replace abc123 with your actual token and my-repo with your repository name.

To set up a Git remote using a token, you would typically use the git remote add command along with the repository
URL that includes the token. Here's an example:
git remote add origin https://<token>
Replace <token> with your actual token, username with your GitHub username, and repository with the name of your

For example, if your token is abc123, your GitHub username is johnsmith, and your repository is my-project, the
command would look like this:
git remote add origin

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