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1:Create one github account & repository in it.

2:Login to aws rhel9/ubuntu server --> yum install git --> cd /opt

3:Setup username and user email id global configuration for git

#git config --global "your_username"

#git config --global "your_github_emailid"

#git config --list

4:Clone the github repository in your aws rhel9 ec2 instance

5:Create two three code files and perform the below operations to commit the code in local

git init --> git add --> git commit --> .gitignore --> git commit -m "mesaage"

5:To Push the code from local to remote repository, follow the below steps

a:Create one token on github account, run the below command to push your code (set the remote
url and then push the code in remote repository)

#example --> git remote set-url origin

#git remote set-url origin
#git remote -v

#git push origin main

6:Update one file in remote repository and run git pull

git log -p

git log -3

7:Git branching

git branch for adding a seperate code in seperate field to develop a new feature

git branch

git checkout -b vendor

create two three files and add it in remote repository with new branch using

git push origin vendor

8:git branch and gir merge

git checkout -b branchname

git checkout branchname

git merge branchname

git diff

git statges

Working Directory --> Staging Area --> Local git repository --> Push --> Remote Github repository

1:git init --> Initialise a local git repository

2:git add --> Add the working area files into staging area

3:git commit -m "commit mesaage" --> commit the chnages from staging to local git repository.

4:git push --> push your code from local git repository to remote github repository

5:git pull --> Fetch and download the recent chnages from remote repository to local repository

6:git fetch --> valodate the recent changes between remote repository to local repository

7:git clone --> Download the entire remote github repository on working directory.

8:git branch--> If we want to add new feature in our project , we have to create new bbranch so that
we can keep the code files in that new feature branch.

9:git reset --> To undo or revert the commits or changes from local git repository to staging area or
working directory.

10:git merge --> To merge the git branches.

11:gitignore --> The code which we do not require or use anymore. Those data/files we generally
keep inside .gitignore file.

12:git stash -->

13:git rebase-->

14:git diff -->

Git pull vs Git fetch

Ticket Priority:

Low --> 6 hours

Medium --> 3 hours

High --> 1 hour

Ticket state:

Hold -->

open -->

resolved -->

cancelled -->

Ticket --> Response (30 minutes) --> Working on ticket --> share findings/ Investigation with
customer --> (wait for the customer response ) Hold --> Customer say if no issues found then you can
close the ticket. --> change from hold to resolved

Git merge vs git rebase

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