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Name: Rabanes, Janine Faith M.

Date: January 31 , 2024
Course & Year: BSN-2E
Clinical Area: South Davao Hospital
Reference: Graves NS. Acute gastroenteritis .Prim Care. 2013 Sep;40(3):727-41. (9/25/2023).
Rating: ______________
Gastroenteritis is a medical condition characterized by inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract,
encompassing the stomach and intestines. It is commonly caused by viral or bacterial infections, leading
to symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and occasionally fever. The condition is
often colloquially referred to as the stomach flu or infectious diarrhea due to its infectious nature.
Viruses like norovirus, rotavirus, and bacteria such as Salmonella or Escherichia coli (E. coli) are frequent
culprits in triggering gastroenteritis. Contaminated food, water, or contact with infected individuals are
common routes of transmission. The inflammation disrupts the normal digestive processes, causing an
imbalance in fluid and nutrient absorption. Most cases of gastroenteritis are self-limiting and resolve
within a few days with supportive care, including adequate hydration and rest. However, severe cases
may necessitate medical intervention, particularly in vulnerable populations like infants, the elderly, or
those with compromised immune systems. Treatment often involves rehydration, electrolyte
replacement, and, in certain instances, medications to manage symptoms. Preventive measures include
practicing good hygiene, such as frequent handwashing, safe food handling, and avoiding contaminated
water sources. While gastroenteritis can be uncomfortable, it is typically a temporary and manageable
condition with appropriate medical attention and self-care.


The first aspect that struck me is the vulnerability of a child's facial skin. Unlike other parts of their body,
the face is exposed and often receives more attention, making it susceptible to various skin issues. From
eczema patches to the redness of viral rashes, these conditions can be distressing for both the child and
the caregivers. The importance of seeking professional medical advice when faced with facial skin rashes
became evident during my exploration. Proper diagnosis is paramount to determine the underlying cause
and implement an effective treatment plan. Home remedies and over-the-counter products should be
approached with caution, emphasizing the need for guidance from healthcare professionals to ensure the
child's safety and well-being.

In conclusion, my reflection on childhood facial skin rashes has deepened my understanding of the
holistic nature of caring for children's skin health. It involves not only addressing the physical symptoms
but also recognizing and responding to the emotional and social aspects. As a soon to be nurse, our role
is to create a supportive environment that allows children to blossom with confidence, even when faced
with the temporary challenges of facial skin rashes.

Clinical Instructor’s Remarks:

Criteria: Promptness (5%)
Relevance (10%)
Summary (35%)
Reaction (45%)
Clinical Instructor:

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