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Academic Year 2023/2024

First Semester

Student’s Name: Subject: English

Date: Oct 4, 2023 Topic: Grammar Worksheet No.1
Grade: 3 International (A & B) Teacher: Nour Alqudah
1. A common noun is the general, non-specific term for a person, place, animal or a thing.
Usually, they’re not capitalized unless they begin a sentence.
For example: girl, park, city, phone…etc.

2. A Proper Noun is a specific person, thing or a place. They are always capitalized whether they

begin a sentence or not.

For Example: Laura, Amman, McDonald’s…etc.

Common Noun Proper Noun

city Amman

school Mada

boy Cristiano

country Palestine

state California

continent Asia

game Fortnite

car Mercedes

Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences:

1. I live in jordan with my family.

Jordan (Proper nouns start with a capital letter)
2. uncle jack went to brazil and paris last summer.
Uncle Jack / Brazil / Paris
Singular and Plural Nouns
1. Singular means only one, like apple, boy, cat, pen, school…etc.
2. Plural means more than one, like apples, boys, cats, pens, schools…etc.
• Most singular nouns form the plural by adding -s. (Regular)

Singular Noun Plural Noun Can you think of more

Regular Plural Nouns?
banana bananas

girl girls
hospital hospitals

pencil pencils

book books ……………………………………….

student students
teacher teachers

• There are some Irregular Plural Nouns.

Singular Noun Plural Noun Singular Noun Plural Noun

man men person people

woman women wolf wolves

child children wife wives

tooth teeth cactus cacti

foot feet sheep sheep

goose geese fish fish

mouse mice deer deer

The End

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