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Q.15:- Explain Operator precedence and associativity with chart.

**Operator Precedence and Associativity**:

Operator precedence defines the order in which operators are evaluated in an expression,
while associativity determines the direction in which operators are grouped when they
have the same precedence level.

**Operator Precedence Chart**:

Highest Precedence:

1. () - Parentheses

2. [] - Array subscript

3. -> - Member access through pointer

4. . - Member access

5. ++, -- - Postfix increment and decrement

6. +, - - Unary plus and minus

7. !, ~ - Logical NOT, Bitwise NOT

8. *, /, % - Multiplication, Division, Modulus

9. +, - - Addition, Subtraction

10. <<, >> - Bitwise left shift, Bitwise right shift

11. <, <=, >, >= - Relational operators

12. ==, != - Equality operators

13. & - Bitwise AND

14. ^ - Bitwise XOR

15. | - Bitwise OR

16. && - Logical AND

17. || - Logical OR

18. ?: - Ternary conditional

19. = - Assignment

20. +=, -=, *=, /= - Compound assignment

Lowest Precedence:


- **Left Associativity**: Operators with left associativity are grouped from left to right. For
example, the `+` operator has left associativity, so `a + b + c` is evaluated as `(a + b) + c`.

- **Right Associativity**: Operators with right associativity are grouped from right to left.
For example, the `=` operator has right associativity, so `a = b = c` is evaluated as `a = (b =

Understanding operator precedence and associativity is essential for writing expressions

that produce the expected results. It helps clarify the order of operations and grouping of
operands in complex expressions.

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