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Peggy and her Cats

Peggy lives in Ohio. She lives alone with her

cats. She has two children but they are older
and live by themselves. She has one cat that
she found outside and another cat that she
rescued from the animal shelter. One is
named Smokey and the other is named Maggie.
Smokey is a small cat and Maggie is really big.
Maggie has long black and white hair and
Smokey has short hair. They have toys in the
house. They do not go outside. They have
food bowls that are in the shape of fish. They wait for Peggy to come
home every day after work. When she comes home, they run to the
door to greet her. She always gives them treats when she gets
home. After Peggy gets home, she takes off her shoes and sits in
front of the TV. Her two cats come and sit on her lap and they all
watch TV together.

A. Give full answers to the following questions.

1. Where does Peggy live?

2. What are the cats’ names?

3. What is Maggie like?

4. What do the cats do when Peggy comes home?

5. Where do the cats sit to watch TV?

B. Put the sentences in the right sequence according to the reading.
a. One is named Smokey and the other one is named Maggie. Smokey is a
small cat and Maggie is really big.
b. Her two cats come and sit on her lap and they all watch TV together.
c. They wait for Peggy to come home every day after work. When she comes home,
they run to the door to greet her.
d. Maggie has long black and white hair, and Smokey has short hair.
e. She always gives them treats when she gets home. After Peggy gets home, she takes off her
shoes and sits in front of the TV.
f. Peggy lives in Ohio. She lives alone with her cats.
g. They have toys in the house. They do not go outside. They have food bowls that are in
the shape of fish.
h. She has two children but they are older and live by themselves.
i. She has one cat that she found outside and another cat that she rescued from the animal shelter.

C. There is one, or more than one, error in each sentence. Find the error or errors
and write the sentences correctly according to the reading.

1. Peggy lives in Atlanta. She lives alone with her children.

2. Smokey is a big dog and Maggie is really small.

3. They have foot blows that are in the shape of a dog.

4. They wait for Maggie to come to work every day after school.

5. Before Peggy gests home, she puts on here boots and sits in front of the stereo.

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