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Covid 19 and Global Economic Condition

Dr. Shahid Husain

Assistant Professor
Department of Accounting
College of Administrative & Financial Sciences
Saudi Electronic University

Since Covid 19 first outbreak was diagnosed it has spread to over 190 countries. The pandemic is
having an adverse impact on the world economic conditions. The intensity and the negative
impact of Covid 19 can be realized from the statement of International Monetary Fund that
compares its loss with that of great depression of 1929. Confirmed cases of Covid 19 are
increasing by leaps and bound and businesses are coping with lost revenues and disruptive
supply chains as factories are shut down and movement are restricted. National lockdown around
the world has shattered each and every sector of economic and social activity whether it be
industry, trade, commerce, health, security and education. Estimates so far indicate that the
pandemic could curtail global economic growth by as much as 2% per month if current situation
persists. Global trade could also fall by 13% to 32% depending upon the severity of the global
economic downturn. International Monetary Fund on April 15 warns that Asian Economy would
see no growth this year (2020) for the first time in 60 years. It is therefore, imperative to study
the impact of Covid 19 on global economic activities with reference to Gross Domestic Product,
Monetary Policy, Commerce & Industry, Stock Market, Employment etc.

Keyword: Covid 19, Economic Impact, Global Economy, pandemic

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