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The European Union has set a target of achieving zero pollution by 2050

as part of its Green Deal program. The aim is to reduce the pollution level
to such an extent that it no longer poses a threat to human health or the
environment. The EU has recognized that pollution has a significant
impact on climate change and the health of the population, which makes
our future kind of dangerous for the new generations

The Zero Pollution ambition aims to reduce pollution in all sectors,

including air, water, and soil. The EU plans to achieve this by
implementing various measures such as adopting cleaner technologies,
enforcing stricter environmental regulations, and promoting sustainable
production and consumption patterns. The EU will also focus on
improving the circular economy by reducing waste and promoting
recycling. It is as well providing funding to support research and
innovation that promotes a clean and sustainable future, investing in
green infrastructure and supporting the development of sustainable cities
and communities.
In conclusion, the EU's Zero Pollution ambition is an essential step
towards achieving a sustainable future. It will require significant efforts
from all people to reduce pollution levels and ensure a healthy
environment for the current and future generations. However, the
benefits of achieving this target are significant, and it will create a better
world for everyone.

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