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Evaluate ways in which government intervention could be used to reduce carbon emissions.

Use at
least one appropriate diagram in your answer (20)

 Maximum/minimum price
 Subsidies
 Privatization
 Regulations
 Advertising
 Direct Tax
 Indirect Tax
 Information provision
 deregulation
 nationalization
 behavioral nudges
 Do nothing
 Tradable permits

Paragraph 1

 The government is able to subsidies eco-friendly energy generation

 Draw subsidy diagram
 Explain the diagram
 Furthermore, as there is an increase in quantity demanded, the government is now able to
shut down coal powered statins by 2025


 There are risks for nuclear power plants to leak and cause environmental damage. E.g
Nuclear power station in Fukushima, Japan which has caused a leak of radiation, resulting in
Japan closing down all 50 of its nuclear power stations to shut down.
 In a few years, there will soon be a shortage of uranium very soon in the future
 Subsidy of 30million – there is currently a cost-of-living crisis – opportunity cost that this
money can be spent somewhere else E.g. NHS
 The power plant will take 10 years to be built. This means that the carbon emission problem
will not be solved in the short term, but it will be a solution in the long term


 In order to reduce the carbon emission as a whole, It requires a lot of interventions

 It is possible to reduce the carbon emissions in the UK
 However, carbon emission is a global problem, that even if the UK become the greenest
country in the world, it would not make much of a difference E.g. US and China.

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