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Chapter 1

Vocabulary: Draw a line to the correct meaning of the word. Use

the sentences below each word or a dictionary to help you.

(n.) The hiking trail was easy of poor quality or small
to climb until it took an amount
unpleasant tangent close to a
steep hill.

(adj.) Since the veterinarian's a wooden frame with a rope
dream was to move out West that was used for executing
and work on a cattle ranch, he a person by hanging
focused on bovine medicine
while at school.

(adj.) The lost dog was hungry
an abrupt change of
because it had a meager meal
consisting of a few scraps of course

(n.) If you visit the museum, having qualities of cows
you can see pictures of the
or oxen
town's old jailhouse and the
gallows where criminals were

9 Tuck Everlasting

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