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“When you show courage in the face of adversity, you change your life and
The most provocative people in the world are the ones who won't settle for
average and have triumphed through adversity. We are most inspired by
people who have experienced difficulty and never, ever give up.
Good morning to everyone present today. I feel humbled that I was given the
opportunity to give a speech on success. I hope everyone learns new things
and your definition of success changes.
So what is success? and why is everyone running after it? We live in a period
where everyone wants to be successful. They want to accomplish something
in their life. It could be to get the dream job or getting good grades on the
exams. The point which I want to prove is that the definition of success
changes from one person to another. The person sitting next to you will have
a completely different view of success compared to you so there is no definite
definition of success for everyone around the world.

But success could be simply defined as the satisfaction one gets after
accomplishing the goals. Success plays an important role in a person’s life. It
is very important to be successful if you want to be recognized by the world
but keep in mind that success is not the final stage of your life, it won’t solve
all of your problems. We often hear that many people take success too
seriously and have mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Having a
goal in your mind and working towards it is very important but it does not
mean being too serious about it. Work on the process of becoming successful
rather than running after it. Spend time with your family and friends while you
are working on your goals and please enjoy life and I am sure with time
success will come to you if you have invested your time for it.

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