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Gangstalking #flushyourmeds Scott Barry ;

By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ... ;

As Kyle Odom has claimed the Zionist Talmudic Jewish
Religions happen to be Christianity, Judaism, Some Paganism,
Except for the Damar Tantra, Islam, Buddhism, all have been
infiltrated by Jewish Talmudic Zionist Contamination and
have plagued The Earth for Thousands of Years Causing Endless
Wars that we know Telepathic Zionist Martians have
started ... ; These Martians call war zones mere theatre and
entertainment, also We Humans are their b***** race genetic
experiment. ; The Martians use wild humans as slaves and sex
slaves ... ; The Martians started the God Myth and hid from us
what actually happens when we die and that is we become highly
Telepathic Ghosts, Kyle Odom Pointed this out, It Has always
been a Holocaust Hoax, Jewish Supremacism, Zionism issue ... ;
The Zionist Talmudic Jews and Martians Censor all the major
Search Engines leaving you with Tor Browser and I2P-IPFS ... ;
Leaving you with peer2peer to find the rest of the truth. ;
Bittorrent is used to find what Search Engines Censor ... ;
With the Telepathic Remote Viewing you have the Twelve
Alien Races and Telepathic Ghosts then People in the
Sheriff's Department, Nextdoor Avalon, Neighborhood Watch,
Freemasons in Government, Day to Day Perps, that do all
those black bag jobs and Gang Stalking Organized Stalking,
Michael Salla and Kyle Odom says they impersonate humans
and Look Exactly like Humans who Stalk and Harass it is
a New COINTELPRO MKULTRA Stasis Program After The Patriot
Act was passed in to place by This USA Polic State ... ;
You have Regional Information Sharing Systems, Security
Industry Specialists in Seattle Washing a Liberal Area
and that should tell you something, Citizens on Patrol
are just that People who have a lot of free time on their
hand, happen to be Satanic Freemasons in Government who
take pleasure in hurting others, so they stalk and harass
others to psychologically terrorize and isolate them.
Europe actually Ozonates its water, European Inventors
built galvanic cells out of paper and wood that run
a product indefinately or a self pumping battery when,
we set up these electric cars that all explode and catch
fire, when in reality gas cars will always go to places in
USA that electric cars can not go to, period, there is just
not enough charging systems in the USA for it to ever work.
Things are not going right it is all ("Jewish Supremacism"). ;
Also Europe bans Harmful Vaccines and Pharma Drugs linked
to Mental ******, Autism, and gives you at least the
right to display a White Nationalism Symbol without being
Critisized, Mobbed, Attacked by Communist ("AntiFA-BLM"). ;
You do not see Woke LGBTQ BLM ANTIFA Queers in other countries,
because they do not tolarte that Talmudic Zionist C*** ... ;
Nirvgorilla had Three Flaws, Believed in the Fake Holocaust,
Believed the Masks and Vaccines Worked on COVID, Believed
Global Warming was Man Made and Happening, I can call him
a D*** Q**** for believing in those stupid things ... ;
The Literally Put Plastics and Pesticides in the Food,
and Fluoride in the Water and Other Toxic Ingredients in
the Fake Food to Disable Telepathy and Control The Population,
when we know that there are Speech Bans such as Holocaust
Denial Laws in Sixteen Different Countries thus proving the
Brainwashing or Indoctrination to be Working also all the
Green Movement Climate Change Agendas then to be pushed on
Society, thus showing the brainwashing is working and one
single implementation of The RIOT act on someone in history
who stood up for himself and utilized the First Amendment,
when really that shows what everybody is doing, sitting
on the TV, Unhealthy, Out of Shape, Couch Potato, Not
Doing Jack Nothing for the cause of Globalism or Zionism,
And the Globalist Book is The Talmud, People sit inside their
Homes Doing Jack Nothing, instead of demonstrating, and if
they did, they would just then implement the RIOT act like
the Globalists and Talmudic Zionists have always done. ;
("Zersetzung, COINTELPRO 2.0, Stasis Decomposition") ;
If you have Autism, LOLCOW, Differences, Non Linear,
or Holotropic Thought, You were harder for the EST to
Brainwash, so they then Put you on a Patriot Act WL,
to be Organized Stalked Gang Stalked by Freemasons AND
The Sheriff's Department, It is so d*** old and everyone
knows it and says ("The Gangstalking and stuff.") or
("Nothin' that I am not aware of") it is just so d*** old
people who failed school and repeated a bunch of grades
are Commie Liberal Democrats and decided it would be a
good idea to stalk harass someone all hours of the day
seven days a week and call anybody a ("Conspiracy Buff")
for mentioning ("Zersetzung, COINTELPRO, MKULTRA, Stasis")
so it gets kinda old, we all know what it is, that telepathy
is used to do all of the stalking aka Remote Viewing, that
Perps are paid in gift cards to stalk and harass people, and
basically psychologically terrorize weak people with random
black bag jobs, and it only works on some people so they end
up escalating the stalking to heavy harassment Death Threats.
Nine Nine Nine Hertz Search That and you get good quality music
that works great as a Jammer Frequency That is God Above
God ... ;
If you want c******* music take any kinzadza track, slow it
to Zero Point Eight to Zero Point Six and you get hidden
audio ... ;
I use those as template tracks, then add some Theta Isochronic
Tones ... ;
Vaporwave is kind of h*** and overrated, Classical is best,
Maybe Wagner is
the only good classical as that is indifference, House is just
too much ... ;
Music today is mostly ****, you have those Nine Six Three Nine
Nine Nine
Five Two Eight Four Three Two of Four Four Four type tracks all
online ... ;
If you want to know why rap is c*** and so is other music, just
that simple
Talmudic Zionist Jews Destroyed the Industry, No Contest, Music
Today is not
Tuned by the Four Three Two Scale instead it is Four Fourty
Scale so it then is
C*** and not worth listening to, Ho'Oponopono International at
least uses four
three two scaling in their prayer track if you look them up,
those are good.
Ho'Oponopono is an Old Hawaiin Track that is tuned in Four
Three Two Scale ... ;
This is the Header EOF of this one ... ;
Www*windows93*net*copy*sh*anotepad*com. ;
Mapping The Schumann Earth Resonance as a
Polycomposite Sine Tone Set. ("Galculator, bc -l.") ;
* 7.831+7.831 ... ; * 43.5+7.831 ... ;
* 174+7.831 ... ; * 285+7.831 ... ;
* 396+7.831 ... ; * 417+7.831 ... ;
* 528+7.831 ... ; * 639+7.831 ... ;
* 741+7.831 ... ; * 852+7.831 ... ;
* 963+7.831 ... ; * NOT USING 999 EVER ... ;
* 15.662,51.331,181.831,292.831,403.831,424.831,
* 535.831,646.831,748.831,859.831,970.831, Audacity,
* Adobe Auditions, Any Editing Softare, Arch Linux,
* LUKS, Virtualbox, ("Five Min One AMP SINE 48K 96KBPS MP3.") ;
* ("Polycomposite7831.mp3 3.6 - MiB.") ... ;
* Web*archive*org/Files*catbox*moe/14b0sg.mp3 ;
* Web*archive*org/Files*catbox*moe/14b0sg.mp3 ;
* Here is an Archive of Sunvox, Baudline, Tor Browser ... ;
* Web*archive*org/
Warmplace*ru/soft/sunvox/ ... ;
Baudline*com/baudline_1.08_linux_i686.tar.gz ... ;
Baudline*com/baudline_1.08_linux_x86_64.tar.gz ... ;
tor-browser-linux-x86_64-13.0.10.tar.xz ... ;
* DuckDuckGoCom > ("Lubuntu 1804")("Virtualbox")("LUKS") ... ;
* Here is an Archive of Sunvox, Baudline, Tor Browser ... ;
* ("Talmudic Zionists Jews Control The Press & Internet.") ;
This is the Footer EOF of this one ... ;
Www*windows93*net*copy*sh*anotepad*com. ;
--Scott Alan Barry , Atheist Holocaust Denier Arch Linux User
LUKS Dunce ... ;
--Scott Alan Barry , Atheist Holocaust Denier Arch Linux User
LUKS Dunce ... ;
--Scott Alan Barry , Atheist Holocaust Denier Arch Linux User
LUKS Dunce ... ;
This is The First Footer EOF of all of this Useless Drivel That
I Wrote ... ;
This is The Second Footer EOF of all of this Useless Drivel
That I Wrote ... ;
This is The Third Footer EOF of all of this Useless Drivel That
I Wrote ... ;
This is The Fourth Footer EOF of all of this Useless Drivel
That I Wrote ... ;
This is The Fifth Footer EOF of all of this Useless Drivel That
I Wrote ... ;
This is The Sixth Footer EOF of all of this Useless Drivel That
I Wrote ... ;

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