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Q1: In 1989 Barbara C.

Harris became the first woman to reach this rank in the Episcopal

The crrect Answer is: bishop

Q2: It's Spanish for "house"; come on over, "mi" "es su"?

The crrect Answer is: casa

Q3: In a 2001 "SNL" skit this Yankees shortstop appeared in drag as his double-play
partner's wife Candy Soriano?

The crrect Answer is: Derek Jeter

Q4: Every 5 years, not 10, the National Agricultural Statistics Service takes this count of
farms & farmers?

The crrect Answer is: the census

Q5: From looking at P.P.G. Place in Pittsburgh, you won't be surprised that the "P.G." stands
for this material?

The crrect Answer is: plate glass

Q6: The scientific name of the "mute" type is Cygnus olor?

The crrect Answer is: Swan

Q7: A hemophobe might avoid a doctor's office because he's afraid of this?

The crrect Answer is: blood

Q8: Pavonazzo & carrara are both popular types of this material for sculpting?

The crrect Answer is: marble

Q9: A 14-line poem in iambic pentameter?

The crrect Answer is: a sonnet

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