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Q1: The unusual thing Jimmy Piersall did after hitting his 100th career homer in 1963?

The crrect Answer is: ran the bases running backwards

Q2: Talleyrand resigned from this emperor's service in 1807 & began intriguing against

The crrect Answer is: Napoleon

Q3: Evan Kim, a former tae kwon do champion, plays Dirty Harry's new partner in this 1988

The crrect Answer is: <i>The Dead Pool</i>

Q4: The nation's oldest law school was founded in 1779 at this Virginia college?

The crrect Answer is: William & Mary

Q5: Oprah Winfrey co-owns The Eccentric in this city, & Oprah's potatoes are featured on
the menu?

The crrect Answer is: Chicago

Q6: After winning the 2014 World Cup, German soccer star Mesut Ozil paid for the surgeries
of 23 children in this host country?

The crrect Answer is: Brazil

Q7: It's the difference in the number of U.S. states in 2020 vs. the number of U.S. states in

The crrect Answer is: 37

Q8: This photo book featuring a not-so-reverent Madonna coincided with the release of her
"Erotica" album?
The crrect Answer is: <i>Sex</i>

Q9: "Don't cross" one of these "til you come to it"?

The crrect Answer is: a bridge

Q10: On "The Big Bang Theory", Sheldon uses it to indicate a joke; I think it'll work for me to
mean "correct"?

The crrect Answer is: bazinga

Q11: Order a "pig's ear" if you want this beverage, old chap?

The crrect Answer is: a beer

Q12: It makes sense that la carte mà ¨re is this component?

The crrect Answer is: the motherboard

Q13: It means gray, usually when referring to hair?

The crrect Answer is: grizzled (or grizzly)

Q14: Carl Sagan defined this word as "the opposite of chaos"?

The crrect Answer is: cosmos

Q15: Describes me if Angelina Jolie ever needs any help: ready, ___ & able?

The crrect Answer is: willing

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