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Questions 1-10 Points 1x20=20

Questions 1-4Complete the notes below :Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer :

Notes on sports club

Example Answer
Name of club : Kingswell
Facilities available : Golf
1. ………………………………………………….
2. ………………………………………………….
Classes available : Kick-boxing
3. …………………………………………………..
Additional facility : 4. ………………………………………………….. (restaurant opening soon)

Questions 5-8Complete the table below :Write NO MORE THAN TWO NUMBERS for each answer :
Type Use of facilities Cost of classes Times Joining fee Annual subscription
GOLD All Free Any time £250 5. £. …………
SILVER All 6. £………… From 7…….to………. £225 £300
BRONZE Restricted £3 From 10:30 to 3:30 £50 8. £ ………….
weekdays only

Questions 9 and 10 Complete the sentences below : Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer :

9. To join the centre, you need to book an instructor’s …………………………………………… .

10. To book a trial session, speak to David …………………………………. (0458 95311).

Questions 11-20

Question 11-16 What change has been made to each part of the theatre?
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 11-16.

Part of the theatre

11. box office ………………………… A doubled in number
B given separate entrance
12. shop …………………………
C reduced in number
13. ordinary seats ………………………… D increased in number
E replaced
14. seats for wheelchair users …………………………
F strengthened
15. lifts ………………………… G temporarily closed
16. dressing rooms …………………………

Questions 17-20
Complete the table below : Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer :
Play Dates Starting time Tickets available Price
Royal Hunt of the Sun October 13 to th
18 ……………………………pm For 19 ………………………… 20 £...............................
17 ………………………….. and …………………………….
Total : 110 minutes / Grammar & Vocabulary – 40 min, Reading – 30 min, Composition – 40 min /
Time : 10 minutes / Points : 10
Part 1 : Choose and circle the letter A, B, C or D which bests fits each space :
1. Many countries have ___________ compulsory military service.
A. aborted B. absconded C. abolished D. abstracted
2. Media reports on the outcome of military intervention often _____________ the true facts.
A. divert B. detract C. depose D. distort
3. He gave her a mischievous ______________ as she handed him his order.
A. peer B. peep C. wink D. blink
4. Despite their initial objections, we soon _____________ them all playing football together.
A. made B. had C. organized D. persuaded
5. We may win, we may lose – it’s just the _____________ of the draw!
A. strike B. odds C. chance D. luck
6. You are under no obligation to help as assistance is purely _______________.
A. free B. voluntary C. charitable D. donated
7. Trespassers will be _________________ .
A. perpetrated B. persecuted C. proscribed D. prosecuted
8. War is _______________ as open-armed conflict between countries or factions within countries.
A. delineated B. declared C. defaulted D. defined
9. I hope you won’t take it _____________ if I suggest an alternative remedy.
A. offence B. amiss C. upset D. heart
10. Claims for compensation could ______________ run into billions of pounds.
A. far B. much C. well D. most

Part 2 Time : 10 minutes / Points : 10

Read the text below and fill in the word that best fits each space. Use only ONE word in each space :

The skies around the world’s airports are becoming more and more crowded. One result of this is ‘near misses’, incidents
where two aircrafts almost crash into each other, seem to (1) …………………… increasing. Ministry of Transport officials are currently
studying a report of one near-miss at London Airport, (2)………………………. a jumbo jet flew so low over houses (3)…………………… eye-
witnesses could see the terrified expressions on the passengers’ faces!
The pilot of the plane (4) ………………………………. so nearly crashed remained calm and managed to avoid what could (5)
…………………………. been a disaster. One (6) ………………… the plane’s four engines stopped just after the jumbo jet (7)……………………….
taken off. Air traffic controllers received (8)……………………. emergency call and then saw the jumbo disappear. Everyone thought a
crash (9)………………. inevitable.
Actually, the pilot had put the three working engines on full speed in order to get high (10)………………………. to drop most of the
plane’s heavy load of fuel. This enabled him to reach the safer height of 350 meters.

Part 3 Time : 10 minutes / Points : 10

Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct and some have a word which should not be there.
If the line is correct, put a tick () in the space provided. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space
provided. Two examples are given :

It sounds like the plot of a film, but it is the true story of how 0 
a boy who aged 12 went on a 10-day spending spree at Disneyland 00 who .
Paris, spending his parents’ money on other children he met up, 1. ____________
hiring with a chauffeur-driven car and sleeping in a luxury hotel. 2. ____________
The Parisian, who has been identified himself only by his first 3. ____________
name, Lamine, spent over 40,000 francs enjoying himself until he 4. ____________
amazed security guards at the theme park finally asked to the 5. ____________
police to investigate. Lamine turned it out to be an experienced 6. ____________
runaway with a serious spending habit. This was the third time he 7. ____________
had been run away from his home to visit Disneyland, Paris. 8. ____________
Knowing the cost of the attractions at Disneyland, Lamine had 9. ____________
pocketed 70,000 francs which his parents had in cash at their home. 10. ____________
Part 4 Time : 5 minutes / Points : 5
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Use up to five words.
Do not change the word given.
1. Predicting the weather is sometimes difficult.
It can _________________________________________________________________________ the weather.
2. Joe was on the point of going home when Julie finally arrived.
Joe was _______________________________________________________________ when Julie finally arrived.
3. Mandy is excited about going to Greece on holiday.
Mandy __________________________________________________________________to Greece on holiday.
4. We had to wait so long that we got fed up and left.
We had to wait ______________________________________________________ that we got fed up and left.
5. It wasn’t my intention to embarrass you.
I ______________________________________________________________________________________ you.

Part 5 Time : 5 minutes / Points : 5

Read the text and then use the word in capital letters to form a word which fits in the gap. An example is given.
One of the biggest problems faced by the youth of today is (0) unemployment. For those who have never worked at all, finding a job is
(1)________________________ difficult. And although the government has introduced a (2) ________________________ of schemes,
none have been particularly (3)________________________. Despite (4)________________________ incentives, employers have
continued to show a (5) ________________________ for workers who have work experience.


Part A Time : 30 minutes / Points : 20
Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence and write the letter A, B, C or D in the space provided.
1. The film is __________ based on a true story, but most of it is fiction.
A. loosely B. casually C. faintly D. lightly
2. Unfortunately, the clerk __________ to tell me that the ticket I bought was not valid before 9 am.
A. ignored B. disregarded C. omitted D. missed
3. It was with __________ regret that we left the village in which we had lived happily for so many years.
A. deep B. full C. keen D. passionate
4. Joan has always had a tendency to __________ the importance of minor problems.
A. overrate B. exaggerate C. multiply D. heighten
5. They started the business in __________ of making a lot of money quickly, but things didn’t work out that way.
A. expectation B. belief C. certainty D. likelihood
6. Police have not revealed the __________ details of the case.
A. full B. total C. whole D. sheer
7. She set __________ to write a short novel, but it got longer and longer as she wrote it.
A. up B. in C. out D. about
8. In __________ of value for money, this is the best car I’ve ever bought.
A. sense B. light C. terms D. regards
9. The cast __________ several times and then left the stage to wild applause.
A. bowed B. ducked C. crouched D. stooped
10. Competition winners will be selected at __________ from a bag containing all correct entries.
A. muddle B. random C. fluke D. disarray
11. The pilot spoke to the passengers to __________ their fears when the plane entered a storm.
A. allay B. deter C. soothe D. placate
12. Then he started out on what __________ to be a very eventful journey.
A. proved B. arose C. turned D. developed
13. I think you’re being __________ pessimistic and that you’ll do better than you expect.
A. additionally B. abundantly C. unduly D. worthlessly
14. Losses have forced the company to __________ 1000 of its workers.
A. lay off B. take away C. set apart D. lose out

Part B
Choose from sentences A-H the one which fits each gap in the article. There is one sentence that does not fit anywhere.
An example is given.
TV Heaven or TV Hell?
There’s good news if you’re a real TV addict: sit down and prepare for the revolution that’s coming to your TV screen very soon. Your
idea of TV heaven might, at the moment, be your favorite soap opera or quiz show, followed by a big sporting event and a late night
movie, but that’s nothing compared with what’s to come.
Forget television as you know it today. [0-H] Within the next few years, thanks to the new digital technology – the television
equivalent of changing from black vinyl records to CDs – you can expect seven or eight more terrestrial channels, over a hundred new
satellite channels and possibly dozens of cable channels.
[15 - ] The real revolution of the future is in ‘interactive’ TV, which will put viewers in control of what they see in ways that have only
been dreamt of. Suppose, from the comfort of your own sitting room, you could watch a sports event from any of the seats in a
stadium, change the actions of characters in soap operas or TV dramas, or talk to distant friends as though they were sitting next to
Instead of going to the local school, for example, children will be able to ‘attend’ lessons on TV. [16 - ] You’ll also be able to buy
whatever you want from TV, where every kind of shop, from department stores to specialist shops, will offer a full range of goods and
services. Most of the technology needed for these developments already exists. At the centre of this TV revolution is the so-called
‘information superhighway’– a worldwide computer network. It’s the ultimate in electronic communication. [17 - ]Eventually the
superhighway will replace conventional telephone networks and deliver entertainment to your home as well.
Another major change to expect is in the traditional cube shape of the television itself. [18 - ] And instead of several remote controls
for the TV, the video recorder and the CD player, you will have a single unit which will control every part of a home entertainment
system. Eventually you will be able to control all these systems simply by using your voice – in other words, by speaking. [19 - ]
So, with all this technology, will you ever want to leave the house again? [20 - ]Probably not. Tomorrow’s TV will be interactive, so
you will have to work hard at it, whether you’re learning something new or taking part in the entertainment. Whatever happens, it is
certain that people will continue to need contact with other human beings. So TV Heaven or TV Hell? It’s your choice.

A This could make learning just as enjoyable as playing video games.

B Soon there will be flat screens as big as your living-room wall.
C Could high-tech TV create an unemployable generation content to lie around in front of the ‘box’?
D However, more choice is only the beginning of the transformation.
E Everyone will be able to get in touch with everyone else, instantly.
F Within the next ten years, for example, Britain is expected to have at least 6.5 million homes with cable TV.
G If you talk to the TV as you would talk to an intelligent child, it will obey you.
H First, get ready for an explosion in the number of television channels.

Time : 40 minutes / Points : 10
Describe an event that changed your attitude to something. Write your answer in 350 words in an appropriate style.

Time : 6 minutes / Points 10
Answer the following questions.

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